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1. Alabama - Industry Alabama's industrial boom, which began in the 1870s with the exploitation of the coal and iron fields in the north, quickly transformed Birmingham into the leading industrial city http://www.city-data.com/states/Alabama-Industry.html | |
2. Alabama Department Of Industrial Relations - Unemployment Compensation Includes information on filing UC Partials, quick facts and filing requirements, claims and benefits, technical information for employers, resources and history of the program. http://dir.alabama.gov/uc/ | |
3. ::. Welcome To The Alabama Technology Network .:: Mission, activities, expertise, events, staff, who to contact in this organization dedicated to assisting Alabama industry, linking state schools and the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama. http://www.atn.org/ |
4. An Alabama Industry Profile An Alabama Industry Profile Economic Development Partnership of Alabama www.edpa.org Automotive Industry Alabama is the home to MercedesBenz, Honda and Hyundai assembly plants. http://www.aama.to/auto_profile.pdf |
5. ACI Correctional Industries exist primarily for the purpose of providing a worktraining program for inmates of the Department of Corrections. http://www.doc.state.al.us/industries.asp | |
6. NAIDA - North Alabama Industrial Development Association Assists in creating quality jobs for residents of Northern Alabama. This is accomplished through coordinating the location, development and promotion of business and industry which will attract, expand, and/or retain jobs. http://www.naida.com/ | |
7. Answers.com - What Are The Major Industries In Alabama The major industries in Alabama are agriculture (corn, cotton, soybeans, peanuts, livestock, and poultry), mining (iron ore, limestone, coal), hydroelectric power, and steel http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_major_industries_in_Alabama |
8. ALFA Farmers Federation - Agriculture, Alabama's No. 1 Industry Alabama's agribusiness industries account for 476,000 jobs with annual earnings of more than $9 billion, more http://www.alfafarmers.org/ag_facts/ | |
9. AIDT - Alabama Industrial Development Training An institute of the State s Department of Postsecondary Education, encourages economic development through job-specific training. Training services are offered in many areas, ranging from welding to software engineering. AIDT s services are free of charge to new and expanding industries throughout the State. http://www.aidt.edu/ |
10. IKeepBookmarks.com - Irondalecommunityschool/Alabama Industry A webbased bookmarks manager, iKeepBookmarks.com allows you to upload and keep, your bookmarks on the web. Then you can access your favorites links at any time, from any computer http://www.ikeepbookmarks.com/browse.asp?folder=2621520 |
11. Lanett, Alabama (AL) Hotels, Yellow Pages, Homes, Weather, Apartments, Jobs, And City of Lanett, Alabama. Find hotels, homes, jobs, apartments, yellow pages, and events in Lanett. Also weather, restaurants, schools, businesses, city information and other info http://www.lanettalabama.com/ | |
12. Articles About Alabama Industry - Los Angeles Times Alabama Industry News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Alabama Industry from the Los Angeles Times http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/alabama-industry |
13. McGriff Industries, Inc. Transportation, tire treading, commercial services, and tire sales company. http://www.mcgriffindustries.com/ | |
14. Encyclopedia Of Alabama - Categories - Business And Industry Business and Industry http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/face/Categories.jsp?path=BusinessandIndustr |
15. Alabama Institute For Deaf And Blind - Alabama Industries For The Blind Alabama Industries for the Blind is a diverse manufacturing complex and one of the country's largest employers of people who are blind. AIB provides training and employment http://www.aidb.org/Alabama Industries for the Blind.aspx?Page=7302e4a3-e47d-49f |
16. Bessemer Alabama Encyclopedia II - Bessemer Alabama - Industry In 1911, the town was served by five railroad lines Alabama Great Southern (Queen Crescent route), the Louisville Nashville Railroad, the Kansas City, Memphis http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Bessemer_Alabama_-_Industry/id/4848798 |
17. The 50 States Project - Alabama - Industry mine no. 8 Michael Mccraw Enlarge http://50statesproject.net/alabama-industry.html |
18. EERE State Activities And Partnerships: Energy Consumption In Alabama Industry Energy Consumption in Alabama Industry. The charts and statistics on this page show economic indicators of industrial energy consumption in Alabama. http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/states/industrial.cfm/state=AL | |
19. Pike County Economic Development Corporation * We are pleased to welcome CGI to Troy and Pike County. The hundreds of new jobs will mean more opportunities and brighter futures for so many Alabama families For More http://www.pikecountyal-edc.com/site/ |
20. Alabama Peanut Crop & Industry County Map Crop Industry Info http://www.alpeanuts.com/crop_industry/peanutproduction_map.phtml | |
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