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81. Charles A. Weibel: Home Page Rutgers. Algebraic K-theory, homological algebra. On-line texts and notes in algebra, history; journal information. http://math.rutgers.edu/~weibel/ | |
82. Keith A. Kearnes University of Colorado. Algebra, Logic, Combinatorics. Resources in general algebra, universal algebra and lattice theory. http://spot.colorado.edu/~kearnes/ | |
83. Algebra - General | Teaching For Change's Busboys And Poets Bookstore SIGN UP Get Weekly Author and Event Updates from Teaching for Change's Busboys and Poets Bookstore http://bbpbooks.teachingforchange.org/catalog/mathematics/algebra-general | |
84. MathPage Free Algebra Help Tutoring Organized, easy to understand, help with math, specifically algebra http://stroh.homestead.com/mathpage.html | |
85. Personal Algebra Tutor® And Algebra Word Problem Solver Personal Algebra Tutor - Enter your algebra problems and get instant step-by-step solutions with explanations. http://www.cyberedinc.com/ | |
86. Singular Computer Algebra System for polynomial computations with special emphasis on commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and singularity theory. http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/ |
87. Math Forum: Algebra Software Algebra software resources compiled by The Math Forum. http://mathforum.org/algebra/alg.software.html | |
88. Index Of /k12/algebra Provides teachers and students with resources and activities to support the Algebra I curriculum. http://teach.virginia.edu/k12/algebra/ | |
89. Algebra In The Real World Activities Free service that will enable students to see the excitement, the power, the range and the results of the application of algebra in 15 career fields. Includes movies and activities. http://www.thefutureschannel.com/algebra_real_world.php | |
90. Magma Computational Algebra System Home Page A Computational Algebra system for algebra, number theory and geometry. http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/ | |
91. Surf - Home A tool to visualize real algebraic geometry plane algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and hyperplane sections of surfaces. http://surf.sourceforge.net/ | |
92. Algebraic Topology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia An encyclopedic reference containing definitions, some discussion, and an assortment of useful links to various resources concerning Algebraic Topology and K-Theory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebraic_topology | |
93. Algebra - Mathematical Abstraction From Concrete Experience An explanation of how the Montessori student learns algebra while interacting with manipulatives, physical objects, represented by expressions incorporating the numerals and variables of mathematics. http://www.newbanner.com/CEL/Math/algebra2.htm | |