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41. Other Denominations When was the Assemblies of God Religion founded? I recently received at work a pamphlet entitled Is the Virgin Mary Dead or Alive? http://www.dioceseoflincoln.org/purple/denominations/ |
42. Greens Call For Hatz To Stand Up To Hillsong & Suspend Shine — John Kaye, Gree He needs to resolve the suggestions that Shine is pushing the Assemblies of God religion, that it undermines teachers in the school and that it could be damaging the selfimage and http://johnkaye.org.au/media/greens-call-for-hatz-to-stand-up-to-hillsong-suspen |
43. Investigating Teen Challenge: Dogemperor At Daily Kos: An In-Depth Series On Abu In other words, sign onto the Assemblies of God religion, walk the walk, speak in tongues etc . or you'll go to jail. Doesn't this smack of civil rights violations!!!? http://teenchallengecult.blogspot.com/2008/05/daily-kos-dogemperor-teen-challeng | |
44. Ken Peters Return Of Covenant Pastor Agreement And Explanation Of Events A letter from former Pastor of New Hope Family Worship Center Church in Corona, California, to congregants and New Hope's response and explanation of his return of the Covenant http://www.scribd.com/doc/350842/Ken-Peters-return-of-Covenant-Pastor-Agreement- |
45. Never Discuss Religion And Politics | IMPOLITE TOPICS Assemblies of God religion religion and politics Bible in public schools Authority And The Bible Word of God Sarah Palin IRS God's authority Texas State Board Of Education Lord's Prayer http://kalindarosestevenson.com/ImpoliteTopics/tag/never-discuss-religion-and-po | |
46. Teen-Challenge-The Ministry Of God - Topix In other words, sign onto the Assemblies of God religion, walk the walk, speak in tongues etc .or you'll go to jail. Doesn't this smack of civil rights violations!!!? http://www.topix.com/forum/blogs/TEV4TDE8D9LDKTISS |
47. Heavenly Lecture By Percy Collet These matters involve the credibility of the Assemblies of God religion. Could you please inform me what the situation regarding Dr. Collet is. http://users.adam.com.au/bstett/ReligColletPercy7.htm | |
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