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21. Heidrick Agriculture History Center & Hays Truck Museum - Virtual Globetrotting The Heidrick Ag History Center introduces visitors to the marvels of agriculture, and commercial trucking through 130,000 square feet of interactive, oneof-a-kind...... http://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/heidrick-agriculture-history-center-hays-tru |
22. Cambridge Journals Online - Rural History Concentrating on the English-speaking world and Europe, it includes agricultural history, folklore, landscape history, archaeology and material culture. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=RUH |
23. Kauai Plantation Railway - Agriculture & History Agriculture History. Kilohana Plantation lives up to its name with the recently added 70 acre tropical agriculture operation immediately http://www.kauaiplantationrailway.com/aghist.htm | |
24. Agriculture.--History. A Timeline of Agricultural Development Stephen Moulton Babcock developed a test to show the amount of butterfat in milk. http://www.robinsonlibrary.com/agriculture/agriculture/history/index.htm | |
25. Agriculture, History - Encyclopedia Article - Citizendium Article approved by an editor from at least one of the listed workgroups. The Agriculture and History Workgroups are responsible for this article. http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Agriculture,_history | |
26. History Of Agriculture In Utah A History of Agriculture, Utah, from the Utah History Encyclopedia. Written by Charles S. Peterson. http://www.onlineutah.com/agriculturehistory.shtml | |
27. Module Truck Systems Main Page History and pictures of cotton modules and cotton module trucks. (Lubbock, Texas, USA) http://www.moduletruck.com/ | |
28. Computersmiths - History Of Chinese Invention - Agriculture History of Chinese Invention and Discovery Agriculture History of Agriculture in China. For at least 10,000 years, as early man changed from hunter-gatherer to the more http://www.computersmiths.com/chineseinvention/agriculture.htm | |
29. History Of Farming & Cities By History Link 101 Links to pages which give research on the development of farming and cities by culture. http://www.historylink101.com/history_of_farm.htm |
30. Agriculture - History A selection of articles related to Agriculture History Agriculture - History Magic Shamanism Dictionary on Urban Revolution. The third major change in the history of http://www.experiencefestival.com/agriculture_-_history |
31. Story Of Farming Illustrated overview of the origins and development of agriculture, with bibiliography, notes from early cultures, and pictures of early farm implements and tractors. http://www.historylink101.com/lessons/farm-city/story-of-farming.htm | |
32. American Museum Of Agriculture - Lubbock, TX History of the American Museum of Agriculture. In 1969, as agricultural museum was deemed important to the people of West Texas. Too many people thought of the old machinery left in http://www.agriculturehistory.org/about.php | |
33. PlantFacts Chronology of the development of horticulture in Europe and North America, with a set of articles on associated topics. http://hcs.osu.edu/hort/history.html | |
34. Agriculture - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Urban agriculture History History of agriculture Neolithic Revolution Arab Agricultural Revolution British Agricultural Revolution Green Revolution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture | |
35. Tumbledown Farm | .9 Acres (give Or Take An Acre Or Two) Features published original sources for 19th and early 20th century rural culture, farming methods, and gardening skills. http://www.tumbledownfarm.com/ |
36. Agriculture: Encyclopedia II - Agriculture - History Archaeobotanists/Paleoethnobotanists have traced the selection and cultivation of specific food plant characteristics, such as a semitough rachis and larger seeds, to just http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Agriculture_-_History/id/4773828 |
37. Seeds Of Trade Introduction to the history of cultivation and spread of some common crops. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/jdsml/nature-online/seeds-of-trade/ | |
38. Arolithos Traditional Cretan Village Servili Tilissou Heraklion Anogia Crete Cretan handcraft (embroidery, weaving art, wood sculpture, coins, jewels), and display of agricultural and cattle breeding activities and professions. Located in Heraklion, Crete. http://www.arolithos.com/museum.php | |
39. Science > Agriculture > History History of Farming and Cities Links to pages which give research on the development of farming and cities by culture. AgropolisMuseum A Science Center dealing with topics such http://agriculture-history.generalanswers.org/ | |
40. Account Of S. G. Hubbard, Hatfield, MA, 1850 American Agricultural History. http://members.tripod.com/ploughboy/hubbard1.html | |
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