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         African Art:     more books (102)
  1. The Tribal Arts of Africa by Jean-Baptiste Bacquart, 2002-09
  2. African Art in American Collections by Warren M. Robbins, Nancy Ingram Nooter, 2004-08-30
  3. Art and Religion in Africa (Religion and the Arts) by Rosalind Hackett, Rowland Abiodun, 1998-10-01
  4. Early Art and Architecture of Africa (Oxford History of Art) by Peter Garlake, 2002-07-18
  5. African Rock Art : Paintings and Engravings on Stone by David Coulson, Alec Campbell, 2001-05-01
  6. African Art in Transit (Cambridge Studies in Social & Cultural Anthropology) by Christopher B. Steiner, 1994-01-28
  7. African Art and the Colonial Encounter: Inventing a Global Commodity (African Expressive Cultures) by Sidney Littlefield Kasfir, 2007-10-03
  8. The Hearing Eye: Jazz & Blues Influences in African American Visual Art
  9. Art and Power in the Central African Savanna: Luba, Songye, Chokwe, Luluwa by Constantine Petridis, 2008-06-30
  10. African Art from the Barbier-Mueller Collection, Geneva by Werner Schmalenbach, Enrico Castelli, 1988-10
  11. African Art from The Menil Collection
  12. African Arts & Culture (Davis Arts & Cultures Series) by Jacqueline Chanda, 1994-08
  13. African Art in Detail by Chris Spring, 2010-02-15
  14. Flash of the Spirit: African & Afro-American Art & Philosophy by Robert Farris Thompson, 1984-08-12

21. Global African Art Announces New Green African Art Products - Business - Press R
Oct 26, 2010 WACONIA, MN — Global African Art, a leading African art and crafts dealer, is pleased to announce that they are an ecofriendly company, with many all-natural
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Global African Art Announces New Green African Art Products
  • ad info MarketWire updated 10/26/2010 3:17:00 PM ET Global African Art, a leading African art and crafts dealer, is pleased to announce that they are an eco-friendly company, with many all-natural "green" African art products now available at "Unlike other companies that import 'authentic' African art made with toxic materials from countries nowhere near Africa, each piece of African wall art , jewelry or pottery on our site is made from local materials indigenous to Africa such as river grass or palm leaves, and is colored with natural dyes taken from local resources," said Kajerero Ssebbaale, president and owner of Global African Art. The arts and crafts at feature gorgeous natural hues, traditional African designs, and an original, authentic look that can't be found anywhere else online. Each piece of art, from the African baskets to the African masks to the African jewelry varies in size, shape and color, and is a completely original work meaning it is a one-of-a-kind piece that no one else can ever have.
  • 22. Picard Trade Bead Museum And African Art Gallery
    Dealer in African art and trade beads, with a trade bead museum.
    • Welcome to the Picard Trade Bead Museum and African Art Gallery A unique museum in the world in the heart of beautiful Carmel Valley, California Importing beads, handcrafts, sculpture and textiles since 1969 Visit our bead exhibits on 7-layer chevrons, Bodom beads, Millefiories and more. New exhibit on Trade Beads on Pre-1900 Sample Cards. 27885 Berwick Dr. (driving directions and maps) Carmel, California 93923 phone (831) 625-7108 fax (831) 626-4172
    Website by David M. Lees

    23. Fine Hand-crafted And Authentic African Art And Masks At - Paint is an African art gallery that features African masks, walking canes, sculptures, clothing, and much more.

    Checkout SEARCH Username: Password: You will be prompted to enter your password on the next page Your products are the "real deal", my office now looks awesome!!!!
    Brian J. Read More SiteSeal("", "NETSB", "none"); Home Paintings
    Kodjo Art Oil Paintings Tinga Tinga Paintings Home ... Links and Resources This site Optimized for

    24. African Art | BT Tradespace
    Thanks for visiting our Tradespace today. We hope you find what you're looking for here, if you don't, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
    BTT.assets = '/assets'; BTT.ctx = ''; BT Tradespace Search African Art African masks and statues - over 300, all over 50 years old, GENUINE from a private collection. For more pictures or any other info, please e-mail us. Liverpool, United Kingdom
    African Art
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    25. African Art
    African art gallery online displaying carefully selected art from Africa, by African artists or of African subjects. African scenes, African wildlife, bronze sculpture, stone

    26. NOMA | Permanent Collection | African Art
    African Art The NOMA collection of tribal arts from subSaharan Africa is considered one of the most important half-dozen collections of its type in American art

