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         Albanian Archaeology:     more detail
  1. New Directions in Albanian Archaeology: Studies Presented to Muzafer Korkuti (International Centre for Albanian Archaeology Monograph) (International Centre for Albanian Archaeology Monograph Series) by Lorenc Bejko, 2006-10-01
  2. New Directions in Albanian Archaeology by Lorenc (EDT)/ Hodges, Richard (EDT) Bejko, 2006-10-30
  3. New directions in Albanian archaeology; studies presented to Muzafer Korkuti. (I by Ed. by Lorenc Bejko and Richard Hodges.,
  4. The Albanian-American Odyssey: A Pilot Study of the Albanian Community of Boston, Massachusetts (Immigrant Communities and Ethnic Minorities in the United States and Canada) by Dennis L. Nagi, 1989-10
  5. Archaeological Guide to Albania: Butrint and the Saranda Region by Oliver J. Gilkes, 2009-12-01
  6. Out of Albania: From Crisis Migration to Social Inclusion in Italy by Russell King, Nicola Mai, 2008-10-01

1. New Directions In Albanian Archaeology (Open Library)
New Directions in Albanian archaeology by , 2006,International Centre for Albanian Archaeology edition, in English

2. MAASBESA: Events
Boston University Albanian Archaeology Start Time February 25, 2009, 600 pm End Time February 25, 2009, 800 pm
var GB_ROOT_DIR = ""; This page is currently under maintenance Language: Contact Us qm_create(0,false,0,500,false,false,false,false,false); Boston University Albanian Archaeology
Time and Place
Start Time: February 25, 2009, 6:00 pm End Time: February 25, 2009, 8:00 pm Location: Boston Univrsity Street: 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 224 City/Town: Boston, MA,
The 2009 Context and Human Society Lecture Series at Boston University
The Center for Archaeological Studies, and Department of Archaeology
Dr. Richard Hodges
Williams Director,
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology http://www.bu. edu/archaeology/ news/Hodges. pdf
Toward a Twenty-first Century Archaeology: Cultural Heritage and Field Research in Albania, Lecture Series 1st Lecture " At the crossroads of the Mediterranean: Butrint and the Corrupting Sea " Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 6 p.m 2nd Lecture " Archaeology and Social Responsibility in Southern Albania "

3. LIBURNA PROJECT 2 Of 2 (Documentary) Albanian Archaeology - Video
Volume 67 Number 254 Page 123–125 Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology Lida Miraj 1 and Moikom Zeqo 1 1 Archaeological Museum, Durres, Albania.

4. Albanian Archaeology - Archaeology Of Albania
Albania Archaeology Archaeological sites, researchers, universities, cultural history and other resources of Albania.
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  • Home Education Archaeology
  • Archaeology
    Filed In:
  • Archaeology by Country Europe Eastern Europe
  • Archaeological sites, researchers, universities, cultural history and other resources of Albania.
    Albania Archaeology in Photos
    A photo essay featuring some of the archaeological and architectural gems located in the modern country of Albania.
    Butrint Photos
    From Galen Frysinger, a collection of photographs from the city of Butrint. zSB(3,3)
    Butrint: City of Mosaics
    The World Heritage site of Butrint, located in southwest Albania on the Mediterranean Sea, is a unique blend of Greek and Roman and Byzantine and Venetian architecture, a result of its long and checkered history.
    A travelogue of the ancient Corinthian, Roman, and Byzantine city and seaport in western Albania, by enthusiastic traveler Galen R Frysinger.
    A newsletter from the Frosina Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to being a source of information to Albanians and Albanian immigrants around the world. Includes news and a collection of articles on Albania. English.
    Geography of Albania
    Maps and political information about the modern day country of Albania, from your guide to Geography, Matt Rosenberg.

