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41. FAEA. FAEA, Federation of Adult Education Associations. http//www.faea.es. FAEA is a non profit State ambit - Social initiative organization dedicated to promote a critical http://www.faea.es/english/g2_interculturality.php | |
42. ICC International Language Network / NGO - Germany For more information please check the telc website http://www.icc-languages.eu/germany.php |
43. UEA Online: The Home Page Of The Utah Education Association UEA is pleased to announce that utea.org has now moved to myUEA.org. At myUEA.org youâll find an all new site that is more dynamic and userfriendly. http://www.utea.org/ |
44. CARCAE - Historical Development The Caribbean Regional Council for Adult Education is the umbrella body for Adult Education Associations in the Caribbean http://carcae.tripod.com/history.html | |
45. Grants Net UK: Adult Education For Adult Education Associations. Support for the maintenance and development of Adult Education Associations to organise aprogramme of adult education classes and programmes. http://www.grantsnet.co.uk/grantdetail.asp?grantID=930 |
46. Statistics, Research And Development - Kulturradet The Arts Council monitors and analyses developments in the cultural sphere and, where there are problems or where reform is necessary, keeps the government informed. http://www.kulturradet.se/en/In-English/Statistics1/ |
47. Guide To The Adult Education Conference Catalog Collection At The California Adu Guide to the Adult Education Conference Catalog Collection at the California Adult Education Archives http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt709nf1db/ | |
48. Globalisation Councel For Prime Minister - Dansk Folkeoplysnings SamrĂ„d This is the globalisation advice from the adult education associations to the Prime Minister and the Danish parliament âthe Folketingâ in connection with its adoption of a http://www.dfs.dk/inenglish/globalisation/globalisationcouncelforprimeminister.a | |
49. ALADIN By Alphabet Areas of Specialization Adult education, Nonformal education. User Profile Adult education associations; adult education authorities. Contact Information http://www.unesco.org/education/aladin/?menuitem=16&letter=I&member=45 |
50. To The Prime Minister's Office Using adult education associations to bridge the gap between people and their elected representatives is one step on the way to achieving greater popular support for EU issues. http://www.studieforbunden.se/Pdf/Remisser/2008/lissabon_eng_2008.pdf |
51. List Of Higher Education Associations And Organizations In The United States - W This is a list of higher education associations and organizations in the United States of America. These are groups relevant to the structure of higher education in the United http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_higher_education_associations_and_organizat | |
52. Grant Aid - Dundee City Council Adult Education Fund (Adult Education Associations) (75KB PDF) Form for use by Adult Education Associations applying for grants from the Adult Education Fund. http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/leisurecomms/grantaid/ | |
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