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Albanian Archaeology: more detail | ||||||||
21. Antiquity Vol 82:317, 2008 Pp 686-701 - John K. Papadopoulos Et Al. - Reconstruc and Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, USA (Email JKP@humnet.ucla.edu; sarahm@humnet.ucla.edu) 2 International Center for Albanian Archaeology http://antiquity.ac.uk/ant/082/ant0820686.htm | |
22. New Directions In Albanian Archaeology; Studies Presented To Muzafer Korkuti. - Free Online Library New directions in Albanian archaeology; studies presented to Muzafer Korkuti.(Brief Article, Book Review) by Reference Research Book News ; Publishing http://www.thefreelibrary.com/New directions in Albanian archaeology; studies pr | |
23. Conceptual Changes In Albanian Archaeology. - Free Online Library Free Online Library Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology. by Antiquity ; Anthropology, archeology, folklore Albanian history Archaeology and state Research Public http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Conceptual changes in Albanian archaeology.-a01436 | |
24. New Directions In Albanian Archaeology (English) - Compare Prices And Buy At Pri Get the lowest prices on computers, electronics, furniture, cameras and more. Compare products and find the best deal with PriceGrabber.com. http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/isbn=9789994392308 |
25. Albanian Heritage The Fortifications of Butrint. Professor Gjerak Karaiskaj is well known in the Albanian archaeology and architecture. He published a prodigious number of archaeological articles http://albanianheritage.net/publications.html | |
26. Co-Operations Of FoAP Project In the first months, of the project establishment, in October 2005, in the surroundings of the International Centre for Albanian Archaeology, a meeting was organized http://www.archaeofoap.org.al/ang/Bashkepunime.html |
27. ICAA The International Centre for Albanian Archaeology was created and started its activity in late 1999, as an institution funded by the Packard Humanities Institute to sustain http://icaa.org.al/Anglisht/About Us.html | |
28. New Directions In Albanian Archaeology : Studies Presented To Muzafer Korkuti By All about New Directions in Albanian archaeology studies presented to Muzafer Korkuti by Lorenc Bejko. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers http://www.librarything.com/work/5968319 |
29. [Alb-club] Kosova Relief Fund As another day returns into a freezing night, families huddle together in shelters dug out of the earth, sharing one blanket, counting on their collective body heat for survival. http://www.alb-net.com/pipermail/alb-club/Week-of-Mon-20000306/002360.html | |
30. Intute - Full Record - International Centre Of Albanian Archaeology (ICAA) Intute International centre of Albanian archaeology (ICAA) International centre of Albanian archaeology (ICAA) International centre of Albanian archaeology (ICAA) http://www.intute.ac.uk/cgi-bin/fullrecord.pl?handle=20080312-09134469 |
31. The Butrint Foundation The Butrint Foundation . website has moved to www.butrintfoundation.co.uk http://www.butrintfound.dial.pipex.com/ | |
32. Supporters Of Future Of Albania's Past We owe particular thanks to the directors of the International Centre for Albanian Archaeology, As. Prof. Dr. Iris Pojani, Dr. Lorenc Bejko, Diana Ndrenika, to the ex http://archaeofoap.org.al/ang/Perkrahesit.html |
34. Sainsbury Institute For The Study Of Japanese Arts And Cultures: Projects In Jap International Centre for Albanian Archaeology (ICAA) Kyushu University; Niigata Prefectural Museum of History; Research Institute for Humanities and Nature, Kyoto http://www.sainsbury-institute.org/research-networks/projects-in-japanese-archae | |
35. Findarticles.com New Directions in Albanian Archaeology Studies Presented to Muzafer Korkuti, edited by L. Bejko and R. Hodges, 1830. International Centre for Albanian Archaeology http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3284/is_199303/ai_n7983141 |
36. Archaeology In Albania After Kosovo.(Brief Article) - History Today | HighBeam R Int'l Centre for Albanian Archaeology 2007 471 pages $55.95 Hardcover International Centre for Albanian Archaeology monograph series; no.1 GN778 Case studies of the archaeology of http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-60081459.html |
37. 2000 March : Current Archaeology For nearly forty years, the Southeast Archaeological Center has carried out a International Centre for Albanian Archaeology, UEA http://www.archaeology.co.uk/2000/03 | |
38. Researchers Discover Greek Temple In Albania Dating Back To 6th Century B.C. This is a case where a hunch about the potential of a site is paying off in the discovery of a temple that has extraordinary and singular importance to Albanian archaeology and to http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/01/060106122516.htm |
39. News Letter February 2008 ICAA Newsletter JanuaryFebruary 2008 ICAA Review 2000-2007 International Centre for Albanian Archaeology Rr. Ismail http://www.calameo.com/books/000085169ec26d4359505 |
40. Lofkënd Archaeological Project of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California, Los Angeles, The International Center for Albanian Archaeology http://ioa.ucla.edu/staff/papadopoulos/lofkend/index.html | |
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