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61. Anesthesia & Analgesia Official journal of the International anesthesia Research Society. Search or browse article archives, author guidelines, editorial board and subscription information. http://www.anesthesia-analgesia.org/ | |
62. Frequently Asked Questions About Anesthesia NetWellness provides the highest quality health information and education services created and evaluated by faculty of our partner universities. http://www.netwellness.org/healthtopics/anesthesiology/faq3.cfm | |
63. The Ether Way Features a blob by anesthesiologists containing articles about anesthesia. http://mkeamy.typepad.com/ |
64. General Anesthesia: Definition From Answers.com n. anesthesia characterized by unconsciousness, muscle relaxation, and loss of sensation over the entire body, and resulting from the administration of a general anesthetic. http://www.answers.com/topic/general-anaesthesia |
65. Welcome To Pro Medical anesthesia billing services. http://www.promedicalinc.com/ |
66. Anesthesia - Overview anesthesia Overview, anesthesia is the delivery of medicine to prevent Definition of anesthesia anesthesia is the delivery of medicine to prevent you from feeling http://www.umm.edu/ency/article/007280.htm |
67. ICON Provides billing and consulting for anesthesia and pain management practices. http://www.anesthesiaicon.com/ |
68. CIGNA - Anesthesia Topic Overview What is anesthesia? anesthesia controls pain during surgery or other medical procedures. It includes using medicines, and sometimes close monitoring, to keep http://www.cigna.com/healthinfo/tp17798.html |
69. NYSORA - The New York School Of Regional Anesthesia Featuring an overview of techniques and principles of regional anesthesia as taught and practiced at the Department of Anesthesiology at St. Luke s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, New York, NY. http://www.nysora.com |
70. Anesthesia Information On Healthline The loss of feeling or sensation. It may be accomplished without the loss of consciousness, or with partial or total loss of consciousness. http://www.healthline.com/galecontent/anesthesia |
71. Reading Anesthesia Associates Contains information for patients about anesthesia techniques and options, including pediatrics and obstetrics, as well as information about our professional group, its sites of operation and practices. Located in Reading, Pennsylvania. http://www.readinganesthesia.com | |
72. Dräger In Anesthesia Today | Anesthesia | Customer Groups Dr ger has a unique understanding of anesthesia processes. We have been working with you on solutions for the daily challenges in hospitals for over 100 years. http://www.draeger.com/US/en_US/customer_groups/anesthesia/ |
73. Anesthesia Services, P.A. - Providing Anesthesia Services To Delaware's Christia Describes a large group practice located in northern Delaware, affiliated with the Christiana Care Health System. Outlines the anesthesia care team, monitoring, anesthetic concerns for different types of surgery. http://www.aspa-de.com | |
74. Methods Of Anesthesia NetWellness provides the highest quality health information and education services created and evaluated by faculty of our partner universities. http://www.netwellness.org/healthtopics/anesthesiology/anesthesiamethods.cfm | |
75. Linn County Anesthesiologists anesthesia practice for Cedar Rapids, Iowa including physician listing, financial policies, links to hospitals, and frequently asked questions. http://www.cr-anesthesia.com | |
76. Anesthesia - Wiktionary A method of preventing sensation, used to eliminate pain. The loss or prevention of pain, as caused by anesthesia. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/anesthesia | |
77. Herbal Medicines Pose Anesthetic Risks In Humans Article on the effects of common herbal medicines on patients undergoing anesthesia. Echinacea, ephedra, garlic, ginkgo, ginseng, kava, St. John s wort, and valerian are commonly used herbal medications that may pose a concern during anesthesia and recovery. http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=0&cat=1539&articleid=1575 |
78. World Congress Of Veterinary Anesthesia Sept. 16-20, 2003, Knoxville, TN. Presentations and abstracts on general anesthesia, pharmacology, peri-operative and chronic pain management, and critical and emergency care. http://www.vet.utk.edu/wcva/ |
79. Vas- Home/ Index: VETERINARY ANESTHESIA SYSTEMS, INC. (TEL 800-498-5575/ FAX 888 Sales and service for a variety of veterinary anesthesia and monitoring systems in the southern and western US. Features products, services, and contact information. http://vasinc.net/ |
80. Anesthesia Services | Somnia Inc. : Supporting Healthcare Facilities And Anesthe Establishes and maintains anesthesia services for hospitals, surgery centers and office-based facilities. Includes service details, company background, and press releases. Based in New Rochelle, New York. http://www.somniaanesthesiaservices.com/ |
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