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1. Art References - Muppet Wiki The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total. http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Art_References | |
2. Public Art Around The World - Pubic Art References Pubic Art References Books, Articles and websites used in the research for Pubic Art Around The World. http://www.publicartaroundtheworld.com/Pubic_Art_References.html | |
3. Chadra.com Visual Art - Art References Page Chadra.com Visual Art Art References Directory Visual Art - Art References This website was created in 2000 to focus on the visual arts and originally was based on the http://www.chadra.com/art_references.htm | |
4. Art Reference Sources: Image And Photo Resources On The Internet how to find art references; online image photo resource; picture source; visual reference material; artist research; 3d http://www.suite101.com/content/art-references-a32309 |
5. Home - Art History Research - LibGuides At West Virginia University a guide to the Art History resources available at the WVU Libraries http://libguides.wvu.edu/content.php?pid=30305&sid=342553 |
6. Frick Art Reference Library Repository for the documentation and visual study of Western Art. Open to scholars and art professionals both in person and via email or telephone. http://www.frick.org/library/ | |
7. Frick Art Reference Library Mission Scope of the Collection. The Frick Art Reference Library was founded in 1920 to serve “adults with a serious interest in art,” among them scholars, art professionals http://www.frick.org/library/index.htm | |
8. Ceramic Art References - Link Directory Ceramic Arts Link Directory and Resources Links in Category Ceramic Art References. Clay related magazines, dictionary or terminology resources, wiki's, and charts. http://www.claystation.com/link_directory/ceramic-art-references-77/ |
9. Performing Arts Reading Room (Library Of Congress) Searchable index of information on theatre, dance and music. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. http://www.loc.gov/rr/perform/ | |
10. Art.Net: Art References: Links To Other Art Related Sites... Lists many Art Related Sites found on the WWWeb. Includes listings of artist studios, collectives, galleries, museums and artist shows and exhibits. http://www.art.net/Links/Artref/artref.html | |
11. German Artists German artists List of great German artists and index to where their art can be viewed at art museums worldwide. http://www.artcyclopedia.com/nationalities/German.html | |
12. Music/Dance Library Articles, books and reference tools. Athens, Ohio. http://www.library.ohiou.edu/music/ | |
13. ART REFERENCES | JOAKIMPAZ | Fotki.com, Photo And Video Sharing Made Easy. photos of JOAKIMPAZ ART REFERENCES MANCHESTER BUILDINGS. 20 CENTURIES IN 20 PICTURES From Roman Invasions to XXI century http://public.fotki.com/joakimpaz/art-references/ |
14. Biotech Claims Found To Be Over Combinations Of Prior Art References. | Mondaq B Biotech Claims Found to Be Over Combinations of Prior Art References. from Mondaq Business Briefing provided by Find Articles at BNET http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_go1494/is_200303/ai_n7590165/ | |
15. Japanese Tattoo Art - Artelino Introduction and background on Japanese tattoo art with reference to tattoo images in Japanese prints. http://www.artelino.com/articles/japanese_tattoo_art.asp | |
16. ART References Fan Forum Forum Starmen.Net A lot of art forums have a thread like this, so maybe the Fan forum will benefit from one. What are references? For me, these are sites that are good places for artists to http://forum.starmen.net/forum/Fan/Forum/ART-References |
17. DeviantART: Sweetcivic's Journal: Art References Art community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. http://sweetcivic.deviantart.com/journal/13963515/ |
18. Stony Hill Antiques And Gallery Home Page Offers textiles, paintings, fine arts and reference books from Guatemala, Ecuador, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru and Cuba. http://stony-hill-madison.com | |
19. Nicolai Stepanovich - CG Society Hi! Raphael Sonsino is using Pinterest, a social catalog. Pin things you love. Follow people with great taste. Join today to start following Raphael's pins. http://pinterest.com/pin/328819/ |
20. Steve, Jeanette, And Marc's Final Project Project with art references and object construction lessons. http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~demo5337/s97b/ | |
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