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41. Art.Net (also Known As "Art On The Net") Artists helping artists come online to the Internet and the WWWeb. Sharing art from the source the artists themselves. http://www.art.net/ | |
42. Gemini Art Books Specializing in rare art reference and illustrated books, signed first editions, livres d artistes, and surrealism. Online catalog and contact information. http://www.geminibooks.com/ | |
43. Art References reviews of fine arts, music, drama, TV, film. cinema, sculptire, drawing, painting, ceramics, dance, http://www.wordtrade.com/arts/artreferenceR.htm | |
44. Christopher Chippindale's Web Space Contains text of several papers and publications, mostly authored by Chippindale, a researcher at Cambridge University. http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/projects/Chip/Chip001.htm | |
45. TeacherArtExchange (Education At The Getty) - Art References-k-5 Note To protect the privacy of our members, email addresses have been removed from the archived messages. As a result, some links may be broken. http://www.getty.edu/education/teacherartexchange/archive/May01/0369.html |
46. Colorado Historical Society Rock Art References Bibliography of Colorado sites, conservation issues, dating methods, research, regional studies, and videos. http://coloradohistory-oahp.org/publications/pubs/1205b.pdf |
47. Aps - Art References http//www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/ Information on what is available at the Art Gallery of NSW http//www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/ed/myvirtualgallery http://aps.wikispaces.com/Art References |
48. Petroglyphs & Rock Art - Los Lunas, Valencia County, New Mexico Bill Porter supplies photographs of a previously unpublished site near Los Lunas, New Mexico, together with general information on petroglyphs and rock art, with references. http://www.wcp-nm.com/rockart/ | |
49. TeacherArtExchange (Education At The Getty) - Re: Art References-k-5 Note To protect the privacy of our members, email addresses have been removed from the archived messages. As a result, some links may be broken. http://www.getty.edu/artsednet/hm/May01/0384.html |
50. Ullmann's Encyclopedia Of Industrial Chemistry - Wiley Online Library The state-of-the-art reference work detailing the science and technology in all areas of industrial chemistry. Now online with nearly 1000 major articles, written by some 3,000 authors. http://mrw.interscience.wiley.com/emrw/9783527306732/home/ | |
51. AHGttM: Other Art References ther art references. Movies about photography, movies that evoke certain artworks or genres without reproducing them, movies for which the titles are unknown, and other http://personal1.stthomas.edu/cdeliason/ahgttm0other.htm | |
52. The Frick Collection: Home Page Repository for the documentation and visual study of Western Art. Open to scholars and art professionals - undergraduates need a letter of introduction. http://www.frick.org |
53. Apocalyptic Art: References Apocalyptic Art in the Medieval, Renaissance and Modern Eras by Lina Portolese, Tina Borsum, Alex Nam http://catholic-resources.org/Students/ApocalypticArt/References.htm | |
54. Online Art References (This page has been here a long time. Some of the links are no longer valid.) http://www.indigenouspeople.net/artref.htm | |
55. Rock Art References OAHP 1205 Rev. 03/2007 Rock Art References Colorado Sites and Localities Barnes, Sharon 1982 Petroglyphs and Pictographs of the San Luis Valley, Colorado. http://www.coloradohistory-oahp.org/publications/pubs/1205.pdf |
56. Crunruh Books Art References - Electronic Resources Artprice Do you have a work of art that may be valuable but lack access to information to find out? Now you can find out by searching over 4 million auction results through http://www.crunruh.com/category/30.50/ | |
57. Notebook Art References and Resources. A developing context for understanding visual arts experience through broad areas of consideration, which include Dimensions, Approaches http://www.noteaccess.com/ | |
58. Art References(Brief) Visitors’ Briefing Room, Level 1 31 August3 September 2009 Arts Collections @ the National Library, Singapore http://www.slideshare.net/artlibrarians/art-referencesbrief-1939895 |
59. Redbush's Brambles: More Spring Art References Yesterday was a very beautiful spring day in Redbush's world, so, she decided to go out to the lease and get more camera shots for potential use in her artworks. http://redbushsbrambles.blogspot.com/2009/04/more-spring-art-references.html | |
60. Dog Complex (with Art References) | Elefant Traks *WARNING Listening to the work of Elefant Traks artists can have side effects. In a small percentage of listeners, it has caused them to form their own opinions. http://www.elefanttraks.com/node/5434 | |
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