    NOMA Home
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    African Art The NOMA collection of tribal arts from sub-Saharan Africa is considered one of the most important half-dozen collections of its type in American art museums. NNOMA's commitment to collecting African art is half a century old, dating back to 1953. Since then, the Museum, particularly during the past thirty years, has made a concentrated effort to develop a comprehensive collection of African art.
    The most significant donation to the Museum's collection was a group of 140 African works bequeathed in 1977 by New York collector Victor K. Kiam. Many of these sculptures, superb examples of their particular type, made the Museum's holdings one of the strongest in the United States. Since this milestone event, the Museum has continued to expand its collection through purchases, gifts and additional bequests. The collection contains in-depth strengths of the major art-producing peoples such as the Bamana, Dogon, Baule, Yoruba, Fang, Tabwa, Luba, Bembe and Chokwe. Among the Yoruba objects are three rare sculptures by the great carver, Olowe of Ise, and two by Areogun of Osi-Ilorin. Also notable is an 18th-century shrine figure of Onile, one of seven extant large bronzes from the Ogboni Society.
    The collection also boasts valuable ancient terracottas from the kingdoms and cultures of Nok, Sokoto, Benin, Akan, Djenne and Bankoni and exquisitely carved architectural elements from the Yoruba, Dogon, Bamana, Fang peoples and the Kedjom-Keku and Benin Kingdoms. The collection contains masks, figures (reliquary, shrine, ancestor, initiation), textiles, storage and utility vessels, prestige objects, furniture, costumes, marionettes, jewelry and musica linstruments made of a fascinating variety of materials including wood, ivory, stone, terracotta, cloth, beadwork and various metals, including gold.

    Dealer specializing in African arts.
    Home The collection contact us AFRICANART-ONLINE.BE Gateway gallery-click here to go to our main website

    28. African Art
    Join the ARTCHIVE PATRON PROGRAM. For your donation, receive benefits including two copies of a CDROM of this entire site.
    African Art images and text
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    helps Artchive - click here!
    For your donation, receive benefits including two copies of a CD-ROM of this entire site.

    "In the 19th and 20th centuries, African art was 'discovered' by Western colonizers and embraced by modernist artists for its lack of pretension and exciting formal qualities. With the Westernization of much African society, 'traditional' art has become commercialized and sold as souvenirs, while from the 1920s, the growth of African art colleges in more modernized sections of Africa has led a number of African artists to adopt western influences in their work."
    - From The Bulfinch Guide to Art History
    Buy African Art

    posters online
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    African Art Images
    Mask with Horns FANG: Mask YOMBE: Fetish JENNE: Woman and Child ... [Links]

    29. Museum Of African Art - Welcome
    Museum of African art, mainly the collection of Veda and Dr. Zdravko Pe ar
    Visit us Contact us

    30. Welcome To The National Museum Of African Art / Smithsonian Institution
    The National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution. Exhibitions, articles, and museum calendar of events.

    31. Welcome To The National Museum Of African Art / Smithsonian Institution
    The National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, features African art from antiquity to the present.

    32. African Art: Aesthetics And Meaning
    AFRICAN ART AESTHETICS AND MEANING An Electronic Exhibition Catalog. Bayly Art Museum University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia January 25 August 15, 1993
    An Electronic Exhibition Catalog
    Bayly Art Museum
    University of Virginia
    Charlottesville, Virginia
    January 25 - August 15, 1993
    Benjamin C. Ray
    Department of Religious Studies
    Guest Curator
  • Introduction
  • Elements of the African Aesthetic
  • The Exhibition
  • Bibliography ... Bayly Art Museum Maintained by:
    Last Modified: Wednesday, 29-Jul-2009 20:45:18 EDT
    University of Virginia / Charlottesville, Virginia / 22903
  • 33. Modern African Art : A Basic Reading List
    A basic reading list.

    34. African Art. Tribal Masks, Sculptures, Statues, Bronzes.
    African art at affordable prices. Large collection of museum quality tribal masks, sculptures, and bronzes.
    AFRICAN MASKS AND SCULPTURES Museum quality African art at wholesale prices Join our mailing list! Subscribers receive exclusive "Recent Acquisitions" mailings + a discount Over 500 authentic African tribal masks, sculptures, and bronzes MASKS FIGURES BRONZES OTHERS Browse through the ethnic groups below. Click on the links to see items by tribe
    PayPal . Call for more info
    Ababua Ababwa Aduma Adyo Akye Ambete Asante Ashanti Atye Ayemba Azande Babambe Baboa Babuye Badjo Baga Bajokwe Bakongo Bakono ... Unattributed Make a purchase here Check out our pieces at events, in films, and around the world! Click Here
    Interested in African nature, people and other fine art photography... visit
    RECENTLY ADDED ITEMS FEATURED ITEMS We strive to provide deeper public appreciation for high quality African art and to make it accessible to all collectors. High quality masks, carvings, statues, fetishes, animal figures, ritual objects and bronzes displayed here will add beauty to any home and value to any collection. In addition, an ever-growing demand for rapidly disappearing original African tribal art makes it a sound investment. As long-time experienced collectors, we carefully select and authenticate every artifact. Shown here are original, high quality, hand-crafted pieces made of wood or bronze which can be yours at a fraction of gallery prices! Years of traditional use added distinction to many of them.

