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61. Boston Book Company: Home Specialities include Japan and East Asia, as well as English and American literature, sets, and general antiquarian books. http://www.rarebook.com/ | |
62. General Resources - Languages, Literature, Country Language Cultural Groups, Ame Country, Language Cultural Groups / American Literature / General Resources General Resources http://www.studysphere.com/Site/Sphere_1233.html |
63. Bookfever.com Used Rare Books Magazines Pulps For Sale Book Fever Specializing in women authors, African American literature, Native American and Latin American authors. http://www.bookfever.com/ |
64. A Student's History Of American Literature - General Overview Of American Litera Arts, Literature, World Literature, American A Student's History of American Literature. General overview of American literature, broken down into time periods. http://www.abc-directory.com/site/219787 |
65. Home Page Specializing in horticulture and agriculture, historical Americana, English and American literature. http://www.vgernet.net/frakerbook/ | |
66. American Literature - General Discussion - Asimovs.com Forums Asimov's Science Fiction, the most consistently innovative and readable SF magazine on the newsstands today http://www.asimovs.com/aspnet_forum/messages.aspx?TopicID=1425 |
67. D & D Galleries Web-page Rare and antiquarian bookdealers; specialties are British and American literature, from the 16th through the 20th centuries. http://www.dndgalleries.com/ | |
68. Centenary College: General Home Taylor Memorial Library Subject Guides American Literature General American Authors on the Web http//www.nagasakigaigo.ac.jp/ishikawa/amlit http://www.centenarycollege.edu/cms/en/library/virtual-library/englishliterature | |
69. David Brass Rare Books Features English and American literature, children s books, modern first editions, and original artwork. http://www.davidbrassrarebooks.com/ |
70. Publisher Description For Library Of Congress Control Number 92042479 Publisher description for The Cambridge history of American literature / general editor, Sacvan Bercovitch ; associate editor, Cyrus R.K. Patell. http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/description/cam025/92042479.html | |
71. §5. Sir William Hamilton. I. Philosophers. Vol. 14. The Victorian Age, Part Two. Passage from the Cambridge History of English and American Literature, discussing this Scottish thinker in context. http://www.bartleby.com/224/0105.html | |
72. American Literature of the American Literature Course. The web links to the major American writers are categorized chronologically into nine periods (1600present) in the history......General http://www.litstudies.org/AmericanLit/index.htm | |
73. §28. Shadworth Hodgson. I. Philosophers. Vol. 14. The Victorian Age, Part Two. T Discussion of this English thinker, from the Cambridge History of English and American Literature. http://www.bartleby.com/224/0128.html | |
74. General Information For Participants — University Of Louisville 2007 U.S. Department of State Institute on Contemporary American Literature General Information Arrival in the U.S. Please see the “Fact Sheet” on “Arriving at a U.S. Port http://louisville.edu/cchs/department-of-state-institute-on-contemporary-america | |
75. §38. Robert Adamson. I. Philosophers. Vol. 14. The Victorian Age, Part Two. The Passage from the Cambridge History of English and American Literature. Discusses his movement from idealism to realism. http://www.bartleby.com/224/0138.html | |
76. Libraries:Literature libraries literature. oooo american literature general + american. oooo home libraries http://www.citizensource.com/Libraries/Literature.htm | |
77. §16. Opponents Of The Deists: William Warburton. XI. Berkeley And Contemporary P Section from Cambridge History of English and American Literature, considering this thinker in his intellectual context. http://www.bartleby.com/219/1116.html | |
78. Buley Library American Literature General Resources; American Literature Drama and Theater; American Literature Poetry; American Literature Teaching Resources http://library.scsu.ctstateu.edu/litbib.html | |
79. §15. John Smith And Henry More Contrasted. XI. Platonists And Latitudinarians. V A brief section from the Cambridge History of English and American Literature. http://www.bartleby.com/218/1115.html | |
80. Voices From The Gaps : University Of Minnesota Literature site focusing on the lives and works of women writers of color. http://voices.cla.umn.edu/ | |
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