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1. Gao XingJian - ZoomInfo Business Information Beijing Rongbaozhai Xingjian, Li Society of Fine Arts Exchanges of the East. Xingjian, Gao Tsunami Theatre Company http://www.zoominfo.com/people/XingJian_Gao_472771031.aspx |
2. Gao Xingjian, Associate Artistic Director, Tsunami Theatre Company XingJian, Gao Yangtze Repertory Theatre Xingjian, Li Society of Fine Arts Exchanges of the East. Xingjian, Zhu http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Xingjian_Gao_894838741.aspx |
3. Xingjian Gao Books - List Of Books By Xingjian Gao Discount prices on books by Xingjian Gao, Of Mountains and Seas A Tragicomedy of the Gods in Three Acts, The Case for Literature, El libro de un hombre solo/ The Book of the http://www.allbookstores.com/author/Xingjian_Gao.html |
4. Xingjian Gao - ANobii Xingjian Gao reviews from readers. Also includes book price, book ratings, book discussions, book forums, book cover, book publication details. Also known as Xingjian Gao. http://www.anobii.com/contributors/Xingjian_Gao/129736/language/1/ |
5. Xingjian Gao - Artist, Art - Xingjian Gao Xingjian Gao AskART art price guide for Xingjian Gao and 96,000+ American artists Xingjian Gao fine art prices, auction results, auction images, value art, art appraisal http://www.askart.com/askart/g/xingjian_gao/xingjian_gao.aspx |
6. Soul Mountain A Struggle To The Top - Xingjian Gao And Mabel Lee Xingjian Gao and Mabel Lee Soul Mountain - User Rating 5 stars. Review Summary Writing fewer than thirty words about this book is past absurd. If you want to know anything http://www.epinions.com/review/Soul_Mountain_by_Xingjian_Gao/content_20238339716 |
7. Gao Xingjian Quotes A collection of quotes attributed to Chinese author Gao Xingjian. Everybody can write poetry, just like everybody knows how to make love. http://notable-quotes.com/x/xingjian_gao.html |
8. Gao Xingjian - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Gao Xingjian (born January 4, 1940) is a Chineseborn novelist, playwright, critic, and painter. An migr to France since 1987, Gao was granted French citizenship in 1997. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gao_Xingjian |
9. Buy Soul Mountain Book By Xingjian Gao (9780060936235) At Borders Buy Soul Mountain (Book) by Xingjian Gao (9780060936235) Venerable Daoist masters, Buddhist nuns, mythical Wild Men, and deadly Qichun snakes populate this bold, lyrical novel http://www.borders.com.au/book/soul-mountain/20297/ |
10. Gao Xingjian Breve biograf a y bibliogr fica del autor chino. http://epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=2449 |
11. Xingjian, Gao - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Xingjian, Gao Chineseborn French novelist, dramatist, and artist. Gao Xingjian's writings reflect his views as a political activist and supporter of human rights. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Xingjian, Gao |
12. Review-a-Day - One Mans Bible By Xingjian Gao, Reviewed By Salon If Gao Xingjian, author of the fictionalized memoir One Man's Bible, worships at the altar of any god, that god is freedom freedom to love, freedom to explore, freedom to express http://www.powells.com/review/2003_02_28.html |
13. Gao Xingjuan Premio Nobel De Literatura 2000 Breve semblanza biogr fica del autor chino. http://redescolar.ilce.edu.mx/redescolar/biblioteca/literatura/special/nobel2000 |
14. Xingjian, Gao - Definition Of Xingjian, Gao By The Free Online Gao Xing jian (gou sh ng jy n) Born 1940. Chineseborn writer whose works include the play Bus Stop (1983) and the novel Soul Mountain (1999). He won the 2000 Nobel Prize for literature http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Xingjian, Gao |
15. Xingjian, Gao F rel sningen Litteraturens existensber ttigande som f rfattaren h ll i samband med mottagandet av Nobelpriset r 2000. http://www.svenskaakademien.se/Templates/Article1.aspx?PageID=cbf98f12-7fd8-4c04 |
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17. Xingjian, Gao Definition Of Xingjian, Gao In The Free Online Gao Xingjian (gou` shĭing`jy n`), 1940–, ChineseFrench novelist and playwright, b. Ganzhou. He earned (1962) a degree in French in Beijing and embarked upon a literary life http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Xingjian, Gao |
18. Xingjian Gao LibraryThing Books by Xingjian Gao Soul Mountain, One Man's Bible, Buying a Fishing Rod for My Grandfather Stories, The Other Shore, The Case for Literature, Return to Painting, Snow in http://www.librarything.com/author/gaoxingjian |
19. Xingjian Gao - Artist, Art - Xingjian Gao Research, buy and sell fine art. AskART features international artists, art works for sale and wanted, galleries/dealers, auction results, auction prices and auction images. http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/biography.aspx?artist=11148501 |
20. XINGJIAN, GAO All His Books And Works In His Libreria House Of It buys all the books of XINGJIAN, GAO home of the Book, your space of sale of books.Buy books in your online bookshop of confidence. http://www.casadellibro.com/libros/xingjian-gao/xingjian32gao/en_gb |
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