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21. American History (25) | The JRF Education Department Presents: A Reconstructioni Books are in alphabetical order. Click a book title for details. http://www.curriculum.jrf.org/category/1/10/58 | |
22. 20th Century African American Resources - Introduction This Guide will help high school and college students as well as general researchers who wish to learn more about Greater Cincinnati's African American heritage. http://library.cincymuseum.org/aag/intro.html | |
23. A Brief History Of Innovation, Patents And Inventions Article - Inc. Article A Brief History of Innovation, Patents and Inventions Article Many of the revolutionary products of the last century sprang from small companies. If you don't already appreciate http://www.inc.com/magazine/20021001/24702.html | |
24. African American History In The 20th Century African American History in the 20th Century 1905 July 1113 W. E. B. Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter were among the leaders of the meeting from which sprung the Niagara Movement http://hhsu.learning.hhs.gov/slaverytofreedom/twentieth.html | |
25. Year By Year: 1900-2010 — Infoplease.com Find statistical information, award winners, headlines, important events, population figures for every year, from 1900 through 2010 http://www.infoplease.com/yearbyyear.html | |
26. 20th Century American History Timeline 20th Century American History Timeline has no followers yet. Be the first American History 20th Century 0 followers, 390 views, 23 events http://www.dipity.com/thomasw/20th_Century_American_History_Timeline |
27. MARYLAND AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY - 20TH CENTURY Time line of the Twentieth Century 1909 Matthew Henson becomes the first person in the world to reach the North Pole. 1913 Underground Railroad conductor, Union spy and nurse http://library.thinkquest.org/3337/time19.html | |
28. BBC - History: Historic Figures Selected biograhies of historic figures featured across bbc.co.uk/history http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/ | |
29. Latin American History: The 20th Century The 20th century saw the modernization of much of Latin America, but not Latin American History; 20th Century Latin America http://latinamericanhistory.about.com/od/20thcenturylatinamerica/The_Road_to_Mod | |
30. St. Louis, Missouri - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia St. Louis is an independent city and the second largest city in the U.S. state of Missouri. The city itself has an estimated population of 356,587 and is the principal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Louis,_Missouri | |
31. The Themes Of American History Themes in American History. 1. Industrialization and its effects on the society, economy and political processes of the United States. 2. Immigration and the struggle of immigrants http://www.tcc.edu/faculty/webpages/JRMoore/general/themes.htm | |
32. List Of Wars Involving The United States - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This is a chronological List of wars involving the United States during and since the American Revolutionary War, detailing all constituent military campaigns. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States | |
33. Baylor University || Department Of History || James M. SoRelle • Professor of History • Ph.D., Kent State University, 1980 • Areas of Interest African American History, 20th Century U.S. History, Urban American History http://www.baylor.edu/history/index.php?id=7733 |
34. United States TimeLine Of Liberty 1900's . . . PoetPatriot.com Lines of Liberty American History 20th Century Last updated March, 2005. Categories are general with over-lapping http://www.poetpatriot.com/timeline/tmlnstamer1900.htm | |
35. Perfection Learning - Perfect For YOUR Classroom American History, 20th Century II. From Smoke Signals to Email Moments in History. by Shirley Jordan. Observe http://www.perfectionlearning.com/main.php?page=review_inform |
36. 1940s, 1950s, 1960s - Historical Studies, History, American History, 20th Centur (1940s, 1950s, 1960s)StudySphere Educational Resource for language school, study abroad, education online, education, school, high school, career education, business school, driver http://www.studysphere.com/Site/Sphere_2245.html |
37. Asian-American History — Infoplease.com From Chinese laborers in the 1800s to millions of U.S. citizens today http://www.infoplease.com/spot/immigration1.html | |
38. Women In The 20th Century Women in 20th Century is a material about first women in power Presidents and Prime Ministers. In my opinion, I think that they were pioneers of democracy in past Century. The http://www.buzzle.com/articles/women-20th-century.html | |
39. United States History For 5th Grade 5th Grade UNITED STATES HISTORY PRIMARY SOURCE DOCUMENTS In the fifth grade, students will enlarge the study of history, government, economics, and geography as http://www.uintahbasintah.org/unitedstateshistory5th.htm | |
40. Social Studies Help 5th Grade Immigration and Naturalization Service History, Geneology, and Education http://www.nisd.net/knowlton/sshelp5th.htm | |
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