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101. Utah Food Allergy Network UFAN provides support, education, awareness and advocates change for those affected by food allergies. Find a weblog and contact details. http://www.utahfoodallergy.org |
102. Allergy: Definition From Answers.com allergies are among the most common of medical disorders. It is estimated that 60 million Americans, or more than one in every five people, suffer from some http://www.answers.com/topic/hay-fever |
103. Dog Owner's Guide: Canine Allergies Some inhalant allergies are seasonal. Dogs may be affected by inhaling grass pollen in spring and summer or ragweed pollen in late summer and early autumn. http://www.canismajor.com/dog/allergy.html | |
104. Skin And Allergy Problems In Dogs Symptoms of inhalant allergies include SCRATCHING, BITING, CHEWING AT FEET AND CONSTANT LICKING. The itching may be most severe on feet, flanks, groin and http://www.k9web.com/dog-faqs/medical/canine-allergies.html | |
105. Food Allergies Food Intolerance In Dogs Food allergies in dogs symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pet food ingredients most commonly implicated, and how to do a food trial. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=2 2082&aid=143 |
106. Allergies: Information On Allergy And Allergy Relief Oct 7, 2010 Get information on allergy and allergies, including allergy symptoms, allergy treatment and allergy medication. http://www.healthcentral.com/allergy/ | |
107. Hardin MD : Allergies Aug 12, 2010 From the University of Iowa, the *best* lists of Internet sources in allergies. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/allergy.html |
108. Allergies: Treatment, Prevention, Help, Symptoms, Information About, Types There are different types of allergies. Some of the most common types are Nasal allergies, and Chronic allergies. Nasal allergies refer to the interaction http://www.mamashealth.com/allergies/ | |
109. Recipes - FAAN Monthly recipes for those suffering from allergies, plus information on research, events and new hot topics. http://foodallergy.org/recipes.html | |
110. Allergies: Causes And Solutions Information on allergies, their causes and natural solutions. http://www.healingdaily.com/conditions/allergies.htm | |
111. Food Allergy Kitchen - Home Provides practical cooking solutions for individuals with food allergies or sensitivities. http://www.foodallergykitchen.com | |
112. Allergies Condition Center - Health.com Asthma is a lung condition that affects 23 million Americans, including 6 million kids. People with asthma may cough, wheeze, or have trouble breathing. http://www.health.com/health/allergy | |
113. Chercher L'allergie Sur Le Web Moteur de recherche sur les allergies, les maladies allergiques et les allerg nes sur des sites web s lectionn s par des allergologues http://chercher.weballergies.com/ | |
114. Food Allergies Provides information on allergies in dogs and cats and trying out a hypoallergenic diet. http://www.marvistavet.com/html/food_allergies.html |
115. (v29) Allergienet : Consacré à L'asthme Et Aux Allergies Consacr aux allergies et l asthme, s adresse aux professionnels de sant et au grand public. http://www.allergienet.com/ | |
116. Allergies: Allergy Symptoms, Treatment & Medicine - MSN Health & Fitness allergies inflict millions. Read about allergy symptoms, treatment and medicine to cure your allergy suffering. Get allergy free with our expert advice. http://health.msn.com/health-topics/allergies/ |
117. Allergies, L'information Des Allergiques. Fiches Pratique D'allergie, Actualités Informations sur les allergies et leurs m canismes. Fiches pratiques et actualit s, conseils pour la prise en charge des patients, liens. http://www.weballergies.com/ | |
118. Seasonal Allergies, Allergy Relief, Pollen Forecast - Weather.com Expert advice and tips on coping with seasonal allergies. Get the most accurate pollen forecast, the latest in allergy relief and Ask an Allergist. http://www.weather.com/activities/health/allergies/ |
119. À Propos Des Allergies Alimentaires R flexions et recettes culinaires facilitant l adaptation aux allergies alimentaires. http://aproposdesallergiesalimentaires.blogspot.com/ |
120. Dog Allergies Can Make Your Dog Miserable With Scratching And Itching Dog allergies Find the causes, symptoms and treatment for your allergic pet. http://www.thelittlefoxes.net/ | |
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