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1. Alternative High Schools For general information on alternative schools, call 612668-3820. Our fax number is 612-668-3820. District Alternative Schools This group of programs is staffed by Minneapolis http://www.mpls.k12.mn.us/Alternative_Schools_Programs.html |
2. Alternative Schools Alterna tive school programs, time out programs, wilderness programs, residential treatment centers or emotional growth schools cater to the special needs of a student or http://privateschool.about.com/od/alternativeschools/Alternative_Schools.htm | |
3. Alternative Schools Alternative Schools What is it? South Carolina alternative schools offer parents and students an additional pathway to graduation. Students not successful in a traditional school http://sceducationchoice.com/public_school_choice_structures/alternative_schools | |
4. Idaho State Department Of Education - Alternative Schools Staff. Nick Smith Deputy Superintendent Division of School Support Services NWsmith@sde.idaho.gov. Portia Flynn Administrative Assistant Division of School Support Services http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/alternative_schools/ |
5. Portsmouth Public Schools - The Excel Campus Information about GED program, computer training, and adult special interest classes. http://pps.k12.va.us/schools/alternative_schools/excel_campus/default.aspx?id=10 |
6. Alternative School - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia ISBN 9780199212071 ^ Alternative school set to reopen BBC News 23 March 2009 ^ We’ll Fund Montessori And Steiner Schools, Say Tories Daily Express July 9, 2009 ^ Alternative Schools Adapt, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_school | |
7. Alternatives In Education Information on education alternatives to school. http://www.alternativesineducation.co.uk/ | |
8. Www.alternativeschools.org Middle Schools High Schools Alternative Schools Charter Schools Contract Schools Montessori Programs Multilevel Schools Magnet Programs http://www.alternativeschools.org/ | |
9. Winchester Alternate School For students who have difficulty within a traditional school setting. http://www.winchesterschools.org/winchester_alternate_school.htm |
10. Public Alternative Schools And Programs For Students At Risk Of Education Failur Find information about and locate all publications and data products on education information from the National Center for Education StatisticsNCES. In most cases you may http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2002004 |
11. Alternative Schools - Private School Review Categorizing schools is not a neat process. But there are several educational approaches and philosophies offer some alternatives to traditional schools. Here are some http://www.privateschoolreview.com/articles/200 |
12. Alpha Alternative School Elementary alternative school. Founded in 1972, it offers child-centred, cooperative, democratic, community-driven, open, arts-infused, and social justice oriented education. http://schools.tdsb.on.ca/alpha/ |
13. Public Alternative Schools And Programs For Students At Risk Of Public Alternative Schools and Programs for Students At Risk of Education Failure 200001 Statistical Analysis Report http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/2002004.pdf |
14. Alternative Schools | Definition Alternative schools offer nontraditional education for students whose needs cannot be met in a regular, special education, or vocational school. While http://www.education.com/definition/alternative-schools/ | |
15. Ocean Shore School Formerly Laguna Salada Alternative School, parent participatory K-8 in Pacifica, CA. Site provides information on curriculum, participation, enrollment and other facets of alternative schooling. http://www.oceanshore.org | |
16. Alternative Schools Network A notfor-profit organization working to provide quality education with a specific emphasis on inner-city children, youth and adults. Features details on community based and http://asnchicago.org/ | |
17. Beverly Hills, CA Alternative Schools Find Alternative Schools Search for alternative schools in Beverly Hills, CA. Get addresses, phone numbers, driving directions, reviews and ratings on Local.com http://www.local.com/results.aspx?keyword=alternative schools&cid=662&gi |
18. Doctoral, Masters, Bachelors And Associate Degrees Online An alternative school offering individual, non-residential, specialized college degree programs in the United States and internationally. http://www.berkley-u.edu | |
19. Alternative Schools Research Project: Policy, Practice, And Implications For You Welcome to the Web site for the Alternative Schools Research Project. This threeyear project gathered and synthesized information about the policies and practices of http://ici.umn.edu/alternativeschools/ | |
20. Alternative Schools — Remedial And Special Education Abstract. The number of students enrolled in alternative settings for youth at risk of school failure has increased significantly in recent years. http://rse.sagepub.com/content/30/1/19.abstract | |
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