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Home - Basic_A - Animal Welfare |
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41. Wasmoeth Wildlife Animal welfare group working to save endangered species. http://wasmoethwildlife.org/ | |
42. Animal Welfare Approved The Animal Welfare Approved program audits and certifies family farms that utilize highwelfare methods of farming, on pasture or range. Farmers benefit from having a third http://www.animalwelfareapproved.org/ | |
43. Cattle: Animal Rights site that focuses on all types of poultry. UK. http://greenfield.fortunecity.com/garden/156 |
44. CAW Home About Us People Research Education Training News Resources Welcome to the Center for Animal Welfare (CAW) at the University of California Davis. http://animalwelfare.ucdavis.edu/ | |
45. Animal Helpline 03000 999 999 | Scottish SPCA The Scottish SPCA is the oldest and largest animal welfare charity in Scotland, offering inspectorate and animal welfare centres covering the whole of Scotland. Not associated with the RSPCA animal rights charity. http://www.scottishspca.org/ | |
46. Animal Behavior And Welfare Group animal welfare, animal behavior, welfare contest, ABWG, MSU, animal bahviour, animal eithics, graduate, undergraduate, courses, contests, GAAMPS http://animalwelfare.msu.edu/ |
47. Animal Welfare Organization :: Animal Welfare :: Animal Welfare Organization :: Animal welfare organization based in India working to reduce the sufferings of stray animals and promoting humane education in the society. http://www.strawindia.org | |
48. Animal Welfare Vs. Animal Rights Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights What's the difference? For the last 50 years or more, the debate has raged over the role of animals in human society, with particular reference http://www.furcommission.com/debate/ | |
49. Animal Welfare Division SCHEMES Learn about the rules, implementation, and provisions of the prevention of cruelty to animals act. Contains information on animal welfare measures undetaken by the Ministry of environment and forests. http://envfor.nic.in/divisions/awd/awd_overview.html | |
50. Animal Welfare League NSW | Welcome To Animal Welfare League NSW Helping to formulate policy on animal welfare issues, and taking an active part in the welfare of companion animals. http://www.animalwelfareleague.com.au/ | |
51. Animal Care - City Of Albuquerque News from Animal Welfare Animal Welfare Pit Bulls to Participate in National Pit Bull Awareness DayCostume Parade Baby the Pit Bull Puppy Goes to a Loving http://www.cabq.gov/pets |
52. Animal Welfare Science Centre A joint centre of . The University of Melbourne Monash University The Ohio State University Department of Primary Industries Victoria http://www.animalwelfare.net.au/ |
53. A Closer Look At Animal Welfare Issues Issues affecting animals are examined more closely on a local, nationwide and worldwide level by Tina Evangelista-Eppenstein, animal welfare advocate/talk show host/writer. Photos/videos included. http://readingeagle.com/blog/animal/ |
54. The Animal Welfare League - Veterinarian Clinic & Emergency Care 10305 Southwest Highway Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 Phone 708.636.8586 Fax 708.636.9488 6224 S Wabash Chicago, IL 60637 Phone 773.667.0088 http://www.animalwelfareleague.com/clinic.asp | |
55. Reading Rooms - The National Agricultural Law Center Ewbank, R. Farm animal welfare a historical overview. Journal of Agricultural Environmental Ethics 6 (special suppl.1) 8286 (1993). Gonyou, H.W. Animal welfare definitions http://www.nationalaglawcenter.org/readingrooms/animalwelfare/ | |
56. The Latest News On Animal Welfare And Animal Cruelty International charity and alliance of animal welfare organisations. Includes education and awareness campaigns to raise the standards of animal welfare throughout the world. http://www.wspa-international.org/ | |
57. Singapore Animal Welfare Symposium The First Singapore Animal Welfare Symposium home. The date has been set! The second Singapore Animal Welfare Symposium will take place on Saturday the 16th May 2009 at NUS http://www.animalwelfare.sg/ | |
58. The Latest News On Animal Welfare And Animal Cruelty International charity and alliance of animal welfare organisations, UK Office. Includes education and awareness campaigns to raise the standards of animal welfare throughout the world. http://www.wspa.org.uk/ | |
59. Animal Welfare Association: Welcome To Animal Welfare Association Online! animal welfare asociation AWA Happy Tails! AWA 2010 Sponsors. Save a life Foster a pet! Order your AWA 2011 Calendar http://www.awanj.org/site/PageServer | |
60. WSPA USA - World Society For The Protection Of Animals WSPA USA is the American branch of the animal welfare group dedicated to raising the standards of animal welfare throughout the world. http://www.wspa-usa.org/ | |
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