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1. Alaska, Education/General Interest Videos & DVDs Product Reviews And Prices - Ep Epinions.com Find Alaska, Education/General Interest Videos DVDs by Store Amazon Marketplace, Amazon, Buy.com Marketplaces, HotMovieSale.com, DeepDiscount.com, Barnes and http://www.epinions.com/Movies--media_education_general_interest--alaska_keyword |
2. Pratt Museum: Arts, Science, And Culture Of Kachemak Bay, Alaska | Education | G The Pratt Museum offers exploration and education on themes of importance to Kachemak Bay, the Kenai Peninsula, and Alaska. Our exhibits explore natural history, native cultures http://www.prattmuseum.org/education/tours.html | |
3. ATP Home [Alaska Teacher Placement] Search for or list job openings in Alaska. Links to information about Alaska and about teacher jobhunting in general. http://www.alaskateacher.org/ | |
4. Arctic Region Supercomputing Center A computational research center affiliated with the University of Alaska Fairbanks. http://www.arsc.edu/ |
5. Center For Human Development-UAA Provides training, research, and support for people with developmental disabilities. http://www.alaskachd.org/ |
6. Alaska PTA Home Page Official site. http://www.alaska.net/~akpta/index.html | |
7. The Aurora: Information And Images Information for range users, real time data and images of aurora (only when it s dark in Alaska), and educational material on the aurora. http://www.pfrr.alaska.edu/aurora/index.html | |
8. APICC :: HOME Creates, connects and enhances the quality of training and educational programs to help prepare people for good jobs. Provides information on committees, education, and jobs. http://www.apicc.org/ | |
9. Home | NEA-Alaska Directory, calendar, mission, hot topics, legislative updates, employment opportunities, benefits, parent resources, and scholarships. http://www.neaalaska.org/ | |
10. North Slope Borough School District (Barrow) District news, calendar, school directory and web sites, community information, curriculum, policies, and staff e-mail directory. http://www.nsbsd.org/ |
11. High School Sports And Athletics News | IHigh.com - The High School Internet Net (Naknek) Calendar, student handbook, board minutes, community information, sports schedules, and school pages. http://bristolbayschool.ihigh.com/ | |
12. Lake And Peninsula School District (King Salmon) Curriculum standards, community information and photographs, employment listings, e-mail directory, and school sites. http://www.lpsd.com/ | |
13. Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (Soldotna) District information, curriculum, school board information, schools, technology information, and district calendars. http://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/ | |
14. Fairbanks North Star Borough School District | Fairbanks North Star Borough Scho (Fairbanks) About schools, school calendar, administration, school board information, news, and employment information. http://www.northstar.k12.ak.us/ | |
15. Galena School District - Innovative Education In Alaska (Galena) About schools, mission, and links to school web sites. http://www.galenaalaska.org/ |
16. Juneau School District (Juneau) District information, instructional services, and educational links. http://www.jsd.k12.ak.us/ | |
17. Sitka School District (Sitka) District information, technology information, and links to school web sites. http://www.ssd.k12.ak.us/ | |
18. Bering Strait School District - BSSD Home (Unalakleet) News and current events, area information, school sites, employment opportunities, and student projects. http://www.bssd.org/ | |
19. ASD Online -- The Website Of The Anchorage School District (Anchorage) District information, school calendar, menus, school board information, and departments. http://www.asdk12.org/ | |
20. Chugach School District - Voyage To Excellence (Anchorage) Calendar, staff directory, student showcase, school sites, and special programs. http://www.chugachschools.com/ | |
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