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61. Trivia Quizzes, Facts, Daily & Hourly Games (123Facts.com) It is the Age of Technology Acronyms! (General Computing Quiz Questions) The Golden Age of Computer Technology is trivia questions, facts and quizzes http://www.123facts.com/play-quiz/It-is-the-Age-of-Technology-Acronyms-1062.html | |
62. Internet Acronyms Dictionary Definitions of most of the used terms. http://www.gaarde.org/acronyms/ | |
63. Chat Acronyms List of acronyms used in email, chat, and instant messaging. http://www.sharpened.net/glossary/acronyms.php | |
64. CDIA Center Acronyms And Abbreviations Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center indexed list. http://cdiac.ornl.gov/pns/acronyms.html | |
65. BABEL: A Glossary Of Computer Related Abbreviations And Acronyms A glossary of computer science and internet acronyms. http://www.cs.tut.fi/tlt/stuff/misc/babel.html | |
66. V.E.R.A. - Virtual Entity Of Relevant Acronyms List of computer acronyms, with cross references. http://cgi.snafu.de/ohei/user-cgi-bin/veramain-e.cgi | |
67. Military Acronyms, Initialisms, And Abbreviations Indexed online database of military shorthand terms. http://www.fas.org/news/reference/lexicon/acronym.htm |
68. Treatment Of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Assessment Of The Evidence An Assessment of the Evidence Appendix E Acronyms The list of general acronyms is followed by a list of outcome measure acronyms. GENERAL ACRONYM http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11955&page=195 |
69. Common Acronyms In NMR Spectroscopy A short list of NMR terms and their definitions. http://nmrpc.harvard.edu/acronyms.htm |
70. The DCIF Acronym Page A list of NMR acronyms from MIT. http://web.mit.edu/speclab/www/Facility/nmr_acro.html | |
71. Acronym Finder - UT Southwestern Medical Center Library Abbreviations and Acronyms General Reference Searchable database of common abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms about all http://www4.utsouthwestern.edu/library/links/popupDescription.cfm?linkid=1711 |
72. The Largest Database Of Acronyms And Abbreviations On The Web Definitions in multiple languages. http://www.acronyma.com/ | |
73. Astra Merck Alumni - Favorite Acronyms? (General) 2 years, 6 months ago by astramerckalum Who can remember all the wacky acronymns we had at AMI? I think my favorites were PIES team (for Product Information Education and Services http://www.astramerckalumni.com/forum/thread/4/ | |
74. AL6400.com - Internet Acronyms A list of commonly used Internet acronyms including usage examples during conversations. http://www.al6400.com/resources/acronyms.shtml | |
75. Reef Aquarium Lighting - 3reef Forums Reef Tank Lighting First some definitions and acronyms. General Category Ballast – the device that provides the proper starting voltage for ignition, http://www.3reef.com/forums/reef-aquarium-articles-how-tos/reef-aquarium-lightin |
76. Ollie Clark's Acronym Dictionary A searchable dictionary of email, news and online chat acronyms. http://www.ollieclark.com/acronyms/index.shtml | |
77. General | Likwid Games Play Free online games! New games daily! Multiplayer, Sports, Puzzle, RPG, Action games, Adventure and Flash games. http://www.likwidgames.com/forum/thread.php?id=31&postID=4216 |
78. Sigles Et Acronymes Dictionnaire de sigles et acronymes. Recherche directe ou organis e par rubriques th matiques. http://www.sigles-et-acronymes.com | |
79. Abbreviations From D To H Abbreviations And Expansions Abbreviations And Acronym India, Latest General Knowledge India, Important Abbreviations, GK Abbreviation, Abbreviations in India, EMF Abbreviation, HAL Abbreviation, Abbreviations and Acronyms, General http://www.winentrance.com/General_Knowledge/Miscellaneous/Abbreviations-D-H.htm |
80. Chat Language Internet chat acronyms and smilies and other symbols. http://uscash.net/tips/chat.html | |
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