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21. African Archeological Resources A virtual online library containing all the resources you will ever need to study African Archeology. http://www.student-manual.com/study/subjects/archeology/Africa.htm | |
22. Peter Shinnie Obituary One of leading pioneers of African archeology. Peter Shinnie . http://www.buzzle.com/articles/158793.html | |
23. Obsidian Dating And East African Archeology -- Michels Et Al. 219 (4583): 361 -- Note to users. If you're seeing this message, it means that your browser cannot find this page's style/presentation instructions or possibly that you are using a browser http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/219/4583/361 |
24. South African Archaeology And/or Anthropology Fieldwork, Excavation, Bushman Cav Guided Bushman cave art and overland safaris.Archaeology excavation fieldwork San route, bushman paintings, San people of the Kalahari, Bushman cave paintings art gallery. http://archaeostuff.com/ | |
25. Amulet: Definition, Synonyms From Answers.com n. An object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury. Latin amulētum http://www.answers.com/topic/amulet |
26. South African Archaeology Sites - Archeology Of South Africa South Africa has some of the most ancient sites of human kind, and by some accounts was the cradle of humanity. Here's a few of the important archaeological sites found in the http://archaeology.about.com/od/17/South_African_Archaeology_Sites.htm | |
27. Pitt Rivers Museum - Masks And Carvings – West Africa Masks and Carvings – West Africa Religious beliefs of West Africa. The majority of people in West Africa today are followers of Christianity or Islam. http://www.prm.ox.ac.uk/maskscarvings.html | |
28. Ancient Archeology By Patrick Chouinard - Hot Topics For Discussion And Educatio The continent of Africa has the longest record of human activity of any part of the world and along with its geographical extent, it contains an enormous archaeological resource. http://ancientarcheology.net/africa.htm |
29. {Your Inner Fish} - {Penn Reading Project 2008} AFRICAN ARCHEOLOGY WRIT 013 305 MWF 1011 SCHURMANS WRIT 013 306 MWF 11-12 SCHURMANS Fulfills the Writing Requirement The African continent was once considered a http://www.upenn.edu/nso/prp/fish/courses.html | |
30. Paleoanthropology Fiction Paleoanthropology Fiction. This is a list of fictional works of paleoanthropological interest. I only included books if they featured extinct hominids (so, no novels about http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/fiction.html | |
31. South African Culture History And Archaeology South African Culture History and Archaeology Culture history, archaeological sites, and other information related to the past of South Africa. http://archaeology.about.com/od/southafrica/South_African_Culture_History_and_Ar | |
32. Archaeology, Articles Colonial Williamsburg Research Division Web Site http://research.history.org/Archaeological_Research/Research_Articles.cfm | |
33. Welcome — African ArchaeologySite African Archaeology Web Database is a collaborative multimedia platform promoting scientific and didactic collaborations about African Archaeology http://africanarchaeology.naturalsciences.be/ |
34. Journal Of African Archaeology - Monographs Monographs The Journal of African Archaeology Monograph Series is a supplement to the Journal of African Archaeology. It offers a platform for more extensive contributions such http://www.african-archaeology.de/work/monographs.html | |
35. Aswan 2African Archeology web page – http//www.archafrica.uct.ac.za/ 3- Philae web page – http//www.cias.com/m.s/egypt/philae.htm . by, Brett Sindelir http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/archaeology/sites/africa/aswan.html | |
36. Prehistoric Man Timeline Resources for African Archeology (ArchNetWWW Archeology) http//archnet.uconn.edu/regions/africa.php3 Human Origins and Evolution in Africa (Jeanne Sept, Indiana Univ http://cartage.org.lb/en/themes/sciences/lifescience/PhysicalAnthropology/Prehis | |
37. Il Nuovo Giardino Magnetico Cresce: Retro-African Archeology: Lagos Disco 1000 AM 1100 AM Writing Program 013.305 African Archeology with Utsav Schurmans; 1100 AM - 1200 PM Writing Program 013.306 African Archeology with Utsav Schurmans http://ilnuovogiardino.blogspot.com/2010/03/retro-african-archeology-lagos-disco | |
38. African Studies: Art And Archaeology ACASAArts Council of the African Studies Association (ASA) of the United States Established in 1982 ACASA recommends panels for inclusion in the ASA annual meeting program. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/AfArt.html | |
39. December 2008 1000 AM 1100 AM Writing Program 013.305 African Archeology with Utsav Schurmans; 1100 AM - 1200 PM Writing Program 013.306 African Archeology with Utsav Schurmans http://www.writing.upenn.edu/wh/calendar/1208.php | |
40. Laas Gaal - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Journal of African Archeology, Laas Geel; Somaliland Heritage. Coordinates http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laas_Gaal | |
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