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41. AIDS/HIV Services Group Providing emotional and practical support to people living with HIV/AIDS, their families, friends, and loved ones. http://www.aidsservices.org/ | |
42. HIV And AIDS In Thailand Information about HIV/AIDS in Thailand. Covers the history, present situation and future challenges of HIV/AIDS. http://www.avert.org/thailand-aids-hiv.htm | |
43. AIDS/HIV Local, national and international coverage of the world wide HIV/AIDS pandemic, medical research, treatment, fundraising, UN missions, and the African crisis updated. http://www.suite101.com/aidshiv |
44. Reeder, Glen Social cognition, impression formation and attribution process, prejudice toward people with AIDS/HIV (Illinois State U., USA) http://www.psychology.ilstu.edu/gdreeder/ |
45. The STD STI Virus Hiv Aids | Info On Symptoms Treatments Pictures Photo's Diagno AIDS SYmptoms Do I Have AIDS? HIV/AIDS is an extremely deadly disease and everyone who is sexually active or shares needles in any way should be tested. http://yourstdhelp.com/hivaids.html | |
46. AIDS-HIV FAQ :: Příznaky, Testy, Rizika - Často Kladené Dotazy On-line poradna, ot zky a odpov di z problematiky AIDS a HIV. http://aidsfaq.ihelpdesk.cz/ |
47. Sensoa: Vlaams Service- En Expertisecentrum Voor Seksuele Gezondheid En Hiv Informatie over aids, hiv, seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen, veilig vrijen, het condoom en dergelijke. http://www.sensoa.be/ | |
48. Asian AIDS HIV Information Archive And Resources At Utopia Asia Asian AIDS HIV Information Archive and Resources at Utopia Asia, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea http://www.utopia-asia.com/aids.htm | |
49. The Balm In Gilead National organization helping to turn Black churches into centers of support for people with AIDS and HIV. http://www.balmingilead.org | |
50. AIDS Information, Education, Action, Awareness | HIV, AIDS Facts Latest AIDS/HIV News. U.S. Hispanics Have 1 in 52 Estimated Lifetime Risk of HIV news; Studies Tout Alternative HIV Regimens for Women, Babies news http://www.aids.org/ |
51. AIDS: Education And Prevention From The Growing Epidemic Information for teens about AIDS and HIV. Includes how it s transmitted, how many people have died, what it s structure is, and how to help stop it from spreading. http://library.thinkquest.org/10631/ |
52. Aids/hiv | LIVESTRONG.COM Aids/hiv. What Is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome AIDS and HIV Infection?FACT Over 50 percent of new HIV infections occur among people under age 25. Between 40,000 and 50,000 http://www.livestrong.com/article/13949-aids-hiv/ |
53. Life Education Of Florida Provides classes in CPR, Automated External Defibrillators, First Aid, HIV/AIDS, OSHA Bloodborne and Domestic violence. http://www.life-ed.com | |
54. Facts About HIV/AIDS - The Body HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. A member of a group of viruses called retroviruses, HIV infects human cells and uses the energy http://www.thebody.com/content/art32981.html |
55. South Jersey AIDS Alliance. Free HIV/AIDS Support, Information And Services. Support for all aids/hiv related conditions. Includes details about the organization, its services, information, a newsletter and contact details. http://www.southjerseyaidsalliance.org | |
56. HIV And AIDS Information From Drugs.com HIV is not transmitted via ordinary contact (hugging, dancing, sneezing, talking, touching, or shaking hands) with someone who has HIV or AIDS. HIV is not transmitted through http://www.drugs.com/aids.html | |
57. Forum On Spiritual Support And HIV -- The Body: The Complete HIV/AIDS Resource AIDS and HIV can strike the spirit with as much force as they strike the body. A forum from The Body to help you combat depression, isolation, or negative reactions from family and friends. http://www.thebody.com/Forums/AIDS/Spiritual/index.html |
58. Aids-hiv.com AIDS HIV Alternative Medicine Resources. The AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) National Resource Center (NRC) website maintains links to Alternative and http://aids-hiv.com/ |
59. HIV Symptoms - HIV - The Symptoms Of HIV Mark Cichocki http://aids.about.com/health/diseases/aids/mbody.htm | |
60. AIDS / HIV - Health Find articles and multimedia on AIDS, A.I.D.S., HIV, H.I.V., acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AZT. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/aids | |
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