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21. 5th Battalion Officer Attends Leadership Conference ''The panel included Asian American military leaders from captains to rear admirals offering advice and answering question on how they personally succeeded in the DoD. http://www.dcmilitary.com/stories/073108/trident_28231.shtml | |
22. Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran Current Affairs Asia Times Online. The Asia News Hub providing the latest news and analysis regarding economics, events and trends in business, economy and politics throughout Asia. http://atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/JB22Ak01.html |
23. Article Not Found - ROTC - Military.com Four officers established the Naval Officer Mentorship Association (NOMA) for officers with Asian or Filipino ancestry. The organization's roots started about six years ago when http://rotc.military.com/rotc/news-article.jsf?aid=172083&cms=1 |
24. DefenseLINK - Asian-Pacific Heritage Month HOME Biographies deputy commanding general for support 3rd u.s. army Maj. Gen. antonio m. taguba Undersecretary of Defense David S.C. Chu Secretary of Labor http://www.defense.gov/specials/Asianpacific/asianpacific04/sites.html | |
25. Asian Pacific American Heritage Month A Celebration Of Diversity In May, Americans celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with community festivals, parades and cultural performances. People of Asian descent comprise the thirdlargest http://www.america.gov/st/diversity-english/2008/May/20080502093710xlrennef0.877 | |
26. Asian And Pacific American Heritage Related Events DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Tuesday, May 5 Location Crystal City, Virginia TaiChi Workshop organized by Commerce's Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) http://clinton2.nara.gov/WH/New/APAHM/events.html | |
27. Diversity In The Military Articles On DiversityInc.com DiversityInc publishes DiversityInc magazine, DiversityInc.com and DiversityIncBestPractices.com. DiversityInc.com includes the leading diversity career center for professionals http://www.diversityinc.com/department/310/Diversity-in-the-Military/ | |
28. Military Leaders Speak At Japanese Veterans’ Luncheon Where Asian America Gathers U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka, chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs and an honorary chairman of the Japanese American Veterans http://www.asianweek.com/2008/11/06/military-leaders-speak-at-japanese-veterans- |
29. Health And Health Care Of Southeast Asian American HEALTH AND HEALTH CARE OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN AMERICAN ELDERS Vietnamese, Cambodian, Hmong and Laotian Elders Barbara W.K. Yee, PhD Department of Health Promotion and Gerontology, http://www.stanford.edu/group/ethnoger/southeastasian.html | |
30. United States - Data Sets - American FactFinder Datasets American Community Survey The American Community Survey is a nationwide survey designed to provide communities a fresh look at how they are changing. http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/DatasetMainPageServlet?_program=ACS&_la |
31. The American / Viet Nam War : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History, Demographi Article about the historical origins, characteristics, and political, economic, and social consequences of the Viet Nam/American War. http://www.asian-nation.org/vietnam-war.shtml |
32. Asian Americans In The U.S. Military The Asian American Studies Program At The 1120 Cole Student Activities Building, College Park, MD 20742 301.405.0996 www.aast.umd.edu aast@umd.edu http://aast.wordpress.com/2007/07/04/asian-americans-in-the-us-military/ |
33. Asian American Heroes Born in South Korea and raised in Chicago, his successes have paved the way for aspiring Asian American military officers to come. In the same light, but in an extremely different http://www.asianweek.com/2008/05/25/asian-american-heroes/ |
34. Yellowworld Forums The official discussion forums of Yellowworld.org View Full Version Yellowworld Forums http://forums.yellowworld.org/archive/index.php/t-9618.html | |
35. Asian And Pacific Studies - Historical Photographs An annotated Internet guide to Asian and Pacific Studies Ciolek, T. Matthew (ed.). 2008present. Asian Pacific Studies - Historical Photographs. http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVLPages/AsianPages/Asian-Historical-Photographs.html | |
36. American History American History Megasites top. American Memory http//memory.loc.gov/ Search, browse and learn from the Historical Collections for the National Digital http://www.ba.k12.ok.us/schools/ecm/m/amerhis.htm | |
37. Seeking Stamp Of Approval - Page 2 - Los Angeles Times The Nisei veterans stamp would be the first to honor an Asian American military group, he said. The Postal Service's citizens' stamp advisory committee is to begin formally http://articles.latimes.com/2007/dec/21/local/me-stamp21/2 |
38. Jiskha Homework Help - Eth 125 351,000 of Asian American military veterans. 75 percent of Asian and Pacific islander men age 16 and over and 59 percent of women are in the civilian labor force. http://www.jiskha.com/display.cgi?id=1231565039 |
39. Vicki Lee (leebenvic) On Twitter Married to Ben, Mom of 4 kids (6, 10, 12, 14 yrs) + a puppy in an AsianAmerican, military, homeschooling family, followers of Christ, enjoy sharing useful tips http://twitter.com/leebenvic | |
40. FAV Veterans Database Asian American. Military Journalist. B.A. journalism - San Francisco State University. J.D. - law - Golden Gate University School of Law. http://www.fav.org/index.cfm?action=t_Vetdtl&VetID=27 |
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