    5. Lofk�nd Archaeological Project
    collaboration of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), the International Center for Albanian Archaeology

    Project Aims
    ). One of the most interesting results of the 2004 excavations was the large number of prehistoric stone tools re-deposited in the tumulus fill (fig. 3), including Neolithic and Bronze Age types, and also some Paleolithic examples. Fig. 2. One of the infant skeletons after cleaning in the lab Fig. 3. Selection of prehistoric chipped stone tools from the surface and fill of the tumulus

    6. Albania Archaeology In Photos
    A photo essay of important and interesting archaeological sites to see in Albania
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    By K. Kris Hirst , Guide
    Filed In:
  • Archaeology
  • The modern day country of Albania is home to many Roman and other period archaeological sites, the most famous of which is called Butrint, known for its remarkable mosaics. Here's a selection of photographs from various artists who've shared their work on Flickr. Photographers include Etrit Bardhi Doc Kozzak Zachary Korb Net Efekt (Christian Guthier) ... alwynt (Alwyn Thomson) , and Ed Allie
    Images of
    Enter Gallery Byzantine Basilica in Butrint Greek Amphitheatre, Butrint Roman Gymnasium, Butrint ... Rozafa Castle, Shkodra Related Articles zSB(3,3) if(zSbL<1)zSbL=3;zSB(2);zSbL=0

    7. Greek Temple Discovered In Albania
    This is a case where a hunch about the potential of a site is paying off in the discovery of a temple that has extraordinary and singular importance to Albanian archaeology and to
    Science and technology news
    Greek temple discovered in Albania
    January 6, 2006 Image: A fragment of a tablet recovered from the Albanian site. Researchers from the University of Cincinnati�s Classics faculty are preparing to make their first public presentation of details surrounding their find of one of the earliest Greek temples in the Adriatic region north of Greece. "This is a case where a hunch about the potential of a site is paying off in the discovery of a temple that has extraordinary and singular importance to Albanian archaeology and to the history of Greek colonization in the Adriatic Sea region," says Jack L. Davis, the Carl W. Blegen Professor of Greek Archaeology at the University of Cincinnati and co-director of the international research team working at the site. "We are gaining the tools for an understanding of religious life in the 6th and 5th centuries B.C., a part of the early history of Apollonia of which little is known." Presenting with Davis will be UC colleagues Sharon R. Stocker, Kathleen Lynch and Evi Gorogianni, along with Albanian researchers Iris Pojani and Vangjel Dimo. The temple they have discovered, located in coastal Albania, is only the fifth known stone temple in Albania. It stands out both because of its age and its size.

    8. Under Albanian Soil
    A brief history of archaeological activity, both past and present, in Albania

    9. Curriculum Vitae
    The Absolute Chronology of Albanian Archaeology Radiocarbon Dates from Apollonia and Lofk nd. Iliria (in press). 2009. Marston, John M. Modeling Wood Acquisition Strategies from
    Curriculum Vitae Academic appointments
    2010-2011    Postdoctoral Fellow, Joukowsky Institute for
                         Archaeology and the Ancient World
    , Brown University
    2007-2010    Writing Consultant, Graduate Writing Center , UCLA
    2009             Instructor, Department of Classics , UCLA
    2008-2009    Teaching Fellow, Department of Classics , UCLA
    2005-2006    Teaching Associate, Departments of Anthropology and
    , UCLA
    1999-2001    Teaching Assistant, Departments of Biology and
    , Washington University, St. Louis
  • Marston, John M. Evaluating Risk, Sustainability, and Decision Making in Agricultural and Land-Use Strategies at Ancient Gordion. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles.
  • Journal Articles
  • Marston, John M. Archaeological Markers of Agricultural Risk Management. Submitted to Journal of Anthropological Archaeology Damiata, Brian, John K. Papadopoulos, Maria Grazia Amore, Sarah P. Morris, Lorenc Bejko, and John M. Marston. The Absolute Chronology of Albanian Archaeology: Radiocarbon Dates from Apollonia and Lofkënd. Iliria (in press).
  • 10. ICAA
    The International Centre for Albanian Archaeology is an NGO active since 2000 in the fields of archaeology, Culture Heritage management, education, and environmental impact
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    International Centre for Albanian Archaeology
    Latest News
    Promotion of the ICAA Monograph Series Nr. 2
    THE COMPLEX OF TUMULI 9, 10 and 11 in the NECROPOLIS of APOLLONIA (ALBANIA) by Maria Grazia Amore On April 20, 2010 in the hall “Aleks Buda” of the Academy of Sciences was held the promotion of the new publication of the ICAA Monograph Series. more Changes were brought to the “Cultural Heritage Law” Recently some important changes were brought to the “Cultural Heritage Law” approved in 2003. more
    ICAA The International Centre for Albanian Archaeology is an NGO active since 2000 in the fields of archaeology, Culture Heritage management, education, and environmental impact assessment.

