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61. Agricultural News Members of the Berks County 4H Beef Club were named beef quiz bowl champions at the 2010 Pennsylvania Beef Expo in State College. Members of the winning team were Alyssa Dietrich http://readingeagle.com/article.aspx?id=210391 |
62. ABC Rural - Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC rural radio directory of news and features. http://www.abc.net.au/rural/ | |
63. Agricultural News AgVance Farming, agvance farming, agvance marketing, agvance, crop, farmer, used farm equipment, farming information, north west nsw, agronomy, research, grain, sorghum, wheat http://www.agvance.com.au/aggregator/categories/2?page=3 |
64. Georgia Farm Bureau - The Voice Of Georgia Farmers Georgia s largest farm organization. Provides agricultural news and information. Farm Bureau is a membership organization interested in improving the lives and livelihoods of farmers and rural Georgians. http://www.gfb.org/ |
65. Agricultural News Find and post community events in your surrounding area by visiting our community calendar. http://www.kalb.com/Global/category.asp?C=187181 |
66. Minnesota Farmers Union Provides Minnesota agriculture news and advocacy for family farms. http://www.mfu.org/ | |
67. AFSA Public charter high school, with a focus on agriculture. News items, mission statement. http://www.agacademy.com/ | |
68. Media Release 09/30/2010 John Deere Agri Services and Telvent DTN Announce Agreement to Add Communications Interfaces to AGRISâ„¢ Commodity Management System http://www.deere.com/en_US/newsroom/ag_all.html | |
69. Growers’ Guide Source for agricultural, news, links, classifieds, deadlines, and market watch. http://www.growersguide.com/ | |
70. Agricultural News Weather Agricultural News Weather Bet Entertainment News Structured Products Volume 2 consists of 5 Parts agricultural news weather and 21 Chapters covering equity derivatives http://on95.mythoslink.com/agriculturalnewsweather.html | |
71. Agricultural News First, only Venezuelan newspaper that specializes in agrofood sector, opened its pages to the world to offer the best and most comprehensive information on the productive activity http://www.venezuelasite.com/portal/Detailed/11045 | |
72. Porterfarms.org Organic farm offering community supported agriculture. News, frequently asked questions, photographs, their policies, and recipes. http://porterfarms.org/ |
73. Kentucky Agricultural News: The Rooster Oct 28, 2010 Agriculture in the news on Thursday, Oct. 28. KDA teaches ATV safety to 300 fifthgraders in Harlan. HARLAN, Ky. (Daily Enterprise) — Despite dreary weather, over 300 fifth http://kentuckyagriculture.blogspot.com/2010/10/rooster_28.html | |
74. Cane Creek Organics Organic vegetable farm in operation for more than 100 years. Features history, community supported agriculture, news, order form, family recipes. http://www.canecreekorganics.com | |
75. Agricultural News - Efficient Farming : Your One Stop Agricultural Portal Find the latest news from Australia and around the world. All your latest sport results from ABC Online. Find articles written by our sponsors. http://www.efarming.com.au/News/category/2/agricultural.html |
76. UK Agricultural News - Stackyard Stackyard Agricultural News for the UK An Expanding Farming Enterprise. South Country Cheviot Sheep. Calf Pneumonia Control http://www.stackyard.com/news/index.html | |
77. Kern County Farm Bureau Agriculture news and information for farmers and growers. http://www.kerncfb.com/ | |
78. KCVL Radio Agricultural News. Agricultural news on the Northwest Ag News Network is delivered digitally via satellite by DTN. Ag News reports can be heard on KCVL at 640am with the Northwest http://www.kcvl.com/kcvl.html | |
79. California Farm Bureau Federation CFBF.com The state s largest farm organization, with agricultural news, information and issues. http://www.cfbf.com |
80. Farming Weather And Agriculture News - Weather.com Keep your crops content with the latest farming weather and agricultural news weather.com. http://www.weather.com/outlook/agriculture/farming-forecast |
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