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21. Oxfam's Cool Planet - On The Line - Virtual Journey Through Algeria - Geography, There are vineyards and tobacco plantations producing goods for export, along with olives, figs, dates, and a huge variety of fruit and vegetables. Algerian geography page http://www.oxfam.org.uk/coolplanet/ontheline/explore/journey/algeria/prtgeog.htm | |
22. Proposed Future Events Lead an Algerian Geography Workshop; Lead an Algerian History Workshop; Teach Arabic Language; Teach Amazigh Language; Teach Algerian Cuisine; Edit/Publish AAAGW’s Newsletter http://www.aaagw.org/AAAGW/UsefulInfo/proposedfutureevents.htm | |
23. Country Studies Algeria Social Studies Algeria Geography, Maps and Information You will find a collection of resources including Algerian geography, maps of Algeria and links to related articles. http://www.archaeolink.com/country_studies_algeria.htm |
24. The Algerian War: A Savage War Of Peace - Alistair Horne - A Savage War Of Peace While he introduces characters, locations, and incidents by the score, the casual reader without much background in Algerian geography or French colonial history may soon lose http://www.epinions.com/review/Book_A_Savage_War_of_Peace_Algeria_1954_1962_Alis |
25. Guides And Maps - Algeria Algerian geography is known by it's mostly high plateau and desert and some mountains and narrow, discontinuous coastal plain . This makes Algerian's land specially proclive to http://guidesandmaps.net/index.php?page=algeria |
26. Oxfam's Cool Planet - On The Line - Virtual Journey Through Algeria - Geography, Algerian geography page Sahara desert page Algerian virtual journey home page On the Line home page. Photo DigitalVision http://www.oxfam.org.uk/coolplanet/ontheline/explore/journey/algeria/prtsara.htm | |
27. Philippines Images South africa, president of South Africa; Algeria, Algerian geography; Libya, Libya president; Belgium, Belgium president; Sweden, Sweden attractions http://philippinesiworld.com/f/image-178.html | |
28. Algeria Resource Guide From Arabnet comes the following handy guide to Algerian geography, history, government, culture and business http//www.arab.net/algeria/ Facts and figures aplenty are available http://meria.idc.ac.il/research-g/algeria.html | |
29. Edwin Mellen Press In Noces and L’Et , Camus excels at presenting the varied, often harsh lessons he has learned from the Algerian land lessons of contrasts in the Algerian geography between http://www.mellenpress.com/mellenpress.cfm?bookid=6160&pc=9 |
30. Algeria Facts | People's Democratic Republic Of Algeria Information | Al Jaza'ir Algerian GEOGRAPHY Location of Algeria Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between http://www.phrasebase.com/countries/algeria/ | |
31. Unreal Cities | Books | Guardian.co.uk thought that Oran, the claustrophobic, mountainbacked, North African setting of Camus' The Plague, was a fictional city - though that's clearly down to my poor Algerian geography http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2008/apr/01/unrealcities | |
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