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Albanian Archaeology: more detail | ||||||
1. New Directions In Albanian Archaeology (Open Library) New Directions in Albanian archaeology by , 2006,International Centre for Albanian Archaeology edition, in English http://openlibrary.org/books/OL16475377M/New_Directions_in_Albanian_archaeology |
2. MAASBESA: Events Boston University Albanian Archaeology Start Time February 25, 2009, 600 pm End Time February 25, 2009, 800 pm http://maasbesa.org/events_49_boston_university_albanian_archaeology.html | |
3. LIBURNA PROJECT 2 Of 2 (Documentary) Albanian Archaeology - Video Volume 67 Number 254 Page 123–125 Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology Lida Miraj 1 and Moikom Zeqo 1 1 Archaeological Museum, Durres, Albania. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2039012/liburna_project_2_of_2_documentary_albania |
4. Albanian Archaeology - Archaeology Of Albania Albania Archaeology Archaeological sites, researchers, universities, cultural history and other resources of Albania. http://archaeology.about.com/od/albania/Albania_Archaeology.htm | |
5. Lofknd Archaeological Project collaboration of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), the International Center for Albanian Archaeology http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/ioa/staff/papadopoulos/lofkend/2004.html | |
6. Albania Archaeology In Photos A photo essay of important and interesting archaeological sites to see in Albania http://archaeology.about.com/od/albania/ig/Albania-Archaeology-in-Photos/ | |
7. Greek Temple Discovered In Albania This is a case where a hunch about the potential of a site is paying off in the discovery of a temple that has extraordinary and singular importance to Albanian archaeology and to http://www.physorg.com/news9667.html | |
8. Under Albanian Soil A brief history of archaeological activity, both past and present, in Albania http://www.archaeology.org/online/features/albania/ |
9. Curriculum Vitae The Absolute Chronology of Albanian Archaeology Radiocarbon Dates from Apollonia and Lofk nd. Iliria (in press). 2009. Marston, John M. Modeling Wood Acquisition Strategies from http://marston.bol.ucla.edu/cv.html | |
10. ICAA The International Centre for Albanian Archaeology is an NGO active since 2000 in the fields of archaeology, Culture Heritage management, education, and environmental impact http://icaa.org.al/ | |
11. Missing Antiquities Of Albania L he portrait head of Livia M Iris Pojani (Director of the International Centre for Albanian Archaeology) and Auron Tare (Director of the http://www.albanianheritage.net/missingantiquities/success.html | |
12. Conceptual Changes In Albanian Archaeology. - Antiquity | HighBeam Research - FR Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology. find Antiquity articles. div id= bedoc-text The transition from dictatorship to democracy in Albania, as in the other countries http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-14362611.html | |
13. Rogueclassicism: Albanian Temple They agree the site has extraordinary and singular importance to Albanian archaeology and to the history of Greek colonization in the Adriatic Sea, Davis said. http://www.atrium-media.com/rogueclassicism/Posts/00000122.html | |
14. Iris Pojani N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E A M E R I C A N S C H O O L O F hosts Iris Pojani (Director of the Internation al Centre for Albanian Archaeology in Tirana http://unjobs.org/authors/iris-pojani |
15. International Centre For Albanian Archaeology, UEA : Current Archaeology ICAA is a research, training and consultancy group affiliated to the University of East Anglia. http://www.archaeology.co.uk/foreign-societies/international-centre-for-albanian |
16. SAAME - Richard Andrew Hodges Curriculum Vitae 2006 (Edited with L. Bejko) New Directions in Albanian Archaeology. Festshrift for Muzafer Korkuti, Tirana, International Center for Albanian Archaeology. http://venus.unive.it/info.saame/cv/hodges.htm |
17. YouTube - Illyrian-Albanian Archeology A compilations of pictures showing some of the archeological findings in Albania and Kosova. The Albanians are one of the most ancient people in Europe and the Albanian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIIO-cyE184 |
18. Butrint's Byzantine Heritage - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At Qu At the classical sites of Apollonia, Butrint and Phoenike, these missions made great discoveries and simultaneously set in motion a school of Albanian archaeology based in Tirana. http://www.questia.com/googleScholar.qst?docId=5000271730 |
19. Conceptual Changes In Albanian Archaeology | Antiquity | Find Articles At BNET Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology from Antiquity provided by Find Articles at BNET http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3284/is_n254_v67/ai_n28627931/ | |
20. Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 99-01-28 CONTENTS; Vangjel Toci, one of pioneers of Albanian archaeology dies Trial against 24 Albanians from Rahovec held in Prizren Fruitful talks between KLA and Ambassadors Hill and http://www.hri.org/news/balkans/ata/1999/99-01-28.ata.html | |
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