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1. Ndsu Library Bookmarks: Tags: African-american-studies Education an acronym for journal storage, is an archive of important scholarly journal literature. The database contains the full text of over 240 journals from nearly every discipline. http://library.ndsu.edu/bookmarks/tags.php/african-american-studies education | |
2. Detailed Information About Indiana University Bloomington AfricanAmerican Studies Education American Studies Education Art Education Education Asian Languages Education Asian Studies Education Comparative Literature http://www.f1study.com/html/univid1397.html | |
3. Undergraduate Program - African & African American Studies - Stanford University Introduction. AAAS Director Michele Elam discusses the value of an African African American Studies education. http://www.stanford.edu/dept/AAAS/undergraduate/index.html | |
4. Purdue Experts Can Comment On Affirmative Action Case June 20, 2003. Purdue experts can comment on affirmative action case. Experts in political science, AfricanAmerican studies, education, business and engineering will be http://news.uns.purdue.edu/html3month/030612.T.Clawson.affirmact.html | |
5. African-American Studies | Education.com Information on education and child development for parents and educators. AfricanAmerican studies (also known as black studies) is an http://www.education.com/reference/article/african-american-studies/ |
6. Patricia Clark, Director Of African, Suny Oswego | Spoke Patricia Clark TitleAssistant Professor Director of African AfricanAmerican Studies EducationB.A., M.A. Syracuse University, PhD. Miami University Area(s) of InterestAfrican http://www.spoke.com/info/pWkoQEx/PatriciaClark |
7. Graduate Program | African American Studies | Yale University Graduate Program. Director of Graduate Studies Hazel Carby 203.432.1170. History and Structure. In 199394, African American Studies developed a unique graduate http://www.yale.edu/afamstudies/gradprogram/index.html | |
8. Web Page - Retha Hall, The CPCC Virtual Campus - Central Piedmont Community Coll Additional courses taken in African American Studies, Education and Counseling Educational Experience Collection Development, Library Instruction, Program Development in public http://secure.cpcc.edu/webpages/view.asp?edirID=3049 |
9. Ethnic Studies > African American Studies > Education Directories • http://www.einet.net/directory/69679/Education.htm |
10. UT To Expand African American Studies | Education & Training > Education Systems Starting in the fall , the University of Texas will be home to the state's only African American studies department, officials said Wednesday .The establishment of the Department http://www.allbusiness.com/society-social/philanthropy-grants-gifts-major/139109 |
11. Oberlin College Course Catalog African American Studies Education London Program Anthropology. Emerging Arts Mathematics http://www.oberlin.edu/catalog01/college.html | |
12. UB Undergraduate Catalog 2010-2011: African And African American Studies: Degree African American Studies/Education Minor Acceptance Criteria. Minimum GPA of 3.0 overall. Before attempting this minor, students must http://undergrad-catalog.buffalo.edu/academicprograms/aas_degrees.shtml | |
13. Nagueyalti Warren | Emory College Of Arts And Sciences Official site for the undergraduate school of arts and sciences at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Emory College combines the personal engagement and excellent teaching of a http://college.emory.edu/home/about/people/faculty/Warren_Nagueyalti_P4823077.ht |
14. Mary, Wayfarer: An Autobiography (Chapel Hill Books) By Mary E. Mebane - Powell' rural North Carolina; segregation; poverty; racism; autobiography; black woman; Chapel Hill Books; African American Studies; education; South; high school teacher; black freedom http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780807848227 |
15. Oberlin College Course Catalog African American Studies. Education. Law and Society Anthropology. Emerging Arts http://www.oberlin.edu/catalog04/college.html |
16. Sharon Johnson Sharon also serves as the Library Liaison to the African American Studies, Education, Social Work, and Sociology Departments. http://library.apsu.edu/library/personnel/Johnson.htm |
17. Nicole Maskiell - LinkedIn Research and Faculty Assistant at Harvard University Department of African and African American Studies Education http://www.linkedin.com/pub/nicole-maskiell/a/8a7/8bb | |
18. African Americans And Community Engagement In Higher Education African Americans and Community Engagement in Higher Education Community African American Studies Education Sociology http://www.sunypress.edu/p-4892-african-americans-and-community.aspx |
19. The Road To Brown - Educational Media Reviews Online (EMRO) African American Studies, Education, Human Rights, Biography Reviewed by Katherine Parsons, Information Literacy Outreach Librarian, Bronx Community College http://libweb.lib.buffalo.edu/emro/emroDetail.asp?Number=1586 |
20. Background Faculty and professional staff come from the fields of computer science, African American studies, education, geography, women’s studies, government http://ifs.sc.edu/aboutifs.asp | |
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