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21. Marietta Johnson School Of Organic Education Private alternative school. Provides contacts and history. http://www.fairhopeorganicschool.com/ | |
22. ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS a lternative s chools i nformation for f amilies c enter for e ffective c ollaboration and p ractice w hat d oes a n a lternative s chool e xperience l ook l ike ? http://cecp.air.org/familybriefs/docs/AltSch.pdf |
23. Streamwood Hospital - Alternative Schools - Streamwood, IL Streamwood Behavioral Healthcare System provides services to meet the everchanging emotional and behavioral healthcare needs of children, adolescents, and their families. We offer http://www.streamwoodhospital.com/services/alternative-schools/ | |
24. Human Scale Education - Education Because People Matter. Educational charity promoting small alternative schools, small classes and home education. Background to the charity, their objectives, events and project news. http://www.hse.org.uk/ | |
25. Alternative School: Definition From Answers.com Conley, B. E. Alternative Schools A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA ABCCLIO, 2002. Mottaz, Carole. Breaking the Cycle of Failure How to Build and Maintain Quality http://www.answers.com/topic/alternative-school |
26. Alternative Schools & Programs For High School Dropouts | EHow.com Alternative Schools Programs for High School Dropouts. The high school dropout rate declined steadily over the last three decades, from 14.1 percent nationwide in 1980 to 8.7 http://www.ehow.com/list_6318001_alternative-programs-high-school-dropouts.html | |
27. Education Revolution - The Website Of The Alternative Education Resource Organiz A listing of alternative schools, including charter, independent, Montessori, and other unusual schooling options. http://www.edrev.org | |
28. Alternative Schools Here is a list of some alternative schools in India, although the term alternative is not easy to define. If anyone has suggestions for additions to the site http://www.alternativeeducationindia.net/altschools.htm | |
29. Sarasota County Schools Alternative Schools, Untitled Page Academic Intervention Programs Peggy Wiggins, Director peggy_wiggins@sarasota.k12.fl.us Betsy Hooper, Administrative Assistant betsy_hooper@sarasota.k12.fl.us http://sarasotacountyschools.net/departments/alternativeschools/ |
30. Welcome To Mirkwood School A cooperative, alternative school for ages 5 through 18 also in Marshfield. http://www.meadowdance.org/mirkwood/ | |
31. Alternative Schools - EHow.com Learn about Alternative Schools on eHow.com. Find info and videos including About Alternative Schools, About Alternative Schools, Alternative Schools Programs for High http://www.ehow.com/alternative-schools/ | |
32. Home Page Information on gender education, distance education programme, MIS, research, tribal education, alternative schooling, media and documentation. http://dpegujarat.nic.in/ | |
33. Alternative Schools Alternative Schools Diverted but not Defeated . Paper submitted to Qualification Committee. At UC Davis, California . July 2000 . By. Kathy Emery http://www.educationanddemocracy.org/Emery/Emery_AltSchoolsPaper.htm | |
34. Centre For Learning A small semi-residential alternative school outside Bangalore for students between the ages of five and eighteen. http://cfl.in | |
35. Online NewsHour: Alternative Schools - June 27, 2000 Alternative public schools for disruptive students. Elizabeth Brackett of WTTW, Chicago reports. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/education/jan-june00/alternative_6-27.html | |
36. Blaine County School District : Silver Creek High School Grades 9-12. http://www.blaineschools.org/Schools/SCAS/ | |
37. Alternative Schools Alternative Schools Alternative Schools resources and information at alternativeschools.com. http://www.alternativeschools.com/ | |
38. Rooftop Auction Rootop Alternative School PTA s Annual Auction and Children s Art Show. Contains basic auction information including ticket information, job sign-ups. http://www.rooftopauction.org | |
39. Alternative Education - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In recent years many new alternative schools have formed including Kanavu in Wyanadu, Kerala, and Timbaktoo Collective (Andhra Pradesh). A traditional system of learning in India is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_education | |
40. Auberle McKeesport, Pennsylvania. Offers emergency shelter, foster care, outpatient treatment, residential programs, and an alternative school for children with behavioral and emotional needs. http://www.auberle.org/ |
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