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1. Declaration Of The Coordinator Of The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organizati Declaration of the Coordinator of the Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organization (COICA) Written by COICA http://www.bicusa.org/en/Article.11034.aspx |
2. Declaration Of The Coordinator Of The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organizati Upside Down World Declaration of the Coordinator of the Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organization (COICA) http://upsidedownworld.org/main/content/view/1707/68/ | |
3. Declaration Of The Coordinator Of The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organizati Upside Down World News, Action and Analysis Cuba’s Campaign Against Medical Racism Spreads to Africa http://upsidedownworld.org/main/news-briefs-archives-68/1707-declaration-of-the- | |
4. Declaration Of The Coordinator Of The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organizati The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organization (COICA) with our worldview, diversity of languages, history, cultures, spirituality, territory, economy, have existed since before http://www.inesc.org.br/news/2009-1/february/declaration-of-the-coordinator-of-t | |
5. Earth Peoples Blog UN Declaration On The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples DECLARATION OF THE COORDINATOR OF THE AMAZON BASIN INDIGENOUS PEOPLES ORGANIZATION (COICA) Written by COICA Tuesday, 10 February 2009 The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples http://earthpeoples.org/blog/?cat=25 |
6. Earth Peoples Blog COICA Amazon REDD Landrights UNDRIP DECLARATION OF THE COORDINATOR OF THE AMAZON BASIN INDIGENOUS PEOPLES ORGANIZATION (COICA) Written by COICA Tuesday, 10 February 2009 The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples http://earthpeoples.org/blog/?tag=coica-amazon-redd-landrights-undrip |
7. Background Information And Current Issues - Printer Friendly Ecuador's unique natural environment has been the root of many conflicts, especially over oil and other natural resources in the Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples http://www.globalexchange.org/countries/americas/ecuador/EcuadorIssues.html.pf | |
8. February — INESC February Ir um n vel acima Declaration of the Coordinator of the Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organization (COICA) The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organization (COICA) with http://www.inesc.org.br/news/2009-1/february | |
9. Fsm2009-info » English The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organization (COICA) with our worldview, diversity of languages, history, cultures, spirituality, territory, economy, have existed since before http://openfsm.net/projects/fsm2009-info/blog/category/english/ | |
10. Choike - World Social Forum 2009 - Belm, Brazil Declaration of the Coordinator of the Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organization (COICA) Changing the World in Bel m, by Filomeno Sta. Ana As a way out of the crisis, another http://www.choike.org/nuevo_eng/eventos/64.html |
11. Buy Superior Organically Grown Cassia Alata (Candelabra Bush) Well-Established P Candelabra Bush is native to Suriname and can be found throughout the Amazon basin. Indigenous peoples of many cultures use C. alata for skin ailments such as ringworm and http://www.botanicalspirit.com/cassia-alata-plant | |
12. Threat To The Trees Of Life | Society | The Guardian Nov 06, 2002 be used to relieve Brazil's overwhelming debt and to provide sustainable livelihoods to those already inhabiting and conserving the Amazon basin. Indigenous peoples for http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2002/nov/06/guardiansocietysupplement5 | |
13. BSI Blog » Blog Archive » Good News In The Boreal’s Sister to use to fattenup and power their long journey to South America where they seemingly disappear into the wilds of the Boreal’s sister, the Amazon Basin. Indigenous Peoples http://www.borealbirds.org/blog/?p=181 |
14. Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) Megaprojects Threat To Flor De Throughout the Amazon basin indigenous peoples are threatened by major largescale dam, road and energy developments being planned under the controversial Inter-American http://www.forestpeoples.org/documents/s_c_america/peru_megaprojects_flor_de_uca |
15. Noticias En General Written by COICA Tuesday, 10 February 2009 reproduced by colonos without any change (originally posted at UpsideDown World) - The Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organization http://www.coica.org.ec/sp/noticias/dnoticias.php?id=30 |
16. OpenSpaceForum : WSF2009 Declaration of the Coordinator of the Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organisation February 10 2009 Declaration of the Assembly of Social Movements February 4 2009 http://www.openspaceforum.net/twiki/tiki-index.php?page=WSF2009&pagenum=5 |
17. Ecotrust In The News - Our Home And Native Land The fact is that from New Guinea to the Amazon basin, indigenous peoples can be as rapacious as outsiders in destroying delicate ecosystems. Increasingly, however, native groups http://www.ecotrust.org/news/Haida-Haisla_TIME1994.html |
18. Respect Their Rights | Indian Country Today | Content Niawen Kowa to the Amazon Basin indigenous peoples for being the caretakers of the last bastion of survival on this earth. Hopefully, the world will listen to them. http://www.indiancountrytoday.com/home/content/78877372.html | |
19. Login | Facebook Throughout the Amazon basin indigenous peoples are threatened by major largescale dam, road and energy developments being planned under the controversial Inter-American http://apps.facebook.com/causes/sharings?context_id=60882&context_type=Cause |
20. Payments For Forests Set To Heat Atmosphere In Copenhagen - Hard Rain Project We haven't been taken into account in the design of REDD, says Egberto Tabo Chipunavi, General Coordinator of the Amazon Basin Indigenous Peoples Organization. http://www.hardrainproject.com/newsfeed.php?n=69 |
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