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         Animal Shelters International:     more detail
  2. Sock Monkey Dreams: Daily Life at the Red Heel Monkey Shelter by Whitney Shroyer, Letitia Walker, 2006-09-21
  3. Economic implications of the effects of climatic stress on shelter alternatives for finishing cattle by David Charles Petritz, 1972
  4. Community Approaches to Feral Cats: Problems, Alternatives, and Recommendations (Public Policy Series) by Margaret R. Slater, 2002-07

1. Cambridgeshire Garden Show -
Wood Green Animal Shelters International Indoor Arena King's Bush Farm, London Rd. Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire PE29 2NH No. of exhibitors 250 Exhibitors floor size

2. Pet Rescue And Shelter Organizations In Your Area
Pet Rescue Organizations by location. Find Animal Rescue Groups nearest you. Volunteer or adopt an animal today and save a life.

3. Athens Exchange
Athens Exchange is an online magazine serving the Athens and Atlanta, Georgia area. We cover music, local news and politics, sports, and technology.
addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'boxkite'; Sunday, November 14, 2010
Athens Archive
Despite Recession, Recycling Still Good For Business in Athens
by Chris Anthony
Despite international recycling markets taking a major hit from the recession, Athens-Clarke County residents and businesses are recycling about as much as last year, said a county recycling official. Holt Webb's "Vanishing America" Visits Athens
by Rosanna Cruz
In an attempt to capture America�s disappearing natural beauty, Holt Webb travels the country documenting what he states are the unique aspects of our culture that are in danger of vanishing.
In a speech given Sunday, February 8, at the Athens Institute for Contemporary Art, Webb described his project, �Vanishing America,� and his mission in traveling the country taking pictures. Recession Woes Hit UGA Campus
by Patrick Hooper
College is often said to be separate from "the real world," but real world problems are setting up shop even in the heart of academia. Renowned Photographer Joel-Peter Witkin Visits UGA
by Emily Karol
Joel-Peter Witkin visited the University of Georgia over February 17th and 18th as a part of Lamar Dodd's visiting artists series. Witkin offered a keen insight into his renowned and shocking photographs to students, professors, and Athens community members during his lectures.

4. SuperVegan - SuperVegan's Tod Emko Plans Galapagos's First Animal Hospital And S
and even just people who hear about the project are being fantastic about offering their experiences and insights on how they created nonprofits, animal shelters, international

5. Borderland Humane Society / Koochiching County Humane Society (Animal Shelters)
See contact info, reviews, photos and maps of Borderland Humane Society / Koochiching County Humane Society in International Falls, MN

6. Infectious Disease Management In Animal Shelters - International Press Publicati
Infectious Disease Management in Animal SheltersLila Miller (Editor), Kate Hurley (Editor)ISBN 9780813813790Paperback400 pagesJuly 2009Infectious Disease Management in Animal
Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters
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Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters
Lila Miller (Editor), Kate Hurley (Editor)
ISBN: 9780813813790
400 pages
July 2009
Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters is a comprehensive guide to preventing, managing, and treating disease outbreaks in shelters. Emphasizing strategies for the prevention of illness and mitigation of disease, this book provides detailed, practical information regarding fundamental principles of disease control and specific management of important diseases affecting dogs and cats in group living environments. Taking an in-depth, population health approach, the text presents information to aid in the fight against the most significant and costly health issues in shelter care facilities.
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We being an International Company, can procure/search/Research all kinds of publications,Print or electronic, from any part of the world. Our experience takes us back to 1976

7. International Falls Animal Shelters | Pet Shelters In International Falls, MN
Find International Falls Animal Shelters on MagicYellow. Yellow Pages online for Animal Shelters in International Falls, MN

8. Task Force On Managing Canine Behavior In Animal Shelters
Task Force on Managing Canine Behavior in Animal Shelters International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants Executive Summary In the fall of 2005 the International Association

9. Guidelinesfor The Design And Management Of Animal Shelters
Guidelinesfor the design and management of animal shelters International Registered charity no. 219099 guidelines.pdf

10. Browsing Org's Ferret | Alberta Ferret Society
World Wide Listing of Shelters A interactive map showing the locations of ferret shelters world wide. This is a fairly new site as of 2005 so if you know of a shelter that is

11. Animal Shelters In MN Yellow Pages By SuperPages
Ihlen Animal Shelters International Falls Animal Shelters Intl Falls Animal Shelters Shelters/S-MN/cities-i/