    11. Missing Antiquities Of Albania
    L he portrait head of Livia M Iris Pojani (Director of the International Centre for Albanian Archaeology) and Auron Tare (Director of the

    Following some negotiation a generous offer to return the head was made by the art dealer and on 3 November 2000 Livia was returned to Tirana.
    On 4th April 1991 the museum at Butrint was raided and several major sculptures stolen. The Albanian Institute of Archaeology alerted the Greek museum service and sent descriptions and photographs of the objects. As a result five of the sculptures were identified and seized from criminal gangs: (i) a portrait head of Agrippa (BAM inv. 583); (ii) a portrait head of a young woman (BAM inv. 50); (iii) the head from a statue in the type of the Large Herculaneum Woman (BAM inv. 584); (iv) a headless figure of Nike or young girl (BAM inv. 455); (v) a torso of Apollo (BAM inv. 4). Dr Katerina Hadzis, a Greek archaeologist leading a project at Butrint, acted as an important link between the Greek authorities and the Albanian Institute of Archaeology in the early days after the seizure of the objects. With her help, members of the Institute of Archaeology were able to visit Greece and see the objects in safe storage. Initially the objects could not be released until criminal charges had been successfully completed against the gangs responsible for their illegal transportation. Prof. Muzafer Korkuti, Dr Ilir Gjipali and Prof. Neritan Ceka kept in close contact with the Greek authorities and, in turn, kept the Albanian Ministry of Culture informed. The Ministry played a crucial role in negotiating the return of the objects from 1998 onwards.

    12. Conceptual Changes In Albanian Archaeology. - Antiquity | HighBeam Research - FR
    Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology. find Antiquity articles. div id= bedoc-text The transition from dictatorship to democracy in Albania, as in the other countries
    Research articles and archives from 6,500+ publications
    Please enter a keyword above. Articles Academic magazines Humanities magazines Antiquity March 1993
    Article: Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology.
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    March 1, 1993
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    Related articles The transition from dictatorship to democracy in Albania, as in the other countries of central Europe, is more than a simple mechanical change from one system to another. The process is a more complex one and it is difficult to make definitive statements about it. It involves not only adjustments to their personal attitudes by individuals but also a radical departure from previous intellectual processes and practices, leading to real freedom of thought in general. It is still too early to assess to what extent democratic changes in different areas of life have been adopted. For many reasons Albania will have adopted a similar course to that of the other countries of central Europe, but the Albanian situation has certain peculiarities that need not be detailed here. One thing that is clear is that Albanian society, in regaining its democratic and human identity, has created the conditions needed for integration with dignity into the community of European and human cultures. Read all of this article with a FREE trial
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    13. Rogueclassicism: Albanian Temple
    They agree the site has extraordinary and singular importance to Albanian archaeology and to the history of Greek colonization in the Adriatic Sea, Davis said.
    rogueclassicism quidquid bene dictum est ab ullo, meum est ~ Seneca ... from the archives Albanian Temple From a University of Cincinnati press release (I was scooped by Blogographos on this one!):
    It took a hunch, hard work and a heck of a lot of diplomacy. But the payoff is spectacular: Archeologists from the University of Cincinnati have discovered a previously unknown Greek temple outside the ancient Greek city-state of Apollonia.
    The monumental temple is "the third of its kind to be discovered at Apollonia and only the fifth in all of Albania," said Jack L. Davis, the Carl W. Blegen Professor of Greek Archaeology at the University of Cincinnati. Davis is co-director of the international team that has located the temple in a rural site in what is now modern-day Albania.
    The hunch had its roots in work begun more than 40 years ago, when a farmer’s tractor uncovered terracotta figurines outside the walls of Apollonia. The site appeared to include remains of a sanctuary. An Albanian-Russian archeological team explored it, finding traces of brick walls and dating hundreds of the figurines to the 4th-2nd century BC. Their work went unnoticed, however: the rupture in Soviet-Albanian relations in 1960 kept the team from publishing much about their work
    In 2002, Albanian archeologists, working collaboratively with Davis and other UC colleagues, conducted a surface survey. Measuring off a grid in the low-lying land between the ancient walls of Apollonia and the Adriatic Sea, team members walked, painstakingly searching for artifacts hidden in the dirt and vegetation.

