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41. Ancient History A WVC Library Research By Subject Page Information, resources and links pertaining to Ancient History Ancient History General Resources. ABZU Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East http://www.wvc.edu/library/research/history/RBHistoryAncient.html | |
42. Ancient Civilizations An overview of several civilizations, include the Maya, Vikings, and Mongols. http://www.freewebs.com/ancientcivilizatios/ancientciviilizations1.htm | |
43. Useful Websites For History History Resources; Ancient History General; Ancient History Greece; Ancient History Rome; Medieval/Modern History General; Medieval; Early/Modern http://cardiff.ac.uk/schoolsanddivisions/divisions/insrv/bysubject/history/websi |
44. The Indus And Huang River Valleys :: Economy And Religion Includes articles and photos about economics and religion of these two civilizations. http://www.freewebs.com/indus_and_haung_rv/ |
45. The Prehistoric Archaeology Of The Aegean Lessons from Dartmouth College covering Aegean Civilization from the Paleolithic period through the end of the Minoan Palatial era in the twelfth century B.C. http://projectsx.dartmouth.edu/history/bronze_age/ | |
46. Mysteries Of Ancient East A look at China, Egypt and Rome as they were 2000 years ago. Includes information on art, beliefs, food, history, and inventions of these ancient cultures. http://library.thinkquest.org/11576/ | |
47. Ancient History: General Index This is just a beginning, but for now, you’ll find listed here the links to all the pages. with keywords to find more easily what you’re looking for . http://ancienthistory.asian-center.net/general_index.html | |
48. Antigonid Dynasty: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article The Antigonid dynasty (Greek Δυναστεία των Αντιγονιδών) was a dynasty of Hellenistic kings descended from Alexander the Great's http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Antigonid_dynasty | |
49. WebQuest Geography, government, agriculture, architecture, music, art, religion, sports, and roles of men, women, and children. http://oncampus.richmond.edu/academics/education/projects/webquests/ancientgreec | |
50. General Resources - Home Study, Junior, Primary, Ancient History, General Resour (General Resources)StudySphere Educational Resource for language school, study abroad, education online, education, school, high school, career education, business school, driver http://www.studysphere.com/Site/Sphere_10477.html |
51. Ancient Civilizations Become an explorer who goes to the Middle-East to gain an understanding of the cultures which exist there. http://library.thinkquest.org/2840/ | |
52. Elibron Books Papers 336 items in Ancient History, general in English Sort by Rating Date Title Author Show items in http://www.elibron.com/english/books/index.phtml?lang_id=1&sctn_id=35&su |
53. MrDonn.org - Daily Life In Ancient Civilizations For Kids Learn about daily life in ancient civilizations around the world. http://ancienthistory.mrdonn.org/indexlife.html | |
54. Epinions.com - Msiduri's Profile About Me My interests include ancient history, general science and enjoying life. http://www.epinions.com/user-msiduri/show_~content | |
55. Classics For Kids Collection of links to sites about the ancient world. http://www.iwu.edu/~classics/kids.html | |
56. Students 6th History Ancient HistoryGeneral Food From Ancient Times This site describes how some fruits and vegetables were used during ancient and modern times. http://library.doncallejon.org/mdl_students/lib.middle_6th_students_history.html | |
57. HWC, Ancient Europe A simple introduction to the wars and leaders of these great nations. http://www.boisestate.edu/courses/westciv/ancient/ | |
58. You Said It - Ancient/Classical History Quotes From The Year 2000 Ancient/Classical History Forum discussion and questions on Ancient Rome, including Caligula, Roman ingredients, Caesar, the Rise and Fall of Rome, Hannibal, Polybius, goldsmiths http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_forumrome.htm | |
59. Ancient Greek Theatre Study great Greek playwrights, learn about the cult of Dionyssos, and elements of the play. http://www.greektheatre.gr | |
60. Social Science Resources 21st Century Ancient History General Resources Mayan Studies, The Ancient World of Rome and Greece, plus Asia and the other major cultures. http://schools.bcsd.com/stiern/library/links2/socsci.htm | |
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