12. Projects
Shirley J. King P.O. Box 548, Elk Grove, CA 95759 phone (916) 6859660
Every child deserves to have their very own special blanket ...
Shirley J. King
8652 Elk Way
Elk Grove, CA 95624
phone: (916) 685-9660

" When you wrap a child in a blanket, it's like you are giving them a HUG!"
" When you wrap a child in a blanket, it's like you are giving them a HUG!"
In November of 2007, Gramma's Hugs International (GHI) drove a truckload of donated items to the Coastal Family Health Center headquartered in Biloxi, MS . The items included over 400 stuffed animals in "sleeping bags", 360 fleece blankets, 160 toiletry bags (washcloths, soap, shampoo, lotion, comb, toothpaste, etc), coloring books, crayons, pencils, socks, hats, and many other items for babies and children. Also donated were 3 dental chairs with all accessories, a chiropractic treatment table, a computer, and a printer.
Over the past year, GHI has continued sending as many as 10 boxes a month to the Coastal Family Health Center. These items include "belonging bags", blankets, small toiletry bags, small stuffed animals in "sleeping bags", and much more. LOCAL Sacramento, CA

13. Office Of Public Information: News Release
dogs performing circus tricks together in this Vegasstyle indoor circus act featuring 16 trained housecats and eight dogs (all rescued from animal shelters). International
Contact: Lindsay Gambini (973) 655-7689
Turtles, ballet, ABBA and Rockapella highlight Great Events 2002-3 season
Great Events also presents the SchoolTime Series performances for school groups. Tickets for SchoolTime events are $15. The Great Events Schedule: DANCE AND MUSIC Sunday, Sept. 29, 7:30 p.m. Tickets $25, 20. The Red Army Chorus and Dance Ensemble. Direct from Russia, this spectacular 60-member ensemble dazzles with beautiful music and tremendous dancing. Saturday, Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m. Tickets $35, 30, $25. Anthony Kearns in Concert. Known for his silky, poetic vocals, this original member of the Three Irish Tenors presents a solo performance accompanied by pianist Patrick Healey. From New York to Dublin, Kearns has delivered passionate performances of music that taps into the very soul of Ireland. FAMILY EVENTS (All Family Events tickets are $15) MSU is New Jersey's second largest university. It offers the advantages of a large university a comprehensive undergraduate curriculum with a global focus, a broad variety of superior graduate programs, and a diverse faculty and student body combined with a small college's attention to students. More information on the University is available on its website:

14. Amusement And Recreation Services - Cave Creek
Amusement And Recreation Services in Cave Creek, AZ We will respect the needs and expectations of our customers and commit to providing the high quality products our customers

15. Parvo Outbreak: Clayton County Animal Shelter Under Partial Quarantine, Reports
Article Hard times in U.S. spell trouble for family pets Animal shelters International Herald Tribune; June 27, 2008 ; 700+ words is usually a county

16. Service Dog Self Certification |
Service Dog Selection Tests Effectiveness for Dogs from Animal Shelters; International Association of Assistance Dog Partners Service Dog Criteria
  • Family Food Health Home Money Style More
Home Dog Training Dog Trainers ... Service Dog Self Certification
Top 5 To Try
Service Dog Self Certification
By Wildwater Wolf eHow Contributor updated: June 6, 2010 I want to do this! What's This? A dog with an appropriate temperament could become an effective service dog. The woman and dog image by Cosmic from The Americans with Disabilities Act defines a service animal as "any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability ... regardless of whether they have been licensed or certified by a state or local government." Service dogs can be owner-trained to perform tasks for a person with a disability, but it is recommended that a professional trainer certify your dog.
Choosing a Dog
  • Seek professional guidance when evaluating your pet or selecting the animal you plan to train as your service dog. Assistance dogs can begin as rescues or
  • 17. International Falls Veterinary Specialty Services | Veterinary Specialty Service
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    Rainy River Veterinary Hospital, Inc.

    18. International Society Cow (International Society For Cow Protection) - Moundsvil
    U.S. ~ Moundsville, WV ~ Agriculture ~ Animal Specialty Services, Except Veterinary ~ Animal Shelters ~ International Society Cow

    19. International Bird Rescue, Fairfield, CA
    U.S. ~ Fairfield, CA ~ Agriculture ~ Animal Specialty Services, Except Veterinary ~ Animal Shelters ~ International Bird Rescue

    20. Joyful Heart Foundation
    medical personnel, police officers, environmentalists, home health aides, military personnel, domestic violence workers, biologists, the staffs at animal shelters, international

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