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21. Afram12onlinesyllabus Ppt Presentation afram12onlinesyllabus A PowerPoint presentation Course Overview (www.emerritt.org) Course Overview (www.emerritt.org) PSYCHOLOGY OF AFRICAN AMERICANS Spring 2009 African http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/jarralynne-140635-afram12onlinesyllabus |
22. Rebirth Of A Nation: DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid - Educational Media Reviews O African American Studies, Education, Film Studies, History Reviewed by Linda Alkana, Department of History, California State University Long Beach http://libweb.lib.buffalo.edu/emro/emroDetail.asp?Number=4152 |
23. African-American Studies Overview AfricanAmerican Studies Education is More than Words and Numbers… Learn About a Culture. Our African-American studies program strives to provide you with personal http://www.sinclair.edu/explore/africa/ | |
24. WUSL: Faculty, A. Peter Mutharika. Charles Nagel Professor of International Comparative Law and Professor of African AfricanAmerican Studies http://law.wustl.edu/Faculty/pages.aspx?id=301 |
25. Department Of Political Science - UCA fields of study including Environmental Science, Economics/International Trade, Latin American Studies, Southern Arkansas Studies, African/African-American Studies, Education http://www.uca.edu/politicalscience/ | |
26. SUNY Oswego - Faculty & Staff Title Assistant Professor Director of African AfricanAmerican Studies Education B.A., M.A. Syracuse University, PhD. Miami University http://www.oswego.edu/academics/colleges_and_departments/departments/english/fac |
27. Dale McKinley Title Adjunct Associate Professor, African and African American Studies. Education B.A., Magna Cum Laude Political Science/History, Furman University, 1984; M.A., Political http://www.unc.edu/depts/afriafam/fac_staff/mckinley/index.shtml | |
28. Donato Fhunsu Title Lecturer, African and AfricanAmerican Studies. Education B.A., Psychology, University of Kansas; M.A., Applied Linguistics, Kent State University; Ph.D., English and http://www.unc.edu/depts/afriafam/fac_staff/fhunsu/index.shtml | |
29. Afram12 Syllabus And Course Introduction Ppt Presentation Afram12 syllabus and course introduction A PowerPoint presentation Course Overview (www.emerritt.org) Course Overview (www.emerritt.org) PSYCHOLOGY OF AFRICAN AMERICANS Spring http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/jarralynne-299699-psych-12-syllabus-psy |
30. African American Studies Doctoral Program Turns 20 Asante, who was the keynote speaker at the AYA conference’s awards luncheon, is proud of the program’s place in the history of African American studies education. http://www.temple.edu/newsroom/2007_2008/04/stories/aas20.htm | |
31. About Trio: Trio Bookworks Religion, history, archaeology, social sciences, women's studies, GLBT studies, African American studies, education, literature, creative nonfiction, music, popular science, and http://www.triobookworks.com/about.htm | |
32. Henry Parker, Professor, University Of Tennessee Martin: Zoom Information Busine Update your professional profile, manage your online reputation or research the professional information of Henry Parker, Professor, University of Tennessee Martin at ZoomInfo.com http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Parker_Henry_165381501.aspx | |
33. Cal State Fullerton - Faculty Experts Guide AfricanAmerican Studies; Education High School; Education Higher Ed; Education Policy; Education Public School; Education Technology; Racial Issues; Sports http://my.fullerton.edu/facultyexpert/subjectAreaPerson.aspx?PersonID=547 |
34. Profile Of Elizabeth Watson | Michigan Humanities Council African american studies; Education; Ethnic studies; Womens studies; Additional info Experience As an Associate Professor here at Andrews University, I am listed in our Speaker's Bureau http://michiganhumanities.org/resources/professionals/profile.php?id=223 |
35. UW: African American And Diaspora Studies May 3, 2006 John Kambutu, assistant professor of multicultural issues and African American studies education at the University of Wyoming/Casper College Center, is among eight http://www.uwyo.edu/aads/showrelease.asp?id=8123 |
36. USCL Adjunct Faculty Lecturer, AfricanAmerican Studies/ Education, Ph.D., Union Graduate School, Cincinnati. Mike Sherrill Lecturer, Finance, M.B.A., University of South Carolina http://usclancaster.sc.edu/faculty/adjuncts.htm | |
37. Multicultural Education Related Majors. African American Studies; Education; Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) http://www.collegeboard.com/csearch/majors_careers/profiles/majors/13.0202.html | |
38. Subject Links - Purdue University Libraries AfricanAmerican Studies Education Philosophy American Studies English Studies Political Science Anthropology and Archaeology Film Studies Psychological Sciences http://www.lib.purdue.edu/hsse/infopages/subjectlinks.html | |
39. Race, Rigor, And Selectivity In U.S. Engineering - Amy E. Slaton - Harvard Unive SOCIAL SCIENCE Discrimination Race Relations; SOCIAL SCIENCE Ethnic Studies AfricanAmerican Studies; EDUCATION Multicultural Education; HISTORY United States 20th Century http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674036192 |
40. Supporting Healthy Marriage: Evaluation Staff The SHM evaluation draws on consultants with expertise in the fields of marriage education, sociology, social work, psychology, AfricanAmerican studies, education, public policy http://www.supportinghealthymarriage.org/team.html | |
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