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1. 1680 In Literature - Factbites African American Studies Culture Literature Subject Guides - Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, MD A scholarly work that explores early African American literature in http://www.factbites.com/topics/1680-in-literature |
2. University Of Alabama News Culture November 9, 2007 Filed under Events Tagged African-American Studies, Culture, Lecture, Literature http://uanews.ua.edu/tag/culture/page/4/ | |
3. Maisah B. Robinson, Ph.D. I have over 30 years of experience in the areas of African and AfricanAmerican studies, culture, and history; English Language and Literature and English as a Second Lanauge http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/maisah |
4. University Of Alabama News » UA Afro-American Gospel Choir To Host ‘Gospel Ex UA AfroAmerican Gospel Choir to Host ‘Gospel Explosion’ November 16, 2004 - Filed under Events Tagged African-American Studies, Culture, Music http://uanews.ua.edu/2004/11/ua-afro-american-gospel-choir-to-host-gospel-explos | |
5. Anglistik Guide - Error This site offers an extensive listing of African American resources, including African American studies, culture, education, history, and literature. http://www.anglistikguide.de/cgi-bin/ssgfi/anzeige.pl?db=lit&nr=001279&e |
6. Cal State Fullerton - Faculty Experts Guide AfricanAmerican Studies; Culture Diversity; Education Special Ed; Region North America; Biography Dr. Toya Wyatt is an associate professor in the Communicative Disorders http://my.fullerton.edu/facultyexpert/subjectAreaPerson.aspx?PersonID=587 |
7. Cal State Fullerton - Faculty Experts Guide Ethnic studies; African literature; Black students in higher education; East African travel; African social history; Subject Area Africa; AfricanAmerican Studies; Culture http://my.fullerton.edu/facultyexpert/subjectAreaPerson.aspx?PersonID=439 |
8. Collective Consciousness Theatre - Board Of Directors has engaged many organizations and schools across the country with original workshops and programming as a public speaker in the areas of racism, African American Studies, culture http://socialchangetheatre.org/board.html | |
9. Sorcery And Sovereignty: Taxation, Power And Rebellion In South Africa, 1880-196 The University Press generates about 88 available in the areas of AfricanAmerican studies culture, she added. University Press has a http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P3-1518109121.html |
10. A Fair Chance In The Race Of Life Her area of research focuses on African American studies, culture, and ethnic studies. She has taught at the University of Massachusetts, Boston and Amherst, Roxbury Community http://gupress.gallaudet.edu/excerpts/AFCcontributors.html | |
11. Culture Essay - 22616 Download essay on Culture 1 . Culture is one of the main ways people express their identity and ethnicity . To some extent , culture reflects a person 's identity and helps http://www.mightystudents.com/essay/Culture.essay.22616 | |
12. Culture / African American Studies / Books / Indiana University Press You Are Here Home Books African American Studies Culture Contact Us (812) 8558817 • 1-800-842-6796 601 North Morton Street http://www.iupress.indiana.edu/catalog/index.php?cPath=1037_3806_3819 |
13. Harlem Renaissance - Enoch Pratt Free Library Subject Guides African American Studies Culture Harlem Renaissance Internet Sites Brief Guide to the Harlem Renaissance The Academy of American Poets website offers a http://www.prattlibrary.org/findanswers/subjects/guide.aspx?id=3108&subj=Afr |
14. Challenge The Myth - Tom Burrell - Heal Your Life haki madhubuti black history african american tom burrell african american studies culture audrey bullard selfesteem marketing education african-centered http://www.healyourlife.com/author-tom-burrell/2010/02/wisdom/personal-growth/ch | |
15. AFRO Web Black Life, Culture And Heritage African American Studies (culture, history, poetry, music, Malcolm X) African American Web Sites (links to Black/African American culture) http://sixman.tripod.com/heritage.htm | |
16. African American Music - Enoch Pratt Free Library Subject Guides African American Studies Culture African American Music Internet Sites AfricanAmerican Sheet Music from Brown University This collection consists of 1,305 http://www.prattlibrary.org/findanswers/subjects/guide.aspx?id=3110&subj=Afr |
17. Letters Indian law; Universities; Indian law practitioners; Colleges; AfricanAmerican studies; Culture; Police; Tough Love; Group Protests Cancellation http://diverseeducation.com/article/10445/ |
18. Power Of The Word African American Studies Culture Philosophy Award 2005 Winner Purdue Black Caucus President of the Purdue University Black Caucus Dr. Thelma Snuggs accepted the philosophy and http://www.cla.purdue.edu/african-american/documents/Nommo_2006-fall.pdf |
19. LiL SoSo Productions (Risikat Okedeyi) | MySpace College Park, MARYLAND; Graduated 1997; Student status Alumni; Degree Bachelor's Degree; Major African American StudiesCulture; Clubs DANCE AFRIKA!, ODK http://www.myspace.com/lilsoso |
20. Peer Pressure - MQ Mall peer pressure aaron webber abusive family addiction adele adolescence adolescents adultery africanamerican studies culture alcohol alcoholism allegra goodman animal http://mqmall.com/data/peer pressure/ | |
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