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1. The Cambridge History Of The Cold War - Cambridge University Press Adams, John Quincy (US president) Addou, Abdullahi (Somalian ambassador to United States) Adenauer, Konrad (West German chancellor) II.167. 1953 election victory http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521837200&ss=in |
2. Archival Resources In Wisconsin: Descriptive Finding Aids Adams, John Quincy US President Confirms 1828 January 9 37 Aird, James Estate 1827 May 15 35 Aird, James Estate 1826 May 10 28 Alexander, H. Defendant 1830 October 6 http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi/f/findaid/findaid-idx?c=wiarchives;cc=wiarc |
3. US Presidents Adams, John Quincy US President (6) 07/11 /1767 02/23 /1848 Jackson, Andrew US President (7) 03/15 /1767 06/08 /1845 Van Buren, Martin US President (8), VP (8) http://www.born-today.com/Today/pres.htm | |
4. Biographies Home Abigail Adams will always be remembered as a patriot, First Lady, wife of one President, and mother of another. Mar 16, 2006, 0938 A D Adams, John http://www.classbrain.com/artbiographies/publish/index.shtml | |
5. Connecticut State Library History And Genealogy Biography Vertical File ADAMS, John Quincy (US President) ADAMS, Leonie B. ADAMS, Mary ADAMS, (PAPERS)* ADAMS, Robert L. ADLER, Sigmund ADORNO, Joseph A. AFFACHINER, Rebecca Gertrude http://www.cslib.org/biogvert.htm | |
6. A - D Abigail Adams will always be remembered as a patriot, First Lady, wife of one President, and mother of another. Mar 16, 2006, 0938 A D Adams, John http://www.classbrain.com/artbiographies/publish/cat_index_5.shtml | |
7. Edgar Allan Poe Society Of Baltimore - Subject Index (holder Only) Adams, John Quincy (US President) (17671848) • In Autography (1836) Allan, John (Poe's foster father) • Brief biography of JA (with a portrait) • Letters from http://eapoe.org/subjidx.htm |
8. The Cambridge History Of American Literature - Cambridge University Press Adams, John Quincy (US President) 36, 68, 332; comic verse 32–3, (“To Sally”) 32, (“The Wants of Man”) 32–3; First Address to the Congress (1825) 369 http://www.cambridge.org/asia/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521301084&ss= |
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