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81. CNN - Bemuscled Norton Takes On A Heavy 'History' Lesson - October 29, 1998 Article entitled Bemuscled Norton takes on a heavy History lesson . http://www.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/Movies/9810/29/amer.history.x/index.html | |
82. American History X (1998) - IMDb Cast list, credits and information, plot summary, trivia, business information, poster and video clips. http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0120586/ | |
83. H-OIEAHC Discussion Network H-Net discussion group dedicated to Colonial and Early American History. Features archives, membership application, and subscription details. http://www.h-net.org/~ieahcweb/ | |
84. Homework Help- Math, History, Science, Language Arts - For Elementary Students Get American history research materials, biographies, timelines, videos, images, primary documents and other online resources. http://kids.aol.com/homework-help/history/ | |
85. Thrilling Incidents In American History Selection of various authentic histories, memoirs, and reminiscences which have appeared during the last fifty years. http://www.generalatomic.com/AmericanHistory/ | |
86. From Revolution To Reconstruction From the colonial period until modern times (Revolution to Reconstruction). This American history project contains outlines of American history and culture, source materials, essays, biographies and presidential information. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/usa.htm | |
87. American History Resource Page Links to reference sites for American history topics dealing with people, politics, events and literature. http://members.tripod.com/gpf/history.html |
88. From Revolution To Reconstruction From Revolution to Reconstruction and what happened afterwards. A project about American History containing outlines of American History and Culture, source materials, essays, biographies and presidential information. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/ | |
89. Turner: The Frontier In American History Classic by Frederick Jackson Turner The significance of the frontier in American History reprinted online. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/TURNER/ |
90. The Organization Of American Historians Learned society devoted to the study of American history. Publisher of the Journal of American History, the OAH Newsletter, the OAH Magazine of History and Talking History Radio Program. http://oah.org | |
91. CLAH Promotes scholarly exchange of information about teaching and research on Latin American history. http://www.h-net.org/~clah/about/index.php | |
92. Anacostia Community Museum of the museum and its current exhibitions, a calendar of events, and online exhibits....... Examines American history and culture from an African American perspective. http://anacostia.si.edu/ | |
93. Kidinfo.com - Your Guide To The History Of The New England Colonies Designed for kids to learn about early American history in the region. http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Colonization_NE_Colonies.html | |
94. New York History And Genealogy Affiliated with both The American Local History Network and the American History and Genealogy Project. Includes county and family information, message board, history and F.A.Q. http://www.usgennet.org/~alhnnyus/nyalhn.htm |
95. North Carolina AHGP Resources for historical and genealogical research of NC; part of the AHGP (American History and Genealogy Project). http://www.ahgp.org/orphan/ncarolina.htm | |
96. Institute For African American Studies At UGA - Research Learn about influential individuals who helped the political, social, and technological development of the United States. Includes links to sound files and original texts. http://www.uga.edu/iaas/research/history.html | |
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