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1. American History - U.S. History - Degrees & Guides A directory of online resources on American history. Online Degree Information. Turn your passing interest and hobby into an academic qualification by earning an online degree today. http://www.academicinfo.net/histus.html | |
2. American History, Facts, Information And Pictures CHAPTER 7 Growth and Transformation. Technology and Change . Carnegie and the Era of Steel. Corporations and Cities . Railroads, Regulations and the http://cybersleuth-kids.com/americanhistory/index.htm | |
3. MrDonn.org - American History INDEX Of Topics - Lesson Plans, Activities, Games For Kids Teachers Free Lesson Plans, Classroom Activities, Homework Help Interactive Games http://americanhistory.mrdonn.org/index.html | |
4. Articles About American History - Life123 Guide to American History including history of the American flag, Native American history, history of the American government, games and more. http://www.life123.com/parenting/education/american-history/index.shtml |
5. The History Place - American Revolution A timeline of significant events. Explorations and Early Colonial Era Beginnings to 1700; The English Colonial Era http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/revolution/index.html | |
6. Welcome To GuestHollow.com! This site has been created to help you on your homeschooling journey. During the many years we have spent teaching our children, we've formed opinions, developed ways of teaching http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/history/americanhistoryindex.html | |
7. U.S.A. History Home Page The following time line shows major events in American History. Click on any of the events for more detail. http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/UsaHistory/UsaHistoryIndex.htm |
8. The History Cooperative | Journals | JAH Index Vol. 97, 20102011 September 2010 (Vol. 97, No. 2) June 2010 (Vol. 97, No. 1) Vol. 96, 2009-2010 http://www.historycooperative.org/jahindex.html | |
9. American History Coloring Pages, Worksheets And Activities American history worksheets, coloring pages and lesson plans for kids. http://www.learningtreasures.com/american_history.htm | |
10. Thrilling Incidents In American History Revolutionary War • Opening Of The Revolution • The Boston Massacre • Affair of the Sloop Liberty • Affair of the Gaspee • The Tea Riot • The Boston Port Bill http://www.generalatomic.com/AmericanHistory/index.html | |
11. WWW-VL: History: United States History: US History: USA | W3 Virtual Library Extensive collection of links on United States history chronological periods, sorted by topic and historical period and maintained by George Laughead, from the WWWVirtual Library http://vlib.iue.it/history/USA/ | |
12. Asian American History At Brown University | Introduction We are a group of multiethnic Asian American undergraduate students working with the support and guidance of Professor Robert Lee of the Department of American Civilization at http://www.brown.edu/Students/Asian_American_History/index.php | |
13. Edsanders.com - African American History Index edanders.com African American History Index History Index. I have several stories that are interviews with former slaves in America done in the late 1800s. http://www.edsanders.com/blackhistory/ | |
14. National Postal Museum The History and Experience of African Americans in America’s Postal Service . Written by Deanna Boyd and Kendra Chen http://www.postalmuseum.si.edu/AfricanAmericanHistory/index.html | |
15. Missouri Native American History | American Indians In Missouri | Indian Tribes Discover Missouri Native American History from the PaleoIndians to the Hopewell Tribe in MO. Learn about the Indian Tribes of Missouri - the Osage, Delaware, Kickapoo, Shawnee http://www.missouri-vacations.com/missouri-native-american-history/index.htm | |
16. Free Websites For Teachers :: Americanhistory - Downloads Free Teacher Websites, A place where teacher and students can interact with each other. http://www.bloust.com/americanhistory/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=955 |
17. Kidinfo.com - Your Guide To Homework Help And The BEST Educational Websites And Homework Help, Educational Videos, Educational Powerpoints, Parenting Tips. Best Encyclopedias, Best Movies, Calendars, Career Information, College and Testing Resources, USA http://www.kidinfo.com/school_subjects.html |
18. Switching On American History | Don Johnston Incorporated Switching on American History, AbleNet, Switch software correlated to American history standards providing ageappropriate and accessible curriculum students have a choice of three http://www.donjohnston.com/products/access_solutions/software/switching_on_ameri | |
19. American History American History Index In Germany they first came for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I http://laplaza.org/~cmhshome/hist.html | |
20. Thrilling Incidents In American History battle of contreras. thrilling incidents in. comprising the most striking and remarkable events of the revolution; the french war; the tripolitan war; the indian wars; the second http://www.walterbright.com/AmericanHistory/index.html | |
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