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21. American Samoa Historic Preservation Office -- Home Page Government office that identifies, evaluates, and protects the country s history and culture. Program overview, publications with downloadable library, cultural history and related organizations. http://www.ashpo.org/ |
22. American Samoa Government Election Office Talofa and welcome to the official website of the Election Office for the Territory of American Samoa! This website is part of the Election Office’s efforts to make the election http://americansamoaelectionoffice.org/ | |
23. ManuaTele - American Samoa Government OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR PRESS RELEASE Wednesday, January 16, 2008. Gov. Togiola transported today to Tripler Army Hospital in Honolulu (UTULEI) Governor Togiola Tulafono today was http://www.manuatele.net/asg/asg-1q08.html | |
24. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - American Samoa Catalog and search facilities for over 500 databases from 55 countries including case-law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials. http://www.worldlii.org/catalog/2784.html |
25. American Samoa/Government - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article. Who Is American American Samoa/Government. Discussion about American Samoa/Government. Ecyclopedia or dictionary article about American Samoa/Government. http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/American_Samoa/Government/ |
26. Ruth Risch, Assistant Public Defender, American Samoa Government: Zoom Informati Update your professional profile, manage your online reputation or research the professional information of Ruth Risch, Assistant Public Defender, American Samoa Government at http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Risch_Ruth_1191829007.aspx | |
27. American Samoa Review of the country s history, politics, leaders and international organizations and treaties. Includes map, constitution, national anthem and pictures of historical flags. http://www.worldstatesmen.org/AmSamoa.html | |
28. American Samoa Historic Preservation Office -- Home Page The main building of the Maota Fono, the building housing American Samoa's Legislature. (Photograph courtesy of L. A. Frost) http://www.ashpo.org/walktour/09.html |
29. American Samoa Government - Americansamoa.gov - American Samoa Ministries Resource informations American samoa government, American samoa Ministries, resource 12048 http://www.businesspatrol.com/country-links/american-samoa-government,12048.html |
30. Guide To Law Online: U.S. American Samoa - Law Library Of Congress (Library Of C Annotated compendium of online sources providing access to primary documents, legal commentary and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics. http://www.loc.gov/law/help/guide/states/us-as.html | |
31. American Samoa Historic Preservation Office -- Home Page Fagatogo at 1900. Sogelau Hill with the original Flag Day Flag pole can be seen in the centerright of the photograph. http://ashpo.org/walktour/16.html |
32. Where To Write For Vital Records - American Samoa American Samoa Government Department of Health Health Information Office Pago Pago, AS 96799. Remarks Registrar has records since 1900. Money order should be made payable to ASG http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/w2w/american_samoa.htm |
33. 1Up Travel > American Samoa Government - Facts On Government Of American Samoa I Wanted to find out info about Government of American Samoa with respect to Country name, Data code, Dependency status, Government type, Capital, Administrative divisions http://www.1uptravel.com/international/oceaniapacific/american-samoa/government. | |
34. AllRefer.com - American Samoa: Government (**american-samoa-adj** Government) :C AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on American Samoa with respect to Government, Country name, conventional long form, conventional http://reference.allrefer.com/world/countries/american-samoa/government.html | |
35. American Samoa Government | BroadbandUSA - NTIA Data Collection, Integration, and Validation This project was originally funded for broadband planning activities and two years of data collection. http://www2.ntia.doc.gov/grantee/american-samoa-government |
36. American Samoa Capital Government American Samoa government, capital, and more. conventional long form Territory of American Samoa conventional short form American Samoa http://www.countryfacts.com/americansamoa/government/ | |
37. American Samoa Government Investigation | KHON2 Hawaii's News Leader A whistle blower has come forward with allegations that millions of dollars for tsunami preparedness was misused. http://www.khon2.com/news/local/story/American-Samoa-Government-Investigation/Fe |
38. American Samoa Government Type - Government Facts and statistics about the Government type of American Samoa. Updated as of 2010. http://www.indexmundi.com/american_samoa/government_type.html | |
39. AMERICAN SAMOA GOVERNMENT | ProPublica Recovery Tracker Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan. http://projects.propublica.org/recovery/entity/854993870 | |
40. American Samoa - Government American Samoa Tourism American Samoa Travel Information - All You Need to Know about American Samoa http://www.amsamoatourism.com/government.htm | |
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