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1. POZ - January/February #161 : Adoption Issues - By Glenn Townes POZ chronicles the HIV epidemic, both in the States and overseas. Supports AIDS healthcare providers and empowers patients through publications, seminars and educational programs. http://www.poz.com/articles/hiv_adoption_issues_2427_17795.shtml | |
2. Post-Adoption Issues PostAdoption Issues - Adopting Family Resources was created by the caring people at Adoption Services to help you find everything from financial grants from the government if http://www.adoptingfamilyresources.com/adopting/adopting_post_adoption_issues.ht | |
3. Adoption Issues - Adoption Information Resource Center Support Services Articles and resources to help families of adopted children or parents relating to many of the issues surrounding adoption. Here you will find support for parents and children http://www.adoptionissues.org/ | |
4. Adoption Issues From A Strengths Perspective National newsmagazine committed to enhancing the entire social work profession by exploring its difficult issues, new challenges, proud past, and current successes. http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/070708p34.shtml | |
5. From An Adoptee's Point Of View... Information on coercive adoption from a native adoptee. http://whisperingeagle.tripod.com/whisperingeagleshome/id1.html | |
6. Lifelong Issues In Adoption Lifelong Issues in Adoption. By Deborah N. Silverstein and Sharon Kaplan. Adoption is a lifelong, intergenerational process which unites the triad of birth families, adoptees and http://www.fairfamilies.org/newsfromfair/1999/99LifelongIssues.htm | |
7. ISSUES OF ADOPTION Facilitators Laws Parental Rights Relinquishment Time to Revoke Fraud Scams Interstate Adoption Issues to Consider Adoption Language Attachment Bonding Disabled Parents http://www.adoption.org/adopt/issues-of-adoption.php | |
8. Lifelong Issues In Adoption - Discusses seven lifelong issues that the birthfamily, adoptive family, and adoptee must all face. http://library.adoption.com/articles/lifelong-issues-in-adoption.html | |
9. Austin Travis Co MHMR A second class of issues to be addressed involves deciding what to say about the adoption to family, friends, coworkers, and the child him or herself. http://resources.atcmhmr.com/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=10060&cn=11 |
10. Six Nations Adoptees Search and support for adoptees, birth parents and birth siblings of the Iroquois Nations. http://bodhipines.com/6nations/ |
11. What Adoption Issues To Expect At Different Ages (from Infancy-adult) - Please fill out the following optional information before submitting your rating Email Comment http://www.adopting.org/expect.html |
12. Webkinz™ - Account And Adoption Issues Webkinz the stuffed animal that comes alive online in Webkinz World. Keep your pet happy and healthy and build a home for it with our cool furniture. Play online with your http://www.webkinz.com/us_en/faq_account.html |
13. MY FIRST NATIONS PAGE Information for native adoptees searching for birth family, as well as adoption and genealogy links. http://members.tripod.com/~SkyatDawn/index-4.html | |
14. NPR Personality Pens Book About Familys Adoption Experiences He also has spoken to Kiwanis, the Salvation Army and church groups. Labels international, Russia, orphanages, special_needs. Posted By Adoption Issues 1 Comment http://www.adoptionissues.org/blog/ | |
15. Adoption Issues - Glitter Girl And Twinkle Toes The other day at a GG function one of the other moms said “who’s this?” and pointed to me. Twinkletoes said “mama” and the other mom said, “Do you love your mama?” http://chinaadopttalk.com/ggandtt/category/adoptionissues/ | |
16. Southern Manitoba First Nations Repatriation Program Reuniting First Nations adoptees (including those in long-term foster care) with their birth families. http://www.wrcfs.org/repat/ | |
17. Adoption Ethics And Issues Resources, articles and commentaries on adoption ethics and issues http://cambodia.oggham.com/ | |
18. International Adoption Issues | LIVESTRONG.COM International Adoption Issues. Approximately onefourth of all adoptions by American parents are international adoptions, according to Dr. Spock. This means that the child http://www.livestrong.com/article/80395-international-adoption-issues/ |
19. Black Market Adoption Article on the illicit adoption of Navajo children. http://freepages.misc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~msroots/BMA/BMGEN3.htm | |
20. FORUM ON ADOPTION ISSUES Striking a Balance Media Reporting of Adoption Issues Wednesday, March 31 1999 Ramapo College of New Jersey http://www.adoptioninstitute.org/proed/forum99.html | |
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