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21. Norsk Genressurssenter - Variasjon, Vern Og Verdiskaping - Skog Og Landskap Informasjon om Norsk genressursr d og genetiske ressurser i husdyr, kulturplanter og skogstr r. http://www.genressurser.no/ | |
22. Soil Science And Agronomy, General. - College Academic Program - Careers.org and Profile with links to related occupation profiles and colleges and universities offering the curriculum.......Soil Science and Agronomy, General. Academic Program http://education.careers.org/curriculum/01.1201/soil-science-and-agronomy-genera |
23. Winter Wheat Genereal Agronomy Information Agronomy. General Information; Variety Selection; Seeding; Fertility; Pest and Weed Management; Crop Assessment; Tools; Ask an Expert; Research; Statistics; Producer Profiles http://www.wintercereals.ca/agro-info.html |
24. Danish Informatics Network In The Agricultural Sciences Netv rk omkring agronomisk forskning og erhverv. Mest p engelsk. http://www.dina.dk/ | |
25. Soil Science And Agronomy, General :: Description MyPlan.com is unquestionably the best resource on the Internet for career and college information. Their long list of free services includes career profiles, career videos, salary http://www.myplan.com/majors/soil-science-and-agronomy-general/description-01.12 | |
26. Inside Iowa State: Iowa State University BS 1968, Farm Operation; MS 1979, Agronomy General Manager, Heart of Iowa Cooperative Ames, Iowa Henry A. Wallace Award Wesley F. Buchele PhD 1954, Agricultural Engineering and Soil http://www.iastate.edu/Inside/2003/1010/alumniawards.shtml | |
27. Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet - Københavns Universitet Med nyheder, vejviser, forskning og uddannelse. http://www.kvl.dk/ |
28. Scientist Plant Pathologist Job Career Field Pathology Molecular Biology Extensive experience and education in Plant Pathology. Broad background in field pathology and molecular biology. http://www.agriseek.com/job-career/p/Scientist-Plant-Pathologist.htm | |
29. F Devaredirektoratet Regulering og kontrol fra jord til bord . http://www.foedevaredirektoratet.dk/ |
30. Skogshistoria I Danmark Artikel af Bo Fritzb ger. http://www.kslab.ksla.se/fritzboger.htm | |
31. Danmarks Mejeritekniske Selskab Arbejder for at fremme den mejeritekniske forskning og oplysning samt anvendelsen af dens resultater til gavn for dansk mejeribrug og tilsluttende produktioner. http://www.mejeritekniskselskab.dk/ |
32. Agronomy - General BYE Another Biotech Acronym? Biotech Yield Endorsement. This one you need to remember right away, especially if you farm in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa or Minnesota. http://www.renkseed.com/KnowledgeCenter/Agronomy/All/tabid/74/Default.aspx |
33. Landbrugets Uddannelses Portal (LUP) Interaktivt kursus, hvor brugerne gennemg r lektioner i de mest almindelige sygdomme i svinestalde. http://www.lup.as/ | |
34. MFA | Agronomy: General MFAInc.com http://ww2.mfa-inc.com/agronomy/general/index.asp | |
35. DTU Fødevareinstituttet Besk ftiger sig med en r kke omr der, der har betydning for f devare- og veterin rsikkerheden. http://www.dfvf.dk/ | |
36. Soil Science And Agronomy, General Scholarships Search Soil Science and Agronomy, General scholarships for free. See Soil Science and Agronomy, General scholarships and more. http://www.cappex.com/scholarships/ByMajor/Soil-Science-and-Agronomy-General/-s- |
37. Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aarhus Universitet Sektorforskningsinstitution under Ministeriet for F devarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. http://www.agrsci.dk/ | |
38. BISAC > TECHNOLOGY > TECHNOLOGY/ Agriculture / Agronomy / General - Internationa Farming with Fire and Water. The Human Ecology of a Composite Swiddening Community in Vietnam's Northern Mountains http://www.isbs.com/search.asp?cid=29887 |
39. Center For Bio-diversitet Genressourcer, biologisk mangfoldighed, genbevaring, gamle husdyrracer, gamle nytteplanter og genetisk variation. http://www.biodiverse.dk/ | |
40. The Regional Institute - Physiology, Agronomy General Information Management; Website development; Electronic commerce; Enterprise Open Source Content Management System (CMS); Open Access http://www.regional.org.au/au/asa/2001/p/5/ | |
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