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21. RaceandHistory.com - BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA The earliest people in the Americas were people of the Negritic African race, who entered the Americas perhaps as early as 100,000 years ago http://www.raceandhistory.com/historicalviews/ancientamerica.htm | |
22. African History On The Internet - Kingdoms And Ancient Civilizations African kingdoms and ancient civilizations. African Indigenous Knowledge Systems Dr. Gloria Emeagwali, Professor of History, Central Connecticut State University http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/history/hisking.html | |
23. Teach The Children Well-Social Studies Zoom School Africa Ancient Civilizations Aboriginal Art and Culture Ancient and Lost Civilizations Ancient Art Ancient China Ancient China at Kidipede http://www.teachthechildrenwell.com/social.html | |
24. Sea Creatures Introduced Species Biomes The Vietnam Era Author Magazine Project U.S. History Resources Chemical Reactions Bioethics Poetry Africa Ancient Civilizations http://www.cayermedia.com/seacreatures.htm | |
25. Wisconsin Geography | ECB Surf Report Africa; Ancient Civilizations; Black History; Castles; Democracy; Elections; Explorers; Financial Literacy; Fur Trade; Geography; Holidays; Holocaust; Labor History; Middle East http://www.ecb.org/surf/ | |
26. AP US History Introduced Species Biomes The Vietnam Era Author Magazine Project U.S. History Resources Chemical Reactions Bioethics Poetry Africa Ancient Civilizations http://www.cayermedia.com/apus.htm |
27. Quia - Spanish Quia Web allows users to create and share online educational activities in dozens of subjects, including Spanish. http://www.quia.com/shared/spanish/ | |
28. AP World History - Maps Africa. Ancient Civilizations/Kingdoms; Spread of Islam; Swahili Coast; Atlantic Slave Trade; Scramble for Africa 1914; Independence Movements - Post WWII http://mrburnett.net/apworldhistory/timeelapsemaps.htm | |
29. Valley Crossing Community School - Student Resources Africa; Ancient Civilizations; Animals; Art Music; Authors, Illustrators, Books; Cities, States, Countries; Civil War; Communities; Geography History http://www.vc.k12.mn.us/studentresources/studentresources.php | |
30. Quia - Shared Activities Search by Keywords Activity type http://www.quia.com/shared/search?adv_search=true&tagFromShared=true |
31. Foundations Of Aksumite Civilization And Its Christian Legacy (1st–7th Century) UNESCO International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa. Ancient Civilizations of Africa. Edited by G. Mokhtar. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/aksu_1/hd_aksu_1.htm | |
32. The Granger Collection View and buy royalty free and rights managed stock photos at The Granger Collection. http://www.granger.com/Index.asp | |
33. Social Studies Africa Ancient Civilizations Slavery / Civil Rights United States http://www.cssd11.k12.co.us/FREMONT/resource/social studies.htm | |
34. Peter Bruegel Africa Ancient Civilizations Ancient Greece China The Enlightenment Islam Middle Ages The Mongols WebQuest The Renaissance Renaissance People http://www.gananda.org/webpages/hslibrary/resources.cfm?subpage=366542 |
35. Renaissance WebQuest Africa Ancient Civilizations Ancient Greece China The Enlightenment Islam Middle Ages The Mongols WebQuest The Renaissance Renaissance People http://www.gananda.org/webpages/hslibrary/resources.cfm?subpage=362947 |
36. Music Library | Ancient Music | Ancient Civilizations Of Southern Africa Music Library Ancient Civilizations of Southern Africa album product details http://www.musiclibrary.com/Ancient_Civilizations_of_Southern_Africa/Ancient_Civ |
37. Social Studies Africa; Ancient Civilizations; Ancient Egypt; Ancient Greece; Ancient India http://mslibrary.mvschools.org/social_studies.htm | |
38. Contact Us - The Granger Collection View and buy royalty free and rights managed stock photos at The Granger Collection. http://www.granger.com/contact.asp | |
39. Ancient Civilizations For Children: Ancient Africa: Information From Answers.com Archaeologists use the stories, combining them with artifacts and ruins, and are able to reach conclusions about life in ancient Africa. Ancient Civilizations for Kids Ancient http://www.answers.com/topic/ancient-civilizations-for-children-ancient-africa | |
40. Random House - Books - Juvenile Fiction Subscribe to the Random House What's New Newsletter. Your Email Address http://www.randomhouse.com/category/juvenile_fiction/ | |
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