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21. Textbooks | Philadelphia Public School Notebook African American studies; arts; community organizing; curriculum; pedagogy; social studies; textbooks http://thenotebook.org/taxonomy/term/191 | |
22. @OC Orange County African-American/Black Organizations/Studies In AfricanAmerican Studies Arts Crafts Bookstores Caribbean Cultural Resources Directories Events Hair Salons Minority Resources Organizations Publications http://at-oc.com/community/african-americans.htm onclick=sa_mpTC(event, this); r |
23. Atlanta-Fulton Public Library Select/Deselect all ABI/INFORM Complete Outside Library use Galileo password. more description http://wfxsearch.webfeat.org/wfsearch/menu?cid=12150 |
24. Programs Of Study - St. John Fisher College Transfer Admissions events are being scheduled. For more information or to schedule a visit, please submit a Contact Form or call (585) 3858000. http://www.sjfc.edu/academics/programs-study/ | |
25. SUNY Oswego - IPAC African/AfricanAmerican Studies Arts Management Creative Arts Therapy Forensic Science Gerontology Medieval and Renaissance Studies Native American Studies http://www.oswego.edu/academics/colleges_and_departments/departments/interdiscip |
26. McCutchen Chosen As IU African American Choral Ensemble Director: IU News Room: Media Contacts. Rebekah Moore African American Arts Institute reemoore@indiana News by Topic. African American Studies; Arts and Humanities; Diversity http://newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/4055.html | |
27. Programs By Broad Field Engineering, Other Environmental Engineering Industrial Engineering Materials Engineering Mechanical Engineering Nuclear Engineering Humanities African American Studies Arts History http://www.phdcompletion.org/tools/Taxonomy.pdf |
28. Presbyterian College - FastWeb.com Students may minor in African American studies, arts administration, athletic coaching, Chinese studies, Christian youth work, international studies, journalism, Latin American http://www.fastweb.com/school/presbyterian-college/ | |
29. Undergraduate Degree Requirements African and AfricanAmerican Studies (Arts Sciences) Anthropology (Arts Sciences) Arabic (Arts Sciences) Architectural Engineering (Engineering) http://checksheets.ou.edu/alpha.htm | |
30. Art Sanctuary Offers ‘Hip Hop 101 Guide’ | Philadelphia Public School Notebo African American studies; arts; community partnerships; curriculum; multicultural education http://www.thenotebook.org/winter-2005/051102/art-sanctuary-offers-‘hip-hop-10 | |
31. Ernest Just | Ernest Just Information | HighBeam Research - FREE Trial Nationally recognized programs in areas such as marine biology, environmental science, historic preservation, AfricanAmerican studies, arts, arts management, and hospitality and http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-3404703417.html |
32. SUNY Oswego - School Of Communication, Media And The Arts African/AfricanAmerican Studies Arts Management. Summer Programs. New York State Summer School of the Arts -Media Arts Program Summerfame - Residential High School Theatre Workshop http://www.oswego.edu/academics/colleges_and_departments/comm_media_arts/ |
33. Palm Beach County: E-Agenda and Community Education provides academic resources, support and other services in the following areas Adult and Community Education, African and African American Studies, Arts http://www.palmbeach.k12.fl.us/agenda/Agenda187Cat7Sub0Item3.htm | |
34. Minor (MIN) - Ferris Course Catalog African American Studies Arts and Sciences American Studies Minor Arts and Sciences Art History Minor Arts and Sciences Arts Management Minor Arts and Sciences http://catalog.ferris.edu/catalog0506/degree/MIN/ | |
35. African American Books African American Studies; Arts Photography ; Audio Books (Books on Tape) Audio CDs (Books on CD) Baby Names; Biographies Memoirs ; Business Investing http://aabooks.com/ | |
36. Focus Carolina At USC: Committee Membership Lists Stephanie Mitchem, Professor of Religious Studies and Director of African American Studies, Arts Sciences; Roderick Moore, Director, Multicultural Student http://www.sc.edu/focuscarolina/committees.shtml | |
37. EAST WAKE SCHOOL OF INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY (EWSIT) Technology I Accounting I (Prerequisite Algebra 1) Second Language Spanish II (Recommendation only) Social Studies Conversations in Diversity Law Justice African American Studies Arts http://www.wcpss.net/cass/counseling/registration/ewake-int-tech/9gr-courses.pdf |
38. HR Client Assignments Modern Languages Cultures Philosophy Classical Studies Religious Studies Interdisciplinary Studies African American Studies Arts Program Interdisciplinary http://www.sjfc.edu/campus-services/hr/documents/HRClientAssignments.pdf |
39. Untitled Document The Comprehensive High School departments include African American studies, Arts Visual and Performing, Mathematics, Physical Education, Science, Technology, and World Languages. http://bhs.berkeleypta.org/newsletter/0601news/03.htm | |
40. Walter E. Helmke Library: Full Record Subjects African American Studies, Arts Humanities, English. Liaison S. Skekloff. URL http//collections.chadwyck.com/home/home_aap.jsp http://www.lib.ipfw.edu/3050 M53e28570937.0.html |
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