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1. American Authors Pages on individual authors with picture (when available), links to works online, and other information; most pages also contain a selected bibliography of secondary criticism. http://www.wsu.edu/~campbelld/amlit/aufram.html | |
2. Multicultural American Literature Gender and Identity in Multicultural American Literature ENGL/BLST/WMST 4669 / 5669 – Georgia College State University – Spring 2003 http://www.faculty.de.gcsu.edu/~mmagouli/4669syl.htm | |
3. AfricaFine.com - Home South Florida novelist offers a personal profile and synopses of her books. Links to shopping sites. http://www.africafine.com/ | |
4. American Literature - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia American literature as a whole is the written or literary work produced in the area of the United States and its preceding colonies. For more specific discussions of poetry and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_literature | |
5. Robert Frost - Biography And Works Robert Frost. Biography of Robert Frost and a searchable collection of works. http://www.online-literature.com/frost/ | |
6. Ethicalego Home Kenneth Brooks writes books and a newspaper column to examine race, diversity and ethics. http://www.ethicalego.com/ | |
7. PAL: American Authors -Alphabetical List American Authors Alphabetical List. PAL Perspectives in American Literature - A Research and Reference Guide http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/alpha.html | |
8. African American Literature Getting Started The following reference sources will help you begin your research process. More specialized sources listed below may be consulted if additional information is http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/blks/resguide/afrlit.htm | |
9. Terry Oneal.com - Author, Poet, Screenwriter & Educator Featuring her new book Motion Sickness. Her poems are inspired by feelings of real life experiences. http://www.terryoneal.com/ |
10. Short Stories & Classic Literature From Around The World The American Literature Library has thousands of short stories and classic novels for you to enjoy. In addition to the great classics from American Literature, the site has a vast http://www.americanliterature.com/ | |
11. Multicultural American Literature: Comparative Black, Native, Latino/a, And Asia Multicultural American Literature Comparative Black, Native, Latino/a, and Asian American Fictions By A. Robert Lee. 320 pp., bibliography, index http://www.upress.state.ms.us/books/511 | |
12. Welcome To Velma Maia Thomas' Website An ordained minister, author, historian, and genealogist. http://www.velmamaiathomas.com/ |
13. American Literature, American Writers, Poets. Zeroland. American literature, American writers, american poets. A The Academy of American Poets Discussion, poetry exhibits, poets listed by name, poets on internet audio. http://www.zeroland.co.nz/american_literature.html | |
14. Native American Trickster Tales Native American Trickster Tales. Index Introduction to Native American Tricksters Great Spirit Names the Animal People How Coyote Came by his Powers (Okanogan http://members.cox.net/academia/coyote.html | |
15. Regina Louise, Author Of Somebody's Someone An account of growing up in a foster care system, overcoming adversity, and not only surviving, but thriving. http://www.reginalouise.com/ | |
16. American Literature American Authors Modern Voices in Prose and Poetry http://usinfo.org/Litera_e.htm | |
17. Colonial American Literature Unit 1 Jan. 925, 2002. Objectives By the end of this unit, you should be familiar with the historical background of colonial American literature; http://www.uncp.edu/home/canada/work/markport/lit/amauth/spg2002/colonial.htm | |
18. Official Website Of Author Steven Whitehurst Chicago-area author presents his biography and books. http://www.angelfire.com/biz7/stevex/index.html | |
19. American Classics American Literature If You Would Like to See the List of Authors in Chronological Order, Click Here. ReadLiterature.Com Home Page. Henry Adams (1838 1918) http://www.readliterature.com/american.htm | |
20. UNF Library Subject Guide: Literature American Literature — Authors American Indian Literature Asian American Literature Chinese Literature Classical Literature (Greek Roman) English/Australian/British/Canadian http://www.unf.edu/library/guides/literature.html | |
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