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81. :: Animal Welfare Coalition :: REPUBLIC ACT 8485, the Animal Welfare Act of 1998. Republic Act 8485, more commonly known as The Animal Welfare Act of 1998 , aims to protect and promote the welfare of all http://www.animalwelfare.com.ph/awact.htm |
82. Welcome To WSD India :: Home Page Organisation working to eradicate rabies and control the street dog population. http://www.wsdindia.org/ | |
83. Royal New Zealand SPCA Voluntary organization which receives no state funding. http://www.rspcanz.org.nz/ |
84. Animals In Need Dedicated to helping dogs and cats that do not have homes, or anyone to care for them. http://www.animalsinneed.net/ | |
85. Cat Shelter Near Melbourne, Victoria ... Adopt A Rescue Cat From Ingrid's Haven Cat rescue and adoption centre near Melbourne. http://users.ssc.net.au/ingridshaven/ | |
86. Australian Wildlife Protection Council A site dedicated to the issues surrounding the Kangaroo Industry and other wildlife in Australia. http://www.awpc.org.au | |
87. The Pet Fund A registered nonprofit association that provides financial assistance to owners of domestic animals who need urgent veterinary care. http://www.thepetfund.com/ | |
88. United Animal Nations A national non-profit animal advocacy organization whose mission is to protect animals in danger or need and to focus global attention on their plight to create a more humane world. http://www.uan.org/ |
89. Pet Care Services Association Non-profit trade association for nearly 3000 pet care service businesses in the United States and around the world. Provides search for facilities, events, membership, and information about services. http://www.petcareservices.org/ | |
90. Animaux Sans Frontieres ( Animal Protection Foundation) - Animals Without Fronti International animal and nature organization. News, petitions, campaigns, and an Internet based animal identification system. http://www.aniweb.org/ | |
91. Home: Born Free Foundation International wildlife charity working to prevent cruelty and alleviate suffering. News, educational materials, photos, FAQ, and information about ways for individuals to become involved. http://www.bornfree.org.uk/ | |
92. Dog Aid International Volunteer organisation sponsoring programs to help abandoned, abused or neglected dogs. Includes details of sterilisation campaigns in Bali and Australia, as well as fundraising calendar and merchandise sales. http://www.dogaid.org |
93. Animal Adoptions, Wildlife Protection, Wildlife Conservation, Stopping The Illeg International wildlife charity dedicated to protecting animals from cruelty and exploitation. Includes fact sheets, news, information about current projects, and an online shop. http://www.careforthewild.org/ | |
94. Pet Adoption Dog N Cat Events Pet adoptions service with information on pet events, advice, and veterinary care. http://www.petbond.com/ |
95. Exotic Animal/Alternative Pet Rescue Groups - Listed By Location - National Alte Listing of rescues and shelters around the world. http://www.altpet.net/Rescue/ | |
96. Noah's Wish Saving Animals In Disasters: Education • Rescue • Recovery Rescues and shelters animals during disasters throughout the United States. Includes how to help and volunteer opportunities. http://noahswish.org/ |
97. Shy Wolf Sanctuary Education And Experience Center -Exotic Rescue Wolves, Wolfdo Offers sanctuary and a home to exotic, stray and injured animals, as well as an educational program. Naples, Florida. http://www.shywolfsanctuary.com/ | |
98. Global Federation Of Animal Sanctuaries Accrediting organization for sanctuaries worldwide. Includes aims, operation and contact information. Washington DC. http://sanctuaryfederation.org/ | |
99. Wolf Haven International | Working For Wolf Conservation Wolf sanctuary located in Washington State. http://www.wolfhaven.org/ |
100. Wild Animals Rescue Foundation Of Thailand- Wildlife Project Organizations By WA The foundation runs several sanctuaries which care for injured and orphaned wildlife. http://www.warthai.org/ | |
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