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41. Wise, Douglas: Written Submission Prepared By Animal Welfare General. Welfare of the individual/conservation of the population. Suffering, or poor animal welfare, may occur at some point between the onset of stress and death http://www.huntinginquiry.gov.uk/evidence2/wise2.htm | |
42. Cattle: Animal Rights site that focuses on all types of poultry. UK. http://greenfield.fortunecity.com/garden/156 |
43. Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare Department of Primary Industries, Victoria, Australia Bureau of Animal Welfare 'Animal welfare' means how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/DPI/nrenfa.nsf/childdocs/-180715ADC627966E4A256B750004 |
44. Animal Helpline 03000 999 999 | Scottish SPCA The Scottish SPCA is the oldest and largest animal welfare charity in Scotland, offering inspectorate and animal welfare centres covering the whole of Scotland. Not associated with the RSPCA animal rights charity. http://www.scottishspca.org/ | |
45. FACS General Information Regarding Animal Disease . . . Footand-Mouth Disease Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a severe, highly communicable viral disease http://www.facs.sk.ca/welfare_disease.htm | |
46. Animal Welfare Organization :: Animal Welfare :: Animal Welfare Organization :: Animal welfare organization based in India working to reduce the sufferings of stray animals and promoting humane education in the society. http://www.strawindia.org | |
47. Animal Welfare Division SCHEMES Learn about the rules, implementation, and provisions of the prevention of cruelty to animals act. Contains information on animal welfare measures undetaken by the Ministry of environment and forests. http://envfor.nic.in/divisions/awd/awd_overview.html | |
48. Animal Welfare League NSW | Welcome To Animal Welfare League NSW Helping to formulate policy on animal welfare issues, and taking an active part in the welfare of companion animals. http://www.animalwelfareleague.com.au/ | |
49. UFAW - Universities Federation For Animal Welfare - Animal Welfare Journal Quarterly scientific journal bringing together the results of scientific research and technical studies related to the welfare of animals kept on farms, in laboratories, as companions, in zoos or managed in the wild. Abstracts, reports and comments. Published by The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare. http://www.ufaw.org.uk/animal.php | |
50. FVO - Links Animal Welfare - General Issues This version is for browsers with a low level of support for CSS, and is des http://www.bvet.admin.ch/themen/tierschutz/01552/index.html?lang=en |
51. Issues In Animal Welfare Veterinary medical association established in 1863. The site contains comprehensive information about animal welfare, legal issues related to the ownership of animals, AVMA position statements, and information about the legal status of animals. http://www.avma.org/issues/animal_welfare/default.asp | |
52. International Fund For Animal Welfare |General Fund | Change.org This is the Change.org social network for International Fund for Animal Welfare. Supporters can share videos, photos, stories, and testimonials about their experiences with http://www.change.org/international_fund_for_animal_welfare/projects/view/genera |
53. A Closer Look At Animal Welfare Issues Issues affecting animals are examined more closely on a local, nationwide and worldwide level by Tina Evangelista-Eppenstein, animal welfare advocate/talk show host/writer. Photos/videos included. http://readingeagle.com/blog/animal/ |
54. Canadian Veterinary Medical Association - Animal Welfare Issues Articles Animal Welfare General Articles on Animal Welfare . Animal Abuse What Veterinarians Can Do / How To Report Abuse Animal Welfare and http://canadianveterinarians.net/animal-issues.aspx |
55. Animal Welfare | World News | Guardian.co.uk Ongoing news and commentary of UK and international issues covering medical research, wildlife including hunting and fishing, circuses, farming, fur, smuggling, zoos and aquariums. Includes effects of terrorism acts. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/animal-welfare | |
56. Animal Welfare: Global Animal Partnership Author/Organization Global Animal Partnership Publication year 2010 Where Topics animal welfare/general concepts http://www.fao.org/ag/againfo/themes/animal-welfare/aw-docum/search/detail/en/it |
57. The Latest News On Animal Welfare And Animal Cruelty International charity and alliance of animal welfare organisations. Includes education and awareness campaigns to raise the standards of animal welfare throughout the world. http://www.wspa-international.org/ | |
58. PAWS Animal Welfare (General Info) http://husky1.stmarys.ca/~paws/link.html | |
59. The Latest News On Animal Welfare And Animal Cruelty International charity and alliance of animal welfare organisations, UK Office. Includes education and awareness campaigns to raise the standards of animal welfare throughout the world. http://www.wspa.org.uk/ | |
60. Animal Welfare: RSPCA International Funding The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Publication year 2009 Where Topics animal welfare/general concepts http://www.fao.org/ag/againfo/themes/animal-welfare/aw-fundin/detail/en/item/115 |
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