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21. The Animal Welfare Foundation Of Canada The City of Norman, Oklahoma The Norman Animal Welfare Center has many wonderful pets to adopt. All are in desperate need of a loving home. http://www.awfc.ca/ |
22. Animal Welfare, Inc. - Helping Pets, Pet Owners, And Community NonProfit Humane animal organization helping pets, pet owners, and community since 1979. Programs include a spay/neuter subsidy voucher program, educational material for http://animalwelfareinc.org/ | |
23. Animal Welfare Information Center Large collection of information resources related to the improved care and use of laboratory, farm, companion, and exhibit animals. http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/ |
24. AWS – PE: Home As an Open shelter, AWS is the only animal society in Port Elizabeth which operates as a pound, offering a safe place for all kinds of unwanted, lost or abandoned animals. At our http://animalwelfarepe.co.za/ | |
25. Animal Welfare Human-dependent Animals Collection of articles concerning the care and management of horses and cats, particularly with relevance to conditions in Australia. http://optimail.com.au/berrime/animalwelfare.htm | |
26. Animal Welfare Kucinich.us - Home animal welfare, kucinich, procedures, congress, floor speeches, slaughterhouse, news, committee, animal rights, Animal Rights, Animal Welfare http://animalwelfare.kucinich.us/ | |
27. CYPRUSANIMALWELFARE.ORG Thank you for visiting Paphiakos CCP Animal Welfare Website To see highlights of our recent Shelter Open Day. please vist Events page We have a new Arrival! http://www.cyprusanimalwelfare.org/ |
28. Hounded, Cowed, & Badgered Provides updates and legal commentary on animal welfare current events and legal developments, from an animal rights perspective. http://hcb.typepad.com/hounded_cowed_badgered/ | |
29. The Penn - Letter To The Editor Animal Welfare At IUP Oct 29, 2010 I was hoping to share some observations with the IUP community in regards to the lack of animal welfare activities that are available. http://www.thepenn.org/opinion/letter-to-the-editor-animal-welfare-at-iup-1.1735 |
30. Journal Of Animal Law Information Student-run law review at Michigan State University discussing animal welfare issues in law and public policy. http://www.animallaw.info/policy/pojouranimlawinfo.htm |
31. Welcome To Anim98 Welfare A Humane Society With Compassion For All Basic Pet Care Animal Welfare is a nonprofit 501c(3)organization and a full Humane Society. Our programs are funded by donations from http://animalwelfare.org/ | |
32. International Animal-Law Provides information about international initiatives and projects regarding animals, welfare, law and ethics. http://www.animal-law.biz | |
33. Animal Welfare Observations made on several hundred farms, ranches, feedlots, and slaughter plants indicates that the single most important factor which affects animal welfare is the attitude http://www.grandin.com/welfare/intro.welfare.html | |
34. All-creatures.org: Working For A Peaceful World For Humans, Animals, And The Env Includes articles on animal welfare, rights, treatment, personal stories, Biblical references to animals and commentary, plus vegetarian related issues. http://www.all-creatures.org/ | |
35. Animal Welfare | World News | Guardian.co.uk Ongoing news and commentary of UK and international issues covering medical research, wildlife including hunting and fishing, circuses, farming, fur, smuggling, zoos and http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/animal-welfare | |
36. Animal Welfare Meetup Groups - Animal Welfare Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about Animal Welfare http://animalwelfare.meetup.com/ |
37. Welcome To Farmed Animal Net Directory of links and resources related to farmed animal welfare. http://www.farmedanimal.net/ |
38. Animal Welfare | Do Something Animal Welfare. Animal rights and animal welfare cover a huge spectrum of ideas and beliefs. The animal rights viewpoint is basically that humans do not have the right to use http://www.dosomething.org/whatsyourthing/Animal Welfare |
39. Samrakshan Animal welfare programs, based on rural and forest area development. http://www.samrakshan.org/ | |
40. Animal Welfare, Confined Animals - The Issues - Sustainable Table Sustainable Table Issues. Learn more about animal welfare issues and how to purchase meat and dairy sustainably from farmers who treat their animals well. http://www.sustainabletable.org/issues/animalwelfare/ | |
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