    35. Elena Art Services - African Souvenirs, Paintings, Masks, Stones, Wood-carvings
    African art for sale masks, minerals, woodcarvings, animal skins.
    Elena Mitrofanova professional artist Collector's items (1-20) Collector's items 1 (21-40) Collector's items 2 (41-53) Collector's items 3 (54-59) ... E-mail Featured items: Elephant hair bracelets
    Only US$ 49.95 View Bushmen motif playing cards
    Only US$ 15.95 View Openers-warthog tusks, springbok horns
    Only US$ 25.95- 57.95
    Key ring-warthog tusk
    Only US$ 15.95 View Elena African Art online shop Everything from Africa you wanted to have You do not have to travel to Africa to buy a special gift. We are already here. Choose whatever you like and it will be delivered to your doorstep. Remember, by buying our souvenirs you are supporting our local artists, providing them with a source of income.
    We pack, insure and send to any destination in the world. You can buy any of advertised items and, besides, you can also find an information on tribes and ethnic groups of African countries where these beautiful artefacts have been produced. We have tried to give you as much information as possible. It is easy to order your special gift. Just send us a

    THE ARTS OF AFRICA Top of Page. African Art (through ArtLex) Introduction to African Art and Architecture (Professor Henry Drewal) Looking At and Seeing African Art
    Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe
    Professor of Art History
    Sweet Briar College
    , Virginia
    Online since 24 October 1995 Art in Africa
    Last updated October 2010 THIS PAGE

  • The Arts of Africa Akan
    Bedu Benin Gelede Ife Igbo Ndebele Nok Yoruba Zulu SITE INDEX
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  • Prehistoric Art
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  • Ancient Egyptian Art ...
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  • Enter your search terms Submit search form Web THE ARTS OF AFRICA Top of Page
  • 37. African American Art – Framed Pictures, Rap Posters, Black Art, Artwork
    African American art store featuring framed african american art prints, rap posters, folk art, sports posters, african sculptures art, christian art, fine art, Religious art work
    African American Art, Black Framed Art Delivered To Your Door

    38. Africa Product Shopping Gift African Art Home Decor Design Crafts Store
    African arts and crafts including masks, figurines, home decor and jewelry.

    39. African Art | Tinga Tinga | African Paintings | African Artwork
    Browse through the huge collection of high quality African artwork including tinga tinga, masai art contemporary african art at attractive prices.
    Home Contact Us Shopping cart: item(s) Search Product: PAINTING GALLERY Tinga Tinga Contemporary African Art Masai CUSTOMER LOGIN E-mail Address: Password: Password forgotten? LATEST NEWS 14th July 2010 Lots of new Tinga Tinga added !! 5th July 2010 Have a look through our exclusive range!
    CONTACT US Email: Postal Address: Explore African Art
    27 Old Gloucester Street
    EXPLORE AFRICAN ART Welcome to Explore African Art where you will find high quality African art at affordable prices. All the paintings you see here are hand painted in Africa by highly skilled artists. Our exclusive range of paintings will add character and instantly brighten up any wall. Whether you are looking for an oil painting for a children�s room or a subtle inspirational picture for your lounge, we have numerous styles to suit all tastes and budgets. Browsing through the categories you will find Tinga Tinga, Masai Art and Contemporary African Art. The three categories have distinct styles and are painted using numerous techniques (see �about us� for more details). read more...

    40. African Art, South African Art - Global African Art
    African Art Global African Art is a leading importer and marketer of Africa's finest Art and craft products. The company has established relationships with various African
    Login My Account View Cart Checkout ... $250 and up Email Address: Best Sellers
    2'1" X 8" Wooden Giraffe MSRP: Price: You Save: Quantity: African Giraffe Wall Hanging MSRP: Price: You Save: Quantity: African JewelryTiger Eye Collection Price: Quantity: African Zebra Wall Hanging MSRP: Price: You Save: Quantity: East African Art The Festive Dance Price: Quantity: Family of Six Price: Quantity: Made out of soap stone. Jinja Design Price: Quantity: Kenya Traditional Jewelry set Price: Quantity: Kenyan Masaai Face Mask Price: Quantity: King of The Jungle MSRP: Price: You Save: Quantity: The African Queen Price: Quantity: The African Sunset Price: Quantity: Traditional African Jewelry Set Kenya II Price: Quantity: Ugandan Drum MSRP: Price: You Save: Quantity: Unique Africa Map Chess Board MSRP: Price: You Save: Quantity: Welcome to Global
    African Art
    And welcome to Africa indeed! As a company, we are excited about the opportunity to share the passion and enthusiasm surrounding African art , paintings and crafts. Our mission is to become the largest importer and retailer of superior handmade African tribal art, paintings and craft goods at the fairest prices (to both our customers and our artists). Our passion for African crafts is evident in our dedication to providing you with the most original and carefully crafted products.

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