    14. Iris Pojani
    N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E A M E R I C A N S C H O O L O F hosts Iris Pojani (Director of the Internation al Centre for Albanian Archaeology in Tirana

    15. International Centre For Albanian Archaeology, UEA : Current Archaeology
    ICAA is a research, training and consultancy group affiliated to the University of East Anglia.

    16. SAAME - Richard Andrew Hodges Curriculum Vitae
    2006 (Edited with L. Bejko) New Directions in Albanian Archaeology. Festshrift for Muzafer Korkuti, Tirana, International Center for Albanian Archaeology.

    17. YouTube - Illyrian-Albanian Archeology
    A compilations of pictures showing some of the archeological findings in Albania and Kosova. The Albanians are one of the most ancient people in Europe and the Albanian

    18. Butrint's Byzantine Heritage - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At Qu
    At the classical sites of Apollonia, Butrint and Phoenike, these missions made great discoveries and simultaneously set in motion a school of Albanian archaeology based in Tirana.

    19. Conceptual Changes In Albanian Archaeology | Antiquity | Find Articles At BNET
    Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology from Antiquity provided by Find Articles at BNET
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      Reference Publications
      Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology
      Antiquity March, 1993 by Lida Miraj Moikom Zeqo
      The transition from dictatorship to democracy in Albania, as in the other countries of central Europe, is more than a simple mechanical change from one system to another. The process is a more complex one and it is difficult to make definitive statements about it. It involves not only adjustments to their personal attitudes by individuals but also a radical departure from previous intellectual processes and practices, leading to real freedom of thought in general. It is still too early to assess to what extent democratic changes in different areas of life have been adopted. For many reasons Albania will have adopted a similar course to that of the other countries of central Europe, but the Albanian situation has certain peculiarities that need not be detailed here. One thing that is clear is that Albanian society, in regaining its democratic and human identity, has created the conditions needed for integration with dignity into the community of European and human cultures. There can be no doubt that in the field of historical sciences many taboos and hitherto immutable concepts, which resulted in stagnation and a lack of vitality attributable to the nucleus of the totalitarian system, are being rejected. Political totalitarianism is reflected in scientific knowledge. We must now carry out genuine analysis so that we may free our science once and for all from non-scientific totalitarian concepts. This is especially important in the historical sciences, which were more heavily influenced by totalitarian concepts than the natural and physical sciences.

    20. Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 99-01-28
    CONTENTS; Vangjel Toci, one of pioneers of Albanian archaeology dies Trial against 24 Albanians from Rahovec held in Prizren Fruitful talks between KLA and Ambassadors Hill and
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    Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 99-01-28
    Albanian Telegraphic Agency Directory - Previous Article Next Article
    Albanian Telegraphic Agency
  • Vangjel Toci, one of pioneers of Albanian archaeology dies
  • Trial against 24 Albanians from Rahovec held in Prizren
  • Fruitful talks between KLA and Ambassadors Hill and Petric - Krasniqi
  • Kiosks trading books be placed near bus stations
  • Cigarette factory in Durres closed
  • Albanian president hails IMF contribution in economic development
  • Massive fleeing of inhabitants after fighting in Podujeva
  • Tirana currency rate
  • Turkish association offers aid to Kosova people
  • NGO-s present new projects for 1999
  • Chairman of Albanian Communist Party violated
  • February 10 - deadline for collection of arms
  • NATO intervention is very necessary to protect peace in Kosova, Dokle
  • Will of two people for friendly relations is based on cooperation of both countries, President
  • Government totally engaged to fight smuggling clandestine traffic - Albanian Premier meets leader of Italian Opposition Party-
  • Return of DP to Parliament depends on dialogue between ruling party and opposition
  • Serb forces attack again Podujeve region
  • Place of criminals is in trial, not in table of talks, Arbour
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