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61. The Oldest Stone Tools Found In Southeast Asia Potentially Rewrites Our Understa A hand axe found in Perak, peninsular Malaysia has been dated to 1.87 million years, making it the oldest stone tool discovered in the part of the world. More significantly, this http://www.southeastasianarchaeology.com/2009/02/02/the-oldest-stone-tools-found |
62. Demolishing 19th Century Paradigms | Varnam It was a long speech, but he was very clear about the message. Delivering the inaugural address at the 19th International Conference on South Asian Archeology http://varnam.org/blog/2007/11/demolishing_19th_century_parad/ |
63. Archeological Society Of Virginia Organization of amateurs and professionals working for the proper conservation and exploration of archeological sites and materials in Virginia. http://asv-archeology.org/ | |
64. Bachelor Degree In Archeology At Boston University A wide variety of professional journals and publications, including Geoarcheology, the Journal of Field Archeology, and the Journal of East Asian Archeology, are edited by members http://www.universities.com/edu/Bachelor_degree_in_Archeology_at_Boston_Universi | |
65. Midwest Archeological Center Home, National Park Service Lincoln, Nebraska. Dedicated to the study, interpretation and preservation of archeological resources within the National Park System and providing support and consultation to other government agencies. Featured project reports, photographs, and publications. http://www.nps.gov/history/mwac/ |
66. How South Asian Archeaology Class Informed Anthropology Career - Adam Carter In Chapter 9 or 16, microphilanthropist and humanitarian Adam Carter derivates from his cultural anthropology major to take South Asian Archeology at Universit http://blip.tv/file/3856249/ | |
67. National Park Service Archaeology Program Provides information on research in the parks, regional centers and offices and the federal archeology program. http://www.nps.gov/history/archeology/ |
68. Amazing Thailand (Jim) Regarding beadmaking near Chaiya, I based my suggestion that glass beads were manufactured there on reports by Basa in Southeast Asian Archeology, 1990, and Ratcharit, 1985 http://www.thebeadsite.com/B-LTHAI.htm | |
69. Massive Archeological Excavations In Mysterious Bulgarian Mountain - Novinite.co From Novinite, Bulgarian archeologists will start massive excavations in the eastern part of the Rhodope Mountain known as a region extraordinarily rich in archeology finds. http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=19924 |
70. Dr. M.J. (Marijke) Klokke - Members - Faculty Of Humanities In Lobo, W. Reimann, S. (Ed.), Southeast Asian Archeology 1998. (pp. 8598). Hull Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hull. Klokke, M.J. (2000). http://www.hum.leiden.edu/lias/staff/klokkemj.html | |
71. Links To The Past Archeology Information for the public and professionals from the National Park Service includes illustrated, popular articles or longer reports on sites, indexed by state. http://www.nps.gov/history/archeology.htm |
72. Iran's Burnt City Dazzels West [Archive] - Iran Defense Forum Iranian archeologists have dazzled scholars with articles on the Burnt City at the nineteenth conference on South Asian archeology. Ravenna campus at the University of Bologna in http://www.irandefence.net/archive/index.php/t-18151.html | |
73. National Archeological Database A computerized communications network from the National Park Service. Includes reports, the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act, GIS maps, and permits. http://www.nps.gov/history/archeology/TOOLS/nadb.htm |
74. The Silk Road Society - Home Travelthesilkroad.org announces a new publication worked with in cooperation with the Central Asian Archeology Group and Turkeston Art Company http://www.travelthesilkroad.org/ | |
75. Archeological Testing And Consulting Cultural resources management company with experience in Maryland and Virginia. Staff, company specialities, federal and state archeological requirements. http://www.fortunecity.com/business/startup/1207/index.html |
76. Ahmad Hasan Dani Professor Ahmad Hasan Dani, who has died aged 88, was Pakistan's leading archaeologist and an authority on south and central Asian archeology and history. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/259800.html | |
77. Textile Conservation - Conservation Manual - Conservation Research Laboratory - Includes information on archeological textile conservation methods and treatments. Part of a larger collection of conservation files for archeological materials from underwater sites. Author Donny L. Hamilton. http://nautarch.tamu.edu/crl/conservationmanual/File8.htm | |
78. Asia Recent Grants American Council of Learned Societies, New York, NY—For renewal of an individual fellowship program through the Luce Initiative on East and Southeast Asian Archeology and Early http://www.hluce.org/asiagrants.aspx |
79. Instytut Archeologii - Start Struktura Instytutu, historia, projekty badawcze. http://archeolog.iaepan.edu.pl | |
80. Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, ISEAS Southeast Asian Archeology Archaeological information and research data on Southeast Asia. Research Institutions Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) http://www.iseas.edu.sg/nsc/research_tools.htm | |
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