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         Alternative Schools:     more books (101)
  1. The Insiders' Guide to Medical Schools 2001/2002: The Alternative Prospectus Compiled by the BMA Medical Students Committee by Debbie Cohen, 2001-08-15
  2. Starting Your Own High School: The Story of an Alternative High School by Elizabeth Cleaners Street School People, 1972
  3. Building Community in an Alternative School: The Perspective of an African American Principal (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education) by Lionel H. Brown, Kelvin S. Beckett, 2007-09
  4. Learning and Teaching in School Sciences: Practical Alternatives by Di Bentley, 1989-03
  5. Changing Schools: Alternative Approaches to Make a World of Difference (English and Mandarin Chinese Edition)
  6. Alternatives in Education: Critical Pedagogy for Disaffected Youth by Greg S. Goodman, 1999-11
  7. Lives of Passion, School of Hope: How One Public School Ignites a Lifelong Love of Learning by Rick Posner, 2009-11-15
  8. The Forgotten Room: Inside a Public Alternative School for At-Risk Youth by Mary Hollowell, 2009-11-16
  9. Group Benefits: Basic Concepts And Alternatives (Huebner School Hardcover Book Series) by Burton T., Jr. Beam, 2004-06-30
  10. Group Benefits: Basic Concepts & Alternatives (Huebner School Series) by Burton T., Jr. Beam, 2000-07
  11. Quality High School Curriculum for Alternative Settings by Carole Mottaz, 2003-04-09
  12. Conversational Borderlands: Language and Identity in an Alternative Urban High School by Betsy Rymes, 2001-08
  13. Creating Alternatives to Depression in Our Schools: Assessment, Intervention, Prevention by Solveiga Miezitis, 1992-01
  14. Alternative paths to the high school diploma by Stephen Kemp Bailey, 1973

61. Alternative Schools - FAPE
Family Advocates Partnership for Education Helping parents and advocates improve educational results for children with disabilities
Helping parents and advocates improve
educational results for children with disabilities
Alternative Schools
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) has awarded a grant to researchers from the Institute of Community Integration (ICI) to study alternative schools nationwide. There are 20,000 alternative schools in the United States that usually have the following characteristics:
  • Low enrollment
  • Individualized instruction
  • Supportive environment
  • Curricula tailored to fit student needs and future goals
  • Flexible structure.
One of the goals of this research project will be to discover how alternative schools serve students with disabilities and what affect IDEA 1997 has on these alternative schools. Researchers will do a general examination of alternative schools across the country; perform five case-studies based on an examination of alternative schools; visit schools to gather information from students, parent, educators, and administrators; and, recommendations on policy, practice, and further research based on the information collected. For more information, contact Cammy Lehr at 612.624.5832 or

62. Dry Valley School
Alternative school operated by the county school system for students in grades 4-12 with special behavioral needs. Program information and policies.

63. Southwest Key Program's Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Programs (JJAEPs)
Southwest Key operates four alternative schools, or Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP), in Texas.
Alternative Schools
Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Programs (JJAEPs) Mission: Supporting and educating students who have not succeeded in traditional school environments. Southwest Key operates four alternative schools, or Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP), in Texas. JJAEP is a therapeutic, educational setting that serves adolescents between the ages of 10 to 17 who have been expelled from their local school districts. The JJAEP provides daily instruction, supervision, and educational support for high-risk students, providing these youth with the tools and knowledge needed to make positive changes in their lives. Current Program Locations Hidalgo County JJAEP , McAllen, TX: 956-994-006 Cameron County JJAEP, San Benito, TX: 956-361-4629 Bexar County JJAEP, San Antonio, TX: 210-335-8500 Travis County JJAEP, Austin, TX: 512-236-8315 History of Program Model In 1995, the Texas legislature mandated that all counties with a population greater than 125,000 develop alternative schools for students who have been expelled as a result of certain offenses committed on a school campus, such as felony drug possession, assault, or weapons possession. Prior to the creation of these Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Programs (JJAEPs), disruptive and dangerous students either remained in the classroom or were expelled to the street. The JJAEPs ensure safe classrooms for teachers and students while providing educational services in an alternative setting for expelled students.

64. Educational Center
Alternative school for Greene County and City of Greeneville school systems. Site describes various programs in effect.

65. Education Options - Portland Public Schools
A central component of the mission of Portland Public Schools is to “support all students in achieving their very highest educational and personal potential.”
Portland Public Schools — Portland, Oregon How Do I? Rent PPS facilities Apply for free school meals Register a child for school Access a student's information Add money to a lunch account Transfer to another school Find out graduation requirements Find which school a student will attend Find a bus stop or route Distribute materials in schools Volunteer Watch PPS Ch. 28 Live!
  • Education Options
    • Looking for a Program Charter Schools Community-Based Programs Credit by Exam ... Departments
      Education Options
      A central component of the mission of Portland Public Schools is to “support all students in achieving their very highest educational and personal potential.” Education Options Mission is to “provide educational options for all youth that empower, engage, and prepare them for college, work training, and citizenship while serving as a vanguard for systemic educational change.” The district is committed to providing an appropriate learning environment for all students. Alternative education options can be either district operated or community based. These options are developed to meet the needs of a specific student population. Alternative education options can be either a program of a school or an independent school. To meet student’s needs, alternative education options generally offer something different from or in addition to the regular curriculum and may offer something different from regular school hours.

66. Miller W. Boyd Alternative School
Educational facility for students who have had problems in other schools within the public school system.

67. MAEO Home
Michigan Alternative Education Organization P.O. Box 3045 Farmington Hills, MI 483333045 .
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,29,0','width','394','height','49','src','../flash/text','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','../flash/text' ); //end AC code Michigan Alternative Education Organization
P.O. Box 3045
Farmington Hills, MI
Welcome to MAEO !!! The purpose of the Michigan Alternative Education Organization is to advocate quality alternative education for Michigan's youth, to provide a network of support for alternative educators and students, and to promote awareness of alternative education at local, state, and national levels.
Mastering the Maze of Michigan Merit Math
When : November 11, 2010
Where: Jackson County Intermediate School District
Cost: $59.00 per person
Featured Presenters:
  • Dan LaDue, Math Consultant, Michigan Department of Education
Join MAEO now!!! Membership is FREE!!

68. Alternative Schools Schools Battle Creek Public Schools
What is Alternative Education? Some students feel disconnected from their schools. This may lead to attendance problems, behavioral concerns, and eventually to dropping out.

69. LASER Alternative School HomePage
An alternative high school that provides students an opportunity to earn a Flathead High School diploma in a non-traditional high school setting.
Welcome to the LASER Alternative High School Website. About Us Directory Contact Us Documentation ... Our Schools Site

70. Welcome To PACE Alternative School
Offers a school overview and philosophy, and staff profiles.
Build your own FREE website at Share: Facebook Twitter Digg reddit document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard']); document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard2']); You are visitor since May 23, 1997. More information about PACE Alternative School Meet our friendly staff Helpful places to visit on-line Check out our Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs site
PACE is located at:
9220 West Howard Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53228
PACE Homepage

71. New Page 1
Established as an alternative school with a vocational emphasis. History and information about the faculty.

72. Publication Of The National Center On Secondary Education And Transition
Alternative Schools and Students With Disabilities Identifying and Understanding the Issues. By Camilla Lehr. Introduction. Understanding the role of alternative schools in providing

73. HOME
Offers an alternative school, emergency shelter care, substance abuse treatment, and programs for youth who have sexually offended.

74. Brockton Public: Alternative Schools
Alternative Schools Brockton Public School Phone School Hours B.B. Russell Alternative School 175 Warren Avenue

75. The Neighborhood Schoolhouse › The Neighborhood Schoolhouse
Small, alternative school for children ages 3-12, serving the community of Brattleboro and surrounding towns. News and events, school philosophy, curriculum, program and tuition.
The Neighborhood Schoolhouse
Where tomorrow takes root. Comments Posts
The Neighborhood Schoolhouse
A Private Elementary and Preschool in Brattleboro, Vermont Integrated, theme-based programming for children 3 through 12 We are a small, private elementary and preschool offering progressive education through the sixth grade. Neighborhood adjoins a protected 400-acre forest just a mile from downtown Brattleboro. The building and grounds provide a variety of engaging settings for hands-on learning , which is at the core of progressive education The woods and gardens, spacious multiage classrooms, and surrounding neighborhood are all seamlessly integrated into a theme-based curriculum emphasizing academic readiness environmental education and community awareness E-mail us The Neighborhood Schoolhouse Log in
Powered by WordPress Atahualpa Theme by BytesForAll . Discuss on our WP Forum

76. Alternative Schools - Private School Review
Sometimes a regular school is not the right fit for a child. Perhaps she needs an alternative school.

77. North Heights Alternative School
9-12th Grades. An alternative program. Amarillo ISD.
North Heights Alternative School See the NHAS documentary VOICES on the About Us page. NHAS News About Us Awards Our Staff ... Links web design by Dianne Smithwick 607 North Hughes Amarillo, TX 79107 Main Office (806) 326-2850 Counselor (806) 326-2856 or (806) 326-2857 Fax (806) 371-5715

78. Hollyburn - Welcome
Individual and family counselling, residential treatment centres for youth, alternate school programs, and substance misuse treatment for children, youth, and families. Includes staff profiles and details of services.

79. Atlanta Metro News�|
ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS. Georgia has 21 alternative high school programs. Here are the programs in the metro area Atlanta Public Schools Crim High and APSCEP Partnership School.
ajc Atlanta Weather Partly cloudy F Pollen Air quality Traffic ... Subscribe to the paper Archives Services Web Home News
Sports ... UGA

80. Harrell Accelerated Learning Center
Alternative school serving students in grades 9 through 12. Features program descriptions, announcements,events, location and contacts.

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