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1. BUBL LINK: American Literature - General s Alex Catalog of Electronic Texts; American Literature; AngloAmerican Literature Guide; Calls For Papers; Cambridge History of English and American Literature......Titles http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/americanliterature-general.htm | |
2. Guide Entry 92.04.10 Multicultural Education Ethnicity Latin American Literature General AfroAmerican Women Authors Twentieth Century. To Curriculum Unit Contents of 1992 Volume IV Directory of Volumes http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/guides/1992/4/92.04.10.x.html |
3. Sam Houston State University American Literature Anthology Writers Index. http://www.shsu.edu/~eng_wpf/amlitchron_index.html |
4. USIA - Outline Of American Literature - Key Literature Sites Key Sites on American Literature. American Literature General Colonial and 19th Century American Literature and Poetry Modern and Contemporary American Literature and Poetry http://usinfo.org/oal/amlitlink.htm | |
5. Hope College | English Also see American Literature, General, Authors, 'AZ,' English Literature to 1775 and English Literature, 1775 to Present. AMERICAN LITERATURE, 1865-PRESENT http://www.hope.edu/academic/english/Period_and_Location.html |
6. Bibliomania: Free Online Literature And Study Guides General overview of American literature, broken down into time periods. http://www.bibliomania.com/2/3/270/frameset.html |
7. American Literature (General) Grossmont Union High School District Virtual Library Learning Commons is the central online research and learning resource hub for students and staff. http://library.guhsd.net/index.php/projects/english/79-american-literature | |
8. NMSU Library Latin American Books List Latin American Literature General Literature Mexico Literature Caribbean (Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc.) Literature Central America Literature South America (except Brazil) http://lib.nmsu.edu/depts/collserv/latambks.html | |
9. Arkansas Tech University -- Page Not Found Ralph Ellison in Survey of American Literature, 1992. A biography and some information about his works. http://lfa.atu.edu/Brucker/Ellison.html |
10. USIA - Outline Of American Literature - Key Literature Sites Key Sites on American Literature. AMERICAN LITERATURE GENERAL. A Brief Chronology of African American Literature From San Antonio College, a listing and several links to http://usinfo.org/oal/amlitweb.htm | |
11. General Handouts For English 10 English 10 American Literature General Handouts for English 10. General Handouts for English 10 These handouts should be retained for the duration of the entire course. http://mrgunnar.net/english.cfm?subpage=347608 |
12. Vol. 5. The Drama To 1642, Part One. The Cambridge History Of English And Americ An introduction. http://www.bartleby.com/215/ | |
13. American Literature General Resources Following is a list of comprehensive web sites which contain electronic resources for American literature and include links to other American literature web sites or author sites as http://www.scribd.com/doc/23705769/American-Literature-General-Resources |
14. April Conference Twelve -- Krakow, 27-29 April 2011 The presentations take place in sections (devoted to British and American literature, general and applied linguistics, translation and cultural studies, the teaching of English as http://www.filg.uj.edu.pl/aprilconference/ | |
15. Ebony Online official magazine webpage http://ebony.com/ | |
16. American Literature - General Resources Internet resources on American Literature General Resources. Overcome Test Anxiety. Five simple steps to help you remain calm and focused during your next exam. http://classiclit.about.com/cs/americanliteratur5/ | |
17. Ambiguity And The Search For Meaning: English And American Studies At The Beginn A triennial international conference (since 1978); papers on British and American literature, general and applied linguistics, translation and cultural studies, TESOL; selected http://www.allconferences.com/conferences/2007/20071105095212/ | |
18. Complete Review - Index Of Latin And South American Literature Under Review Index of Latin and South American Literature under review, organized by author, title, genre and national origin. http://www.complete-review.com/maindex/latam.htm | |
19. South American Literature - Literature Network Forums Reading General Literature South American literature General Literature Welcome to the Literature Network Forums forums. You are currently viewing our boards as a http://www.online-literature.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15359 |
20. Simonds History Of American Literature - General Overview Of American Literature Bibliomania Free Online Literature and Study Guides. General overview of American literature, broken down into time periods. http://www.airnyc.org/info/Simonds-History-of-American-Literature-61781.html | |
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