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41. §11. Giraldus Cambrensis. X. English Scholars Of Paris And Franciscans Of Oxford The life and writings of this Welsh-Norman cleric. http://www.bartleby.com/211/1011.html | |
42. §13. Herbert Of Cherbury. XIV. The Beginnings Of English Philosophy. Vol. 4. Pro A section on this early Deist thinker, from the Cambridge History of English and American Literature. http://www.bartleby.com/214/1413.html | |
43. §15. “Nimrod”. VI. Caricature And The Literature Of Sport. Vol. 14. The Victoria Brief biography from The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. http://www.bartleby.com/224/0615.html | |
44. "The Kingdom, The Power, & The Glory: The Millennial Impulse In Early " By Reine Title. The Kingdom, the Power, the Glory The Millennial Impulse in Early American Literature General Introduction http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/etas/27/ |
45. §15. Charles Dudley Warner. XIII. Later Essayists. Vol. 17. Later National Liter Biography of Warner. http://www.bartleby.com/227/0615.html | |
46. Home - American And English Literature Internet Resources - Research Guides At S This guide contains notable web sites on American and English Literature. http://libguides.southernct.edu/content.php?pid=57007&sid=420156 |
47. An Introduction To Charles Bukowski, By Jay Dougherty Charles Bukowski took American literature away from the critics and the academics and gave it back to the peoples. http://www.jaydougherty.com/bukowski/index.html | |
48. Jr American Literature (General) Perspectives in American Literature Contains information on Puritanism, Romanticism, Transcendentalism, Realism http://www.pomperaug.com/research/Research Paper English III.htm | |
49. Wieland Excerpts and information about Wieland, an almost forgotten classic of American Literature. http://www.invispress.com/WEI/index.html | |
50. Buley Library American and English Literature Internet Resources American Literature General Resources. American Authors on the Web Contains links to pages devoted to various http://library.scsu.ctstateu.edu/litbibAmlitGen.html | |
51. Abraham Cahan - My Jewish Learning The story of the immigrant journalist and novelist. http://www.myjewishlearning.com/culture/2/Literature/Jewish_American_Literature/ |
52. The Kingdom, The Power, The Glory The Millennial Impulse In The Kingdom, The Power, The Glory The Millennial Impulse in Early American Literature General Introduction T he discovery and settlement of the New World is perhaps not entirely http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1027&context=etas |
53. PAL: Terry Southern (1924-1995) Bibliography and brief biography at Perspectives in American Literature. http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap10/southern.html | |
54. ENG 311G Resources American LiteratureGeneral. American Collection Library of America The Academy of American Poetsaudios http://www.mscd.edu/~english/311g/resources.html |
55. The Cambridge History Of English And American Literature: An Encyclopedia In Eig Online publication of classic eighteen-volume work of English and American literary history and criticism. http://www.bartleby.com/cambridge | |
56. Hypertexts In American Studies American literature including works by Poe, Jefferson, Madison, and Twain. http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/hypertex.html | |
57. American Literature Subject Directory AMERICAN LITERATURE – GENERAL RESOURCES . Internet Public Library – Literary Criticism Updated 8/17/05. http//www.ipl.org/div/lcrit . Literary Resources on the Net Jack Lynch http://library.alvincollege.edu/AmerLit.htm | |
58. Symbiosis Home Page: The Ground-breaking Journal Of Anglo-American Literary Rela Articles on British and American literature and culture from the beginnings of Anglophone America to the present. Online archives, subscriptions, and submission guidelines. http://symbiosisonline.org.uk | |
59. Pathfinder: American Literature 810. 811. 822. 813. 814. 815. 816. 818. American Literature General. Poetry. Drama. Fiction. Essays. Speeches. Letters. Miscellaneous Writings http://www.elms.k12.oh.us/library/pathfinderamericanlit.htm | |
60. Signed First Editions, Signed Mysteries, Crime Fiction Specializes in first editions of crime fiction and African-American literature. http://www.bungalowbooks.com/ | |
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