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1. The Presidents | The White House WhiteHouse.gov is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/ | |
2. Biography_American_Presidents, Test Prep Material http://www.studyworld.com/Biography_American_Presidents.htm |
3. Free Nixon Essays tags American Presidents Biographies Essays 3 Works Cited 2780 words (7.9 pages) Powerful Essays Richard M. Nixon Early Life Richard Milhous Nixon grew up in Yorba, California http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=Nixon |
4. American President: Resource On The U.S. Presidents Indepth essays created by the University of Virginia on American President a resource on the U.S. Presidents' lives and administrations. http://millercenter.org/academic/americanpresident |
5. Biography Books, Memoirs – Buy Family Memoirs, Biographies And Famous People A The American Presidents Biographies of Our Chief Executives, Eleventh Edition by David C. Whitney; completely revised and updated by Robin Vaughn Whitney http://www.bookscene.ca/category/Biography_and_Memoir/3 | |
6. Publications Of The Week The American Presidents Biographies of the Chief Executives from George Washington Through Barack Obama. 216mm x 146mm 648 Hardback 19.99 (incl. VAT) David Charles PLC 25.12.2009 http://www.thebookseller.com/documents/UserContributed/file/pow_30_12_2009.pdf |
7. USA-Presidents.Info - Biographies And Information On Every American President. Site provides biographies and information on American presidents. Also includes the text of Inaugural and State of the Union Addresses. http://www.usa-presidents.info/ | |
8. First Ladies By Betty Boyd Caroli | LibraryThing The American Presidents Biographies of the chief executives from Washington through Clinton by David C. Whitney; Presidential Sex From the Founding Fathers to Bill Clinton by Wesley http://www.librarything.com/work/761905 |
9. Presidents American Presidents Biographies. American Presidents Megasites First Ladies Vice Presidents http://www.pkwy.k12.mo.us/southmiddle/ProjectPathways/presidents.htm | |
10. 51 Theodore Roosevelt Worksheets Reviewed By Teachers Eleanor Roosevelt; American Presidents; Biographies; Coloring Sheets; Daily Writing Prompts http://www.lessonplanet.com/search?keywords=Theodore Roosevelt&media=workshe |
11. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Presidents Websites dedicated to the American Presidents. Biographies of all presidents by Clinton Presidential Materials The Whitehouse website http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/P/index.htm | |
12. Senator John McCain The American Presidents Biographies of the Chief Executives from George Washington to Barack OBama http://hubpages.com/hub/senator_john_mcCain |
13. Thriftbooks Used Books - American Presidents: Biographies Of The Chief Executive Cheap used books are available with free shipping within the USA at Thriftbooks. Millions to choose from for the cheapest prices you will find on the web. http://www.thriftbooks.com/viewDetails.aspx?ISBN=0130285986&frmlnk=y |
14. Elementary Library Home Page - 5th Grade Social Studies About Nova Scotia Province of British Columbia Province of Manitoba Home page Province of Prince Edward Island Home Page Top American Presidents American Presidents Biographies Be http://www.oneidacsd.org/education/components/scrapbook/default.php?sectiondetai |
15. American Presidents Biographies - Homework Center - Multnomah County Library Select a president and learn about his life before and after the presidency, his family and his legacy. This is an excellent resource to begin research on any of the American http://www.multcolib.org/homework/presidents.html | |
16. Thriftbooks Used Books - Links Page American Presidents Biographies of the Chief Executives from Washington through Bush David C. Whitney; Robin Vaughn Whitney http://www.thriftbooks.com/links.aspx?pagenum=5572 |
17. American Presidents: Life Portraits Site complements CSPAN television series of the same name. Includes brief facts about each president, plus video clips from the series. http://americanpresidents.org/ | |
18. David C. Whitney | LibraryThing Books by David C. Whitney The American Presidents, The American Presidents Biographies of the chief executives from…, The American Presidents Biographies of the chief http://www.librarything.com/author/whitneydavidc |
19. U.S. Presidents These are the histories and times of the presidents of the United States. http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/subjects/uspresidents.htm | |
20. David C. Whitney (Author Of The American Presidents) David C. Whitney is the author of The American Presidents (13 ratings), The American Presidents Biographies of the Chief Executives from George Washington to George W. Bush (6 rat http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/91244.David_C_Whitney | |
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