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1. Answers.com - What Kind Of Animals Are In The African Zoos This question has not been answered yet. Answer it or get updates discuss research share Facebook Twitter Search Related answers What kind of animal is a zoo zoo ? If by http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_kind_of_animals_are_in_the_African_zoos |
2. African Savanna - National Zoo| FONZ In the East African savanna, predators like lions and cheetahs prey on grazing and browsing animals like zebras, gazelles, and sometimes young giraffes. Brought to you by the http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/AfricanSavanna/default.cfm |
3. Website Ref - W588 - PAAZAB - African Association Of Zoos & Aquaria The Charter, based on the European and American systems of EEP and SSP, laid out the infrastructure of cooperative captive management between African zoos. http://wildlife1.wildlifeinformation.org/S/00Ref/WebsitesContents/w0588.htm | |
4. Zoos In Africa, Near And Middle East 14FEB-2001 Africa Pan African Zoo Association = http//www.paazab.org Elephant Management and Owners Association = Elephant Management and Owners Association http://www.zoos.org/Africa.html | |
5. Bears Chill Out As Cairo Zoo Reforms | Reuters Giza Zoo was once among the crown jewels of African zoos. It was commissioned by Khedive Ismail of Egypt's royal family and opened in 1891 to showcase imported flowers, exotic http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL155859020080810 | |
6. Zoos Worldwide - Africa An extensive list of zoos, aquariums, animal sanctuaries and wildlife parks worldwide. Also includes zoo reviews, zoo cams and an Animal of the Month. http://www.zoos-worldwide.de/land/africa/africa.html | |
7. Okapi In North America » United States - Page 5 African zoos can rob the wildlife blind because they are located in Africa As far as I know the national zoo of South Africa has joined in with some SSP and some EEP breeding http://www.zoochat.com/22/okapi-north-america-15425/index5.html |
8. African Zoos A List Of Animal Collections on the African Continent!. Here is a list of animal collections and zoos in Africa. Eventually it will have history and maps as well as guidebooks. http://www.zooarchives.50megs.com/custom3.html | |
9. Bemusement - The Attractions Industry Blog - Blooloop.com Wednesday, September 30, 2009 African Zoos and Aquariums Gathering in Uganda Tweet In May 2009, the uShaka Sea World team had the opportunity to attend http://www.blooloop.com/blog/tag/waza/379 |
10. Are There Tigers In African Zoos? | ChaCha Answers Are there tigers in African zoos? ChaCha has the answer Yes, in many African zoos they feature tigers.ChaCha on! http://www.chacha.com/question/are-there-tigers-in-african-zoos |
11. Scientific Papers And Publications 'The Role of the South African Zoos in the Survival of the Cheetah,' Proceedings of the Annual Pan African Association of Zoos, Aquariums and Botanical Gardens Conference, May 1997. http://www.cheetah.org/?nd=papers_and_publications |
12. African Zoos: Partnering A Necessary Renaissance - MORGAN - 2010 - International D. R. MORGAN; Article first published online 12 FEB 2010. DOI 10.1111/j.17481090.2009.00094.x 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation 2010 The Zoological Society of London http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1748-1090.2009.00094.x/abstract |
13. :: SORROW AS MAX THE GORILLA DIES :: Although gorillas originate from Africa, there were only four in African zoos two in Johannesburg (including Max), one in Pretoria and one in Cairo. http://www.joburgnews.co.za/2004/may/may5_max.stm | |
14. :: Welcome To The Johannesburg Zoo :: Please note that Buggies are no longer available at the Johannesburg Zoo http://www.jhbzoo.org.za/ | |
15. Tom Claytor - Bush Pilot I am always intrigued by African zoos. In Niger, the lions got out and ate one of the antelopes, then the cubs escaped and were playing with the children. http://www.claytor.com/archive/003.html | |
16. What African Zoos Full Of Sense We Have Tigers And Lions? Do They What African zoos full of sense we have tigers and lions? Do they have like cats and dogs? ChaCha has the answer There is not a Zoo in Africa, simply a Sa http://www.chacha.com/question/what-african-zoos-full-of-sense-we-have-tigers-an |
17. PAAZAB, African Association Of Zoos And Aquaria Overall the mission to Giza was judged to be a great success and has already been suggested as a pattern for the mentoring and training of staff in other African zoos. http://www.paazab.com/news.htm | |
18. :: HOPES FOR A BABY GORILLA AT JO'BURG ZOO :: According to Cronje, although gorillas come from Africa there are only four in African zoos two in Johannesburg, one in Pretoria and one in Cairo. http://www.joburgnews.co.za/october/gorilla.stm | |
19. Brit Photographer John Drysdale And His Canine Subjects | Modern Dog Magazine - South African zoos had lions aplenty. They eventually found a home for NumNums with the Phoenix Park Zoo in Dublin, Ireland, but it was a very sad day when she left, and Drysdale http://www.moderndogmagazine.com/articles/brit-photographer-john-drysdale-and-hi | |
20. The Zoo Online - Zoos Of The World - Africa The Zoo Online is the essential guide to the zoos and wildlife collections of the world, with an index of world mammals, and discussion of conservation http://www.thezooonline.com/africa.html |
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