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21. Copper River School District (Glennallen) Calendar, staff directory, school sites, employment information, and current menus. http://www.crsd.k12.ak.us/ | |
22. Unalaska City SD - AK - District Home (Unalaska) School sites, students, parent resources, current happenings, and general information concerning school district employment and Unalaska/Dutch Harbor. http://www.ucsd.net/ |
23. Mt. Edgecumbe High School (Sitka) Public-supported, residential boarding program serving primarily students from rural Alaska. Student portfolios, organizations, learning resources, student handbook, and staff. http://www.mehs.educ.state.ak.us |
24. Iditarod School District (McGrath) Curriculum information, job openings, teacher resources, school sites, and staff e-mail directory http://www.iditarodsd.org/ |
25. Ketchikan Gateway Borough Schools (Ketchikan) Budget information, calendar, curriculum, job openings, and contact information. http://www.kgbsd.org/ |
26. Untitled Document (Bethel) Departmental directory, academic programs, technology tutorials, job openings, and board policies. http://www.lksd.org/ | |
27. SWRS District Office Home Page (Dillingham) District profile, e-mail directory, employment opportunities, and departmental information. http://dlg.swrsd.org/do/doHomePage.shtml | |
28. Valdez City School District Home Page -- An Alaska Public School (Valdez) Calendar, board minutes and policies, school sites, and staff e-mail directory. http://www.valdezcityschools.org/ | |
29. Yukon Koyukuk School District (Fairbanks) School programs, student handbook, curriculum resources, and job openings. http://www.yksd.com/ | |
30. Northwest Arctic Borough School District (Kotzebue) Departmental directory, student/parent handbook, school sites, calendar, and job vacancies. http://www.nwarctic.org/ |
31. Nome Public Schools (Nome) Calendar, community information, school sites, and special programs. http://www.nomeschools.com/ | |
32. Delta-Greely School District - Home (Delta Junction) Curriculum, safe schools program, school sites, and school board information. http://www.dgsd.k12.ak.us/ | |
33. Yupiit School District - Home (Akiachak) District profile, school pages, employment information, community information, and administrative directory. http://www.yupiit.org/ | |
34. Petersburg City Schools (Petersburg) District profile, calendar, mission statement, school web sites, administrative directory, community information, employment opportunities, and local improvement plan. http://www.psgsd.k12.ak.us |
35. Home Of The Eagles (Yakutat) Community information, calendar, school web sites, mission statement, and contact information. http://yakutatschools.org/ | |
36. Annette Islands Schools (Metlakatla) District profile, contact information, school links, and community information. http://aisd.k12.ak.us/ |
37. Aleutians East Borough Schools (Sand Point) Staff directory, scholarship information, online newsletter and special projects. http://www.aebsd.org/ | |
38. SMCSD (Saint Mary s) Calendar, district profile, board members, e-mail directory, student handbook, and contact information. http://www.smcsd.us/ | |
39. Wrangell Public School District! (Wrangell) Calendar, mission statement, district news, staff directory, strategic plan, district report card, school web sites, board meeting agenda, employment opportunities, and contact information. http://www.wrangellschools.org/ |
40. Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District (Palmer) School sites, employment information, school board information and departmental pages. http://www.matsuk12